Chapter 12

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Third POV

Sonics eyes flutters open, repeatedly blinking from the sudden brightness shining in his eyes. Muffled sounds of sizzling echoed throughout the living room causing his ear to flick. Sonic sat up slowly, gently pushing his body up from the couch and looking around. Sonic immediately noticed the lack of Shadows presence around him, huffing in annoyance and pouting. Sitting up fully, Sonic rubbed his eyes and stretched, feeling a small sting of pain poke at his broken leg. He looked down at the hard cast, hesitant to touch or move it in case he might mess something up.

"What are you doing?"

A monotoned voice spoke behind Sonic, making him immediately swing his head back when realizing who was speaking.

"Morning Shadow!"

Sonic beamed, flopping his head as far back as it could to the point where Shadow seemed to be upside down.

"I made you food, I could hear your stomach rumbling in your sleep. When was the last time you actually ate?"

Shadow spoke, placing down a plate of eggs and toast on the coffee table beside Sonic.

"Not until you left, Amy gave me cake but I wasn't a big fan."

Sonic spoke while smiling, picking up the place and placing a piece of toast in his mouth.

"So you'd rather starve then eat a food you don't like?"

Shadow smirked, one of his eye browns raised as he sat in front of Sonic. Sonic rolled his eyes, chewing the bite of toast he had in his mouth before speaking.

"It was strawberry shortcake for 3 days in a row!"

Sonic tried to reason earning a small snicker from Shadow.

"Now that I think about it, how did she find my house..?"

Shadow muttered under his breath, taking in a deep breath moments after and laying his head back in the arm rest. Sonic quickly finished his food, wiping off some crumbs that sat on his bottom lip before placing the plate back onto the coffee table. Shadows ear flicked when he heard the plate being set down, immediately picking it up and heading to the kitchen to wash it.

"Yknow, your a bit of a neat freak Shad's."

Sonic joked, stretching his arms above his head and smiling a bit. Sonic could hear Shadow scoff from the other room before he spoke.

"I'm not a neat freak I just like to keep my place tidy."

Shadow protested, finishing washing the dish and walking back to Sonic, holding a small white pill in his hands. Sonics ears lowered and his expression flattened as he immediately knew what Shadow was holding. Sonic stuck his tongue out, crossing his arms and lowering his head.

"I haven't even said anything yet."

Shadow sneered, sitting on the couch in front of Sonic with a smug smile.

"If you take the pill I'll make you chili dogs tonight."

Shadow bribed, holding the pill out in his palm, offering it to Sonic. Sonics eyes sparkled a bit at the mention of his favorite food, pushing him to hesitantly take the pill from Shadows hand.

"Here I'll get you some water."

Shadow offered, standing up and heading to kitchen and coming back with a small glass of water. As he set down the glass on the coffee table, a energetic knocking emitted from the door, causing both hedgehogs necks to swing in the direction.

"Oh no, it's her."

Sonic muttered under his breath. Shadow heard him as he continued his walk to the front door, gently opening it to reveal a shocked pink hedgehog.

"Shadow, what are you doing here?!"

Amy squeaked, her eyes slightly more widened than before. Shadow leaned against the door frame, blocking her view of the interior of his home.

"This is my house, you expect me not to be in it so early in the morning?"

Shadow spoke bitterly, his voice still having a small tone of relaxation to it. Amy clears her throat lightly before speaking again, but was cut off by Shadow.

"Now that I think about it, I do recall specifically leaving you so you wouldn't know the location of my home, yet here you are."

Shadow spoke loudly, almost as if he were confronting her about the matter. Amy swallowed thickly before snapping back with a response.

"So you did leave me on purpose, that's awfully rude of you ya know!"

Amy ranted while Shadow remained leaned against the door frame.

"Your ignoring my question Ms. Rose, how do you know where my home is located?"

Shadow spoke in a monotoned voice, his eyes half lidded as he spoke.

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