Chapter 8

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Third POV

"About what?"

Shadow asked sternly while Sonic peered his head over the couch. Silver warily looked over at Sonic, averting his eyes back to Shadow before he spoke.

"Can we go somewhere a little.. you know, private."

Silver asked, just barely nudging his head in Sonics direction while staring at Shadow. Shadow narrowed his eyes, moving out of the door frame to let Silver in. Silver weakly waved and greeted Sonic, mainly rushing over to the kitchen where they were out of earshot.

"What do you need to talk about that I can't hear?"

Sonic asked with a offended tone, narrowing his eyes and furrowing his eyebrows. Shadow glared at Silver once more, walking over to the coffee table and grabbing the music player.

"Here put these in, I'll be back in a minute."

Shadow spoke, handing Sonic the earbuds connected to the device. Sonic took the earbuds from Shadows hands, softly glaring up at him as he put the in. Shadow stood up and walked over to Silver in the kitchen, his eyebrows furrowed as he quickened his walking speed. As soon as Shadow couldn't see him, Sonic yanked one of the earbuds out of his ear, lifting his body up as much as he could to get closer to the kitchen. To no avail all he heard were distant mutters.

Shadows POV

"Well, get on with it. what is this about?"

I asked the silver hedgehog in front of me, crossing my arms and leading against the kitchen counter. Despite this whole encounter being extremely inconvenient, I was still very curious on why Silver out of all people would be wanted to speak about something serious.

"You can't go on that mission."

Silver spoke, my eyes slightly widening at the same time.

"How do you know I was assigned a mission"

I asked, completely perplexed on how he knew I was assigned on a mission less than a hour ago.

"Listen, I can't go into much detail because it will change the outcome of the future, but all I can say is you CAN NOT go on that mission."

Silver warned me, his voice stern and his eyebrows furrowed. I huffed in annoyance and closed my eyes.

"This is one of the biggest missions I've been assigned, I can't just not go I'll get fired!"

I yelled back at the hedgehog in front of me, my teeth clenched as my gloves nails weakly dug into my arms.

"Loosing your job isn't even close to the severity of the situation at stake!"

Silver yelled back, his voice cracking a bit when he raised it.

"Why are you coming to me now?! I still have another month before I'm sent!"

Just before Silver was able to respond, a loud thud filled both of our ears, making our heads turn in the direction of the door frame leading to the living room.

Sonics POV
(During the conversation)

I'm not just going to sit here while they have their 'important conversation'! I of all people should know what's going on around here! I grabbed the earbuds and placed them back of the coffee table, mentally preparing myself for what I had planned. I planted my non broken foot on the floor and grabbed onto the coffee table for support. I took in a deep breath before I pulled myself up from the couch, making sure to keep my broken leg straight and keep my weight off of it. I dragged my broken leg across the floor while I hopped on my other one to the door frame leading to the kitchen, clinging onto the wall beside the door frame so I wouldn't be seen. My ear flicked as I listen into Silver and Shadows conversation, my mind running with questions about the random out of context things they yelled about.

"Why are you coming to me now?! I still have another month before I'm sent!"

I heard a familiar voice yell, and that familiar voice belonged to Shadow. I knew he was talking about the phone call he got earlier, but why could Silver care about it. And HOW would he know about it! Just as my mind was creating more questions than anyone could answer, my leg started wobbling, a sharp tingling sensation running up and down it at the same time. My leg was falling asleep. I lost my balance and fell backwards, immediately rubbing my head from the painful impact, luckily my leg wasn't hurt even worse in the process, bad news was now Silver and Shadow we're standing over me, Shadow having his eyebrows furrowed while Silvers were slanted in a worried manner.

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