Chapter 1

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Shadows POV

I was just resting in the trees, breathing in the cool crisp fall air and letting the wind blow through my quills. Everything was perfect. Until I heard an obnoxious beeping coming from my quills. I reached in, rummaging through them a bit till I grabbed the source of the noise. It was a small communicator. The G.U.N had given me and Rouge one to inform us if we had a mission, but somehow a few other numbers snuck their way into my contacts. I pressed a small red button on the bottom of the device, the caller ID appearing on the screen seconds after.

"What the?"

I mumbled to myself, looking at the name 'Faker' in bold letters. I pressed the small button again, the obnoxious beeping sound immediately stopping as loud explosions and screaming emitted from the device.


Sonics voice distorted away, the call hanging up a moment after. I sat up from the branch I laid on, stretching my arms above my head and taking in a deep breath. I wasn't really worried about it, to me it sounded like every other fight with a doctor. Despite my body's crave to just lay back down, I shoved the communicator back into my quills and pulled out my beautiful green chaos emerald.


I yelled, a bright white light consuming my vision as I teleported. A few moments later, I found myself standing in the heart of the battle. Destroyed and burning buildings surrounded the area as loud shrikes and cries echoed through the smoke infested air. My ears perked up as I heard very familiar voices, the first one to catch my attention being Rouges voice.

"Hey hun! Glad you could make it, now how about giving us a hand will ya?"

Rouge coughed, holding her hand to her stomach as she was backed against a wall. This made me slightly more concerned. Rouge only showed up if it was serious, it must have been really bad considering she was helping as well. I looked to the direction she was facing, watching as Knuckles, Amy, Tails and, as I expected, Faker covered in scratch and scrapes while looking up at the Robot. The robot was covered in spikes from head to toe, large chain maces replaced where its arms should have been.


Sonic yelled, catching my attention quickly as his voice was harsh. I dashed over beside him, watching him press his glove against a large scrape on his arm while the rest of his body was covered in smaller scrapes and pricks.

"The robot.. I can't spin dash it, punch it.. or kick it without getting stabbed... Think you could help?"

Sonic panted, looking over at me with half lidded eyes. I sternly nodded, a small smirk tugged at the ends of my lips when presented the challenge. I ran a couple loops around the large robot, causing it to stumble on its own feet and wobble around a bit. When it was still stumbling, I ran up the tallest building I could find, pushing myself off of it and lunging at the robot preparing to hit it with a chaos spear. I struck it with the chaos spear, small bits of electricity sparked off it as it tripped and fell against one of the crumbling buildings around it. I landed on my feet, dusting off the debris and concrete dust that covered parts of my body. I winced at a stinging pain from my arm, noticing a large scrape that began to bleed, holding my hand up to it to stop the bleeding. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings, until I felt myself being harshly shoved backwards, loud shouting and crumbling sounds echoed around me.

In the few seconds I found myself in the situation it felt like a fever dream, everything around me slightly hazy and blurry. I snapped out of that train of thought when I finally landed on the ground, looking up at the one who had pushed me to see non other than that Faker. My eyes widened as I saw why he had shoved me plummeting down on him, seemingly crushing him as a large dust cloud flew into everyone around the scenes faces. Amy and Tails shrieked Sonics name for the millionth time while Knuckles and Rouge started digging through the large chunks of concrete, Amy and Tails following their action as well while tears streamed down their faces. I was in shock. Despite the countless times I pestered and mocked him for not being fast enough, I found myself wishing that he was in that moment. I quickly rushed over to the scene, digging through the wreckage faster than the others around me. I threw another large chunk of the building away, revealing the once white, now dirty glove I had seen countless times.


I yelled, despite the others being a few feet away from me. I hauled the large chunk of concrete that covered the rest of his body, revealing his beat up and motionless body. I yanked him out of the wreckage, quickly pulling two fingers to his wrist to check his pulse. I let out a sigh I hadn't even realized I was holding when I felt two faint beats against my fingers. I whispered under my breath, looking down at his limp figure.

"What have I done..?"

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