♡Part 15♡

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It's been two weeks since the incident and I feel a lot better. I got a new bike and everyone at school isn't giving me the dirty looks but is giving Olivia the dirty looks and surprisingly someone tried to jump her.

Olivia is Toms girlfriend and she's been wrapped around his finger since god knows when. I can even see on his face sometimes that he's uncomfortable.

Jayla sits down next to Georg and places her tray on the table. "So what are we talking about?" Jayla says fixing her posture. "Oh uh just about who might've broken Kiara's bike" Tom says.

I'm still in love with him and it's clear as day that I am. So that made him decide to sit across from me at lunch.

"Well who do you think it is?" Jayla asks, popping a piece of an apple in her mouth. "Olivia" Gustav says chuckling. Tom kicks him from underneath the table. "Shut up" Toms girlfriend smirks in my direction. "Ow, What the fuck man!"

I roll my eyes and stand up. "Where are you going?" Bill asks tugging on my arm. "I'm leaving I just need some fresh air." I say. "Are you sure? You don't really sound okay." Bill let's go of my arm. "I know I know I just—" I grip my head.

"I don't know.." I turn around and begin walking towards the double doors. I push them open and soon enough tears fill my eyes but I suppress them. I quickly walk towards the doors that lead to outside but I feel a hand grab my wrist.

I turn around. Of course.. Tom. "Kiara." He says firmly. I ignore him and turn around. I try to rip my hand from his grip but it's too tight. I turn back around with a huff. "What do you want." He let's go. "I want to talk." He then grabs my hand and leads me to the janitors closet.

"Oh what memories!" I say sarcastically. "Kiara just stop." Tom says, rubbing his temple. I cross my arms and wait for a response. "I know you hate her and personally I do too." Tom says letting his arms fall back to his sides. I chuckle. "Wait so— but you called her the one"  I say raising my eyebrows.

"Kiara—" I cut him off. "I don't wanna fucking hear it. I grab the door handle but Tom grabs me and slams me onto the wall. "Just fucking listen!" He yells. He swallows. "I— she knew." He says looking away. "What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"I mean she knew we— did that thing!"  He bites his lip. "I'm sorry okay. She said if I didn't date her she would tell the whole school and I didn't want any more pressure put onto you Kiara I swear!"

Tears fill my eyes. "I'm sorry.." he wraps his arms around me and I break into sobs. I hug him tightly, glad that he wasn't just some asshole that needed to be taught a lesson.

I break away from the hug. "How are you gonna deal with Olivia then?" Tom shakes his head. "I don't know." He says. "But I will and I know I will."

He leans in closer. My breath catches. His lips are so close to mine. His hand goes to my cheek and he closes the gap between us and kisses me softly and a little desperate. He presses his body against mine.

I open my eyes and push him away. "I—" I put my hand on my forehead. "I can't do this." I open the door and walk out.

Finishing homework is the best feeling ever. You can't lie but when all of the thoughts that have been running through your mind come back. That's when I hate it.

Tom.. oh what shall I do about him. I can't just avoid him cause I'm not a bitch. But.. I don't know. "Oh my god!" I groan into a pillow. I sit up and think.

Think Kiara think!

Um.. I don't have anything. I slowly drag myself off my bed and to my door. I go downstairs and into the kitchen where I see my dad cooking.

"What are you making?" I ask walking towards him. He jumps at my sudden appearance. "Oh uh lasagna." He says turning his head toward me. He smiles. I smile back. "Do you need anything?" He asks taking off oven mitts.

"Yes actually." I say opening the freezer and taking out one of the ice cream tubs. The one I take out has gummy bears in them. "Ahh any boy problems?" He asks leaning against the kitchen island. "How'd you know?" I say with a mouthful of ice cream. "Because you never eat ice cream randomly." "Fuck you" I say laughing.

He chuckles. "So.. talk to me. What's going on?" He places a hand on his hip. "Do I have to?" I ask scooping up more ice cream. "Yes"


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