♡Part 30♡

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I finally pull up to the restaurant and grab my things. I'm gonna meet Simone today for lunch. She wants to tell me everything that's been going on with Tom and Bill.

I enter the restaurant and scan the room before my eyes land on a familiar blonde woman. I rush up to her and sit in front of her. "Hey!" I say enthusiastically.

She looks up and me and smiles. Simone looks back down to the book she's reading. "Watcha reading there?" I ask trying to see for myself.

"Oh sorry, nothing!" She places the book in her purse next to her. "So.. how's everything going with your kids?" She asks smiling.

"Well everyone is getting amazing grades and Kiara has been making me cute little notes when she can and she leaves it on my bed before I come home from work." I smile at the thought.

"Ugh how adorable! Anyway I already ordered for the both of us cause I know what you like." She winks at me and I grin.

I sit up straight and listen to her talk on and on about how Tom and Bill are going through bullying and how she's worried about them.

The drinks arrive and the waitress tells us our food will be here in about fifteen minutes. "Thank you!" I say Turing back to Simone but that's when I see a tear trickle down her cheek.

She wipes the test with the back of her hand. "Hey.. it's gonna be okay. They'll grow up and become successful! Here I'll get you some tissues." I say getting up from my seat. I walk over to a waitress and ask them if he has some tissues or even a handkerchief and he gives me one.

I walk back over to the table and give the tissue to her. She wipes her eyes with it and sips her drink. "Sorry I'm just.. I'm so worried for them.."

I give her a smile and reassure her that everything is going to be fine. I take a sip of my drink as well. Then the food arrives.

I feel a sharp pain in my chest and my throat closes off. The kids are playing in the backseat and my husband is watching outside the window while I'm driving.

We're on the highway and that's probably the worst place to have this—

I cough up blood. "Honey—" I say in a screechy voice. My chest is tightening up a lot. "Hey you okay?" My husband says rubbing my back.

My chest hurts a lot so so so much and I can't breathe. My husband sees the blood on my pants and immediately starts to panic. I abruptly stop the car and immediately the car gets hit from behind.

Only the corner of my eyes were dark but now everything is starting to fade away. Everything.


I turn around immediately and see Tom standing in front of me. I can't help but only stare at him as he stares straight back at me.

"I— I have to go" I turn around and begin moving to the exit but he catches my arm. "Stop. Don't leave." He says in a cold tone.

I stop but I don't turn around. I just look down at the ground, ashamed. "You can't keep avoiding us you know that right?"

"Oh so you care now out of all times?!" I say, turning around. "You're being unreasonable Kiara!" He yells.

"Just because you're life is so messed up doesn't mean you can bitch and whine about it half the time you're around people!"

I'm stunned. Everyone's eyes are on me. Even Quinn's eyes. A smirk is planted on her face and she looks like she's about to burst into laughter.

He grabs my arm and drags me outside. "Get off me asshole!" I say trying to get his hand off me but I fail. "Stop fucking struggling first of all, second of all we need to talk." He says, keeping a grip on my wrist.

"Talk about what, about how you cheated on me?!" I yell.

"You still care about that?! I thought you said you still loved me five months ago." He says cooly.

"Fuck you Tom Kaulitz!" I say as he stops. "Fuck you too Kiara Berman."

I can't believe this shit. I don't even know why I'm behind a club with this asswipe. I don't even know why I didn't yell fire.

"So? What were you gonna say?" I say, crossing my arms.

"You're pretty sexy with that dress on, but I wanted to clear things up with you. I didn't wanna hurt you I swear I just... I guess that's how I am when I'm drunk?" He says more like a question.

"That's not an—"

"Not an excuse? I know."

"Then why'd you say it?"

"Cause it's the truth sweetheart." He gets closer to me and cups my chin.

"No. I'm not doing this with you Tom." I say turning my head. He turns it back towards him. "Too bad there's no choice." He leans closer to me and closer and closer and closer. When he finally decides to kiss me.

I take in the moment with a deep breath and I kiss him back, softly. My stomach has butterflies bouncing off the walls and I fell amazing in this moment.

He pulls away finally and I fell myself fill with dread. "Bye." He says smirking. "Wha— Tom what the fuck!"

He's already walking back towards the entrance as I yell things that I will not mention at him.

Okay guys so I've thought about it and I won't give up on this book but I really hope you like this part.

Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now