♡Part 28♡

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My mind is in a haze. I don't even know what happened or how I ended up on the ground crying in Toms arms. All I know is that I'm sick and tired of this life. This whole situation.

I wish I never met them. If I'd just ignored Gustav then nothing like this would've happened. I wouldn't have to go through this.

I'm tightly hugging Tom as he runs his hands through my hair not saying a word. My cries slowly begin to die down and he peels my arms off of him and stands up. He offers me his hand and I take it.

Tom turns around a walks toward the door. "I can't do this anymore Tom." I whisper. Tom stops moving. He turns his head to the side. "What do you mean?.."

I swallow and take a deep breath. "I mean that... I don't wanna— I wish I never met you guys." I feel tears sting my eyes but I hold them back.

This time Tom looks forward and puts his hand on the door handle. "Okay." He opens the door and exits the room, closing the door behind him.

That's when I break into a million pieces. I can't do it anymore. I just wish that I'd never moved or when to that school. That stupid fucking school. I wish that I never decided to sit next to Gustav and befriend him.

I hate everyone. I hate everyone in my life so much. It hurts it hurts it hurts.

I hate Tom.

I hate Bill.

I hate Gustav.

I hate Georg.

I hate Jayla.

I hate Kiara.

I hate myself.

I'm so exhausted from that I end up falling asleep on the floor.

Finally I'm at my front doorstep. I open the door and walk in to see my family sitting and enjoying breakfast. Dad sees me. "Kiara! Oh my goodness you won't believe what happened!" He runs up to me and gives me a tight hug. As well as my siblings.

My dad then points to someone facing all of us from the kitchen island. "Mom?!" I say. My eyes widen. "Hello sweetheart.. how was the tour?"

I drop my bags and begins backing up outside. My mom stands up. "Where are you going? Aren't you gonna give mommy a hug?"

"This is just some nightmare" I think to myself. "It's an illusion. She's messing with me."

"Sweetheart where are you going? Your mom is okay now. Somehow she magically could feel her legs again and stand up. Aren't you happy?"

I run to my bike and get on it. I begin making my way to the beach.

All that's going through my head is how my mom was in the club while we were on tour and how she's standing up all of the sudden.

She looked so raggedy and old. Very wrinkled. Her hair is very short and gray. Her eyes are a green but from afar it looks like a light gray.

I push off my bike as I arrive at the beach and I run towards the shore. I as I slowly come to a stop I feel tears well up in my eyes. Everything is too much for me.

"You okay?" I hear a familiar voice from behind me say. I turn around and see Quinn. Her red hair messy cause of the wind. Her blue eyes shiny. She looked beautiful in the moment as the sunset shined on her.

I wipe at my tears and shake my head. "Well what's wrong?" She says softly placing a hand on my back. Trying to sooth me.

"I feel so much right now and it's overwhelming." I say looking down. "Well.. I know how that feels... sorta." She giggles a bit.

"Wait.. you were at the club!" I turn around with a angry look on my face. "We're you stalking us?!!" I yell.

Quinn takes a step back, holding her hands up in surrender. "No, I just wanted to see them preform! That's it I swear."

I huff and turn back around. "Tom hates me." I look up at the sunset. "He hates me so much that it hurts me."

Toms POV:

"I hate her so much that it hurts me." I say. Bill hugs me and I hug him back. "Let's never let a girl stand in between amour relationship okay?" Bill says pulling back.

I nod. "But I still can't get over the fact that she said she wish she never met us."

"She's probably just going through some things right now so maybe we just have to be patient.

We've been patient for over five months and she has cut all contact with all of us. Including Jayla. She's been hanging out with Quinn which makes my blood boil.

Why the fuck is she hanging out with Quinn of all people?! She stopped sitting next to Gustav in English and has been ignoring us every time we try to talk to her.

She really meant what she said. She really fucking did.

Kiaras POV:

I hate that I miss them. I hate that I cry while looking at pictures of old us. I miss them so much but the only way I believe I can ever talk to them again normally is to heal. But the only way I can heal is to forget them. But then how will I talk to them? How can I heal and still wanna talk to them when they are the problem.

Or maybe it's something else. Maybe they aren't the problem. Maybe I'm just crazy. Maybe I should forget them.


Update: hi guys I feel like giving up on this book bc a lot a people don't rlly like how Kiara is acting and it's making me unmotivated to continue on bc that's how Kiara is. She's confusing and hard to deal with.

I hope you enjoyed and make sure to please vote !! :3

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