Chapter 21

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Third POV

Shadow glared at the race car as the driver stepped out, his teeth clenching in annoyance and anger once seeing who had almost ran him over.

"Shadow, long time no see!"

Scourge spat, a cocky grin spread across his face as he spoke.

"Fuck off ya green fur ball."

Shadow snarled at scourge, his fists clenching as he approached closer.

"Oh come on, the blue bitch isn't around anymore, you can't blame me for wanting to go on a little stroll around town!"

Scourge grinned, Shadow eyebrows furrowing in the process. A bit of a crowd was already starting to form from afar, Shadow taking notice of it immediately.

"Don't fucking call him that you walking snot wad."

Shadow growled, clenching his fists even harder. Scourges cocky grin turned into a scowl after hearing a few snickers from the small crowd around them.

"I might be green but at least I'm a real fucking hedgehog
ya lab rat."

Scourge snarled, the crowd falling dead silent in a matter of milliseconds afterwards. Everyone's eyes shifted to Shadow, very eager to see his reaction. To everyone's surprise, Shadow remained calm and silent, gently reaching into one of his bags and grabbing a water bottle. He opened the water bottle and took a small sip before dumping the rest over Scourges head, slamming the bottle against the side of his face after it was empty. While Scourge was distracted with the pain on the side of his head, Shadow kicked him in stomach, causing Scourge to fold his body from the sudden impact.

"Listen here cunt.."

Shadow spoke lifting Scourge up by his leather jacket.

"Keep Sonics name out your fucking mouth or else I won't go so easy on you"

Shadow spoke into Scourges ear, just loud enough for the crowd that had quickly grown to hear. Shadow threw Scourge onto the ground before picking up his bags and chaos controlling back home.

Shadow grumbled to himself as he walked up the two steps leading to his front door, harshly knocking on the door so he could he let in. He heard a few small giggles and inaudible whispers before he heard steps coming closer to the door. All of Shadows anger and emotions seemed to melt away once he saw that it was Sonic who had opened the door, quickly making his way inside so he could be stable and use both of his crutches rather than one.

"Well what a pleasant surprise~"

Shadow cooed, transferring all his bags to one hand and pulling Sonic closer by his waist with the other.

"Shadow, remember.."

Sonic smiled, nudging his head in the direction of Tails. They two hedgehogs both turned their heads to see Tails facing a wall, seemingly inspecting it.

"Wow this is some really
good wall material, good
stuff right here."

Tails spoke, hitting his palm against the wall and leaning his head closer to it. Both Sonic and Shadow shared a amused glance before Shadow pulled away from Sonic.

"Miles, do you mind helping me with these bags?"

Shadow asked, Tails finally turning his head around to face the hedgehogs.

"Oh yeah sure!"

Tails chirped, quickly scurrying over to Shadow and grabbing a few bags. Tails and Shadow walked into the kitchen and began putting the groceries away while Sonic made his way back to the couch. He grabbed the remote sitting underneath the coffee table in front of him and turned the TV on, the TV already set to the news channel.

"You can head back to Sonic, I've got the rest."

Shadow spoke, his focus still on the cans he was putting away in his cabinet. Tails hopped back over to Sonic and leaned against the back of the couch, intrigued at what the news reporter was saying.

""Good evening and welcome to our coverage of the latest news! Recently, famous Shadow The Hedgehog and infamous Scourge the hedgehog were reported by locals to have been causing a scene at a Walmart parking lot. One of the witnesses sent in a recording of the incident which is what we'll be showing now.."

The new reporter spoke, Shadow immediately dropping what he was doing and darting to the television.

"Why didn't you tell me you ran into Scourge?!"

Sonic hollered, only to see Shadow turn his head to the side to avoid his eye contact.

"-n't you fucking call him that you walking snot wad."

"I might be green but at least I'm a real fucking hed-"

The TV was cut off from Shadow snatching the remote and turning it off, cutting off Scourges sentence.

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