Chapter 26

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Third POV

"Can you grab his crutches before we leave?"

Tails turned to Shadow, a orange blur zipping in and out of his workshop and resting the crutches against the wall.

"I should have known she would have done something like this, why would she know where I live if I've never even told her.."

Shadow muttered to himself, pressing his thumb against the sharp tip of the quill in his hand.

"Relax Shadow, I know Amy! Sure she may be a little obsessive but she wouldn't stoop to that level."

Tails reassured Shadow, his words going in one ear and out the other. With a small huff Shadow snatched Sonics crutches, hurriedly stomping out the workshop and running off, Tails following him shortly after. The hedgehog and kit both zipped throughout the grassy landscape that surrounded Tails's workshop, Shadow having to slow himself down in order to follow Tails's direction above him. Mud and dirt began to smear all over the heels of Shadows shoes, the rain poring on the two only making his situation worse.

"Her house is right up ahead!"

Tails hollered, his words getting interrupted from a low rumble in the sky. Shadow scowled at the sight of the pink hedgehogs house, speeding up his running to the point he was ahead of Tails. He calm to a screeching halt, his heals digging into the dirty beneath his as to not run into the house.

"Here we are!"

Tails chirped, setting himself down onto the porch and ringing the doorbell. After a few moments of muffled shuffling the door slowly creaked open, Amy's eyes immediately staring into Shadows.

"Where is he?"

Shadow snarled, glaring daggers right into Amy's soul.

"What Shadows means to ask is if you know where Sonic is? Shadow found one of your quills in his house and Sonic wasn't there."

Tails corrected Shadow, his cheerful expression completely contrasting with Shadows.

"Oh well he's right in here.. why don't you come in Tails, your soaked!"

Amy bitterly beamed, moving out of the way of the doorframe for him to walk through. Just as Tails walked through the door, Amy stood back in front of the doorframe, blocking Shadows entry.


Shadow growled, glaring down at Amy who returned his expression.

"Sorry Shadow, you'll track in mud!"

Amy spat, a clearly forced grin plastered across her face.

"Get the fuck out my way."

Shadow growled, shoving his shoulder against hers and pushing her out of the way. Amy gulped as Shadow beelined to the living room, Amy and Tails following him seconds after.

"Oh, hi Shadow!"

Sonic chirped, immediately getting lifted up in a tight hug from Shadow.

"Don't every fucking scare me like that again."

Shadow huffed, his voice getting muffled from his face being tucked into Sonic shoulder.

"Wait.. so he actually is here..?"

Tails muttered under his breath, his eyes trailing from the two hedgehogs hugging to Amy who stood quietly in the corner.

"Hey Tails! Did you fix my crutches yet?"

Sonic asked, gently getting placed down on the couch with Shadow glued to his side.

"What do you mean fixed, they aren't broken are they?"

Tails questioned, Amy quickly turning her head away so she wouldn't face anyone.


Shadow snarled, lunging at Amy who had the same scowl on her face. Amy was quick to grab her hammer, quickly pulling it back in order to prepare a blow.


Tails shouted, only distracting Shadow for a moment allowing Amy to bash her hammer against the side of Shadows face.


Sonic yelled, watching Shadow get slammed across the room. Shadow grunted, pulling his hand up to feel a small stream of blood flowing from his forehead.

"He was about to attack me! It was a act of self defense!"

Amy retorted, letting the end of the hammer rest on the floor.

"You son of a-"

Shadow was cut off from Tails speaking.

"Amy I don't know what's wrong with you but EVERYTHING your doing right now is wrong, we're leaving, now."

Tails growled, which was unexpected from everyone in the room considering it was rather unusual for him. Quickly Shadow pulled himself off the ground, grabbed Sonic and Tails and chaos controlled back to Tails's workshop.

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