Chapter 27

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Third POV

"Are you alright?"

Shadow cooed, gently placing Sonic down on a nearby table and scratching the back of his ear. Sonic purred from the action, a small smile finding its way onto his muzzle.

"I'm okay Shadow, just a little.. surprised is all."

Sonic hummed, leaning into the touch a bit more.

"I never thought Amy would stoop to such a low level."

Tails mused, a deep huff coming after his words as he simultaneously scratched the back of his head.

"I knew something was off when she oddly knew where I lived despite never showing or telling her.."

Shadow muttered to himself, loud enough for Sonic and Tails to hear. The three sat in silence, all too absorbed in their own thoughts to brake the silence.

"We'll we should get going back to the house, it was nice seeing you again miles."

Shadow hummed, grabbing hold of both Sonics waist and his crutches. With a quick sigh Tails gave a small smile.

"It was good seeing you too, even though you were being a bit of a bitch earlier"

Tails responded, muttering the last bit of his sentence under his breath so neither of the hedgehogs actually heard. Within a few seconds a large flash of white light consumed both Sonic and Shadow, causing Tails to squint a bit before being the only person left in the workshop.

Sonic and Shadow appeared in Shadows bedroom, Sonic wobbling a bit on one foot before gently falling back onto the bed. Shadow stifled a snicker, carefully placing down Sonic crutches beside the bed.

"Sooo, what were you up to while I was being kidnapped?"

Sonic chirped, scooting himself back to the headboard. Shadow hummed, pulling off his hoodie and sitting the edge of the bed.

"Well I needed to temporarily get a new job so I got hired at some coffee shop."

Shadow yawned, letting himself fall back and rest his head on Sonics lap. Sonic immediately began to run his fingers through Shadows quills, fixing a few stray quills that were out of place due to the rain and his previous running. Shadow sighed contently from the relaxing sensation of Sonics hand running through his quills, the occasional shiver ran down his back when Sonic slightly scratched his head.

"You've been running around all day, why don't you take some time to rest a bit."

Sonic cooed, rubbing the top of Shadows head with his thumb. Shadow did his best to stifle his purring, eventually giving up and letting the peaceful sounds echo throughout the room and mix with the sound of rain hitting the windows.

"Your amazing, you know that?"

Shadow sighed, melting even more into Sonic gently touches and pets

"I know."

Sonic purred, a small smile resting on his muzzle as he gently scratched the back of Shadows ear, another small shiver running down his back.

"Wait, why do you need a new job?"

Sonic questioned, his petting movements coming to a halt.

"Ahh I never did tell you did I.."

Shadow muttered, a few breathy laughs cutting off every few words. Sonics ears perked from the unusually reaction, his hand hesitating to move.

"Since I'm canceled on a G.U.N mission to take care of you, my pay got cut for a few months. That was the call that interrupted us the first time we were about to.. yknow,"

Shadow explained, a small blush forming on his cheeks from the mention of their previous activity's. Sonics ears lowered but he merely hummed in response, his hand slowly trailing over Shadows quills again.

"Why hadn't you told me?"

Sonic mumbled, keeping his eyes focused on his hand rather than meeting Shadows.

"I didn't want to bother you with my work issues."

Shadow yawned, lifting his head off Sonics lap and cupping his cheek.

"Don't feel bad, I needed a brake from my missions anyway."

Shadow reassured, planting a soft kiss on Sonics lips which he gladly returned.

"We should go to bed now."

Shadow cooed, pulling the messy comforter back and gently covering both his and Sonics bodies. Sonic slid down from resting his back on the headboard, nuzzling into the soft pillow beneath him and staring into Shadows crimson eyes.

Authors Note

I'm so sorry for abandoning you all 😢😔 this past week has been very hectic and I just had ZERO ideas for this chapter so I gave some cute little fluff to make up for my absence 😌

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