Chapter 6

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Third POV

Sonics happy expression quickly changed to grumpy as his ears dropped down and his eyebrows furrowed. Tails softly laughed at his reaction to knowing Tails had medication for him, placing the bag of the coffee table and sitting down on the floor in front of him.

"I got you some comics and coloring books to keep you occupied!"

Tails chirped, rummaging through the small grocery bag and pulling out the previously mentioned items. Sonic swiftly slipped on Shadows Inhibitor ring and grabbing the books out of Tails's hands. His tail wagged as he flipped through the pages of the coloring book, examining all the different pages and pictures inside it. Tails's ear flicked in curiosity as he noticed the shiny ring around Sonics wrist.

"What's that?"

Tails asked, getting Sonic to focus his attention on the same thing as Tails.

"It's my inhibitor ring, if I didn't let him mess with it we would have picked a hole through his gloves."

Shadow scoffed, gazing at the ring around Sonics wrist and then at Tails. Tails hummed as a response, smiling a bit while continuing conversation with Sonic. Shadow took the opportunity to look at Sonics prescription, swiftly snatching up the grocery bag and grabbing the only remaining thing in it. It was two small orange pill bottles, a sticker attached to one of them with Sonics name on it and some brief instructions on how many he should take. The other bottle was just some basic pain killers.

"Ooh, thanks for reminding me, you need to take one of these now!"

Tails exclaimed, looking from Shadow holding his prescription to Sonic who was glaring daggers at Shadow. Just as he was about to stand up, a small beeping emitted from his wrist, grabbing his attention as he pressed a button one the device.

"Tails my oven broke down again, mind if you could take a look at it?"

A familiar voice spoke from the device, the voice belonging to Amy.

"Sure I'll be there in a few!"

Tails sang, hanging up a few moments after. He scratched the back of his head as he fully stood up.

"Welp I gotta head out again, good luck with that Shadow! Trust me, you'll need it."

Tails spoke, whispering the last bit of his sentence as he walked past Shadow to get to the door.

"Oh also a heads up, Amy said she was planning on dropping by tomorrow so be prepared for that!"

Tails warned with a small smile, waving a bit as he closed the door while walking out. Sonic huffed, Shadows eyes being drawn from the door to him again. Sonic has his arms crossed and his head turned to face the back of the couch, closing his eyes at the same time.

"There's no way I'm taking that!"

Sonic protested, clenching his teeth and furrowing his eyebrows.

"I'm not going to ask you, you're GOING to take this wether you like it or not."

Shadow demanded, opening the pill bottle and shaking out one of the pills. He sat down where Tails was originally sitting, watching as Sonic pressed his lips tighter together and glared at him.

"Eat it or I'm taking away my ring~"

Shadow threatened, a teasing tone matched with his words. Sonic quickly gasped, immediately shutting his lips tight and gripping the ring to his chest. Shadow frowned, looking to his side as an idea sparked in his mind. He looked at the door, making sure Tails had left and popped the pill into his mouth earring a confused look from Sonic.

"Why'd you do thA-!"

Sonics sentence was cut off by Shadows lips meeting his, his eyes immediately snapping open wider while Shadows were half lidded. Shadow snuck the pill into Sonics mouth, making sure to push in back with his tongue so he wouldn't spit it out. He pulled away from the 'kiss' and smirked, watching Sonics slow realization to having the pill in his mouth.

"You jerk what the hell was that for!"

Sonic whined, his face and ears slightly tinted pink as he pinned his arms to his sides.

"You wouldn't take the pill and my job is to make sure you recover, I did what had to be done."

Shadow stated, the smirk on his lips never leaving as he screwed the lid back onto the pill bottle and walking over to the kitchen. Sonic glared at Shadow as he walked away from him, silently noticing his tail wagging ever so slightly. Sonic stuffed his face into the pillow below him, his mind racing with random thoughts about what had just happened.

'What the hell was that?! Did he really mean something by it? Don't be silly Sonic of course he didn't mean anything, he's just trying to get you to take your medication and mess with you while you can't move! I'll show him, I'm gonna wipe that charming little smirk right off his fac-'

Sonics thoughts were cut off by Shadows voice from afar, Sonics ear flicking as he tried to listen in to his conversation.

"Yes I understand but- No sir, I just can't leave for that long! Why, it's personal sir. But I-! Yes, yes I understand. Okay goodbye."

Shadow argued in a stern manner, seemingly speaking to something or someone. Once Sonic heard footsteps leading his direction, he snapped his head to face in front of him, fidgeting with Shadows inhibitor ring as he walked back into the living room. Shadow ran his hands through his quills, taking in a sharp breath and letting it go in a frustrated manner.

"Umm.. what's up?"

Sonic spoke, every so slightly looking up at Shadow who softly glared down at him with his palm covering one of his eyes.

"It's just work, I shouldn't have to worry about it at the moment anyways."

Shadow vaguely explained, gazing out the large window beside him.

"You up for a game?"

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