Chapter 19

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Third POV

"U-um u-uhh., OH! I'm still injured right, we wouldn't wanna mess with my poor poor broken leg and hurt myself!"

Sonic stuttered, his poorly made excuse of humoring Shadow. Sonic looked up at Shadow with desperate eyes, already seeing where the conversation was heading.

"Sonic, don't be gross. Just because your afraid of water doesn't mean you get to be unhygienic."

Shadow scolded, Sonics ears falling back as he spoke.

"You've already put me through enough today! Why do you have to make it worse!!"

Sonic whined, letting his head hang back on the arm rest his back was pressed against. Shadow could only scoff at the hedgehog's exaggerated statement.

"All I did was make you take your medication!"

Shadow grinned, looking down at Sonics pitiful face as he walked closer. Sonics pleading expression formed into a annoyed scowl as his eye brows furrowed.

"I'm not taking a bath, that's final."

Sonic growled, crossing his arms and shutting his eyes. Shadow raised a brow at the others actions. In only a few seconds, Shadow scooped up Sonic from the couch and began making his way to the bathroom. Sonic protested my squirming around in Shadows grasp and yelling out random complaints and commands for him to be released but to no avail Shadow stayed silent. Sonic quietly growled as he was gently placed on the toilet seat, his arms folded and his ears tilted back.

"Don't growl at me, I'm helping you."

Shadow scolded, lifting Sonics chin up a bit so his lips would close. While Sonic continued to glare at him, Shadow knelt down to the bathtub, turning the faucet to fill the tub. Sonics ears pinned to his head as he watched the tub slowly fill up, his hands beginning to tremble as he reluctantly stared at the water.

"Why can't I just take a shower?!"

Sonic wailed, his eyes looking desperate at Shadow as his lip began to quiver ever so slightly.

"You know exactly why you can't."

Shadow softly responded, a small scoff escaping past his lips before he could finish speaking.

"I'll be right here if anything happens, okay?"

Shadow reassured, Sonic thickly swallowing before slightly nodding at Shadow. After plugging the bath and adding a bit of soap, Shadow gently picked up Sonic, lifting him off the toilet seat and slowly lowering him into the warm water. Sonics breath became uneven and his nails began to dig into Shadows skin, using all his mite to resist the urge to start thrashing and squirming in Shadows grasp. All rational thoughts flew out the window the second Sonics tail touched the water. He immediately began thrashing, swinging and kicking his non broken leg in every direction. Sonics squirming only made him go deeper into the bath, Shadow loosing his balance and tipping in after him.


Shadow growled, sleeking back a few quills that fell out of place. Sonic held back his laughter as Shadow glared at him, a few squeaks slipping past his lips.

"Whatever you do, don't get your leg into the water."

Shadow warned, slowly stepping over the leg and wiping his feet off on the bathroom mat. After a few moments Shadow stepped back into the bathroom with a small bucket and sponge.

"Your filthy, this is what needs to be done."

Shadow smirked, setting the bucket to the side and grabbing the sponge. Sonic grumbled at Shadows insult, crossing his arms and turning his head to face the wall. Shadow scoffed, grabbing Sonics chin and pulling him into a short kiss. Sonics tail began to splash water as it wagged, Shadow taking the opportunity while he's distracted to scoop up some water and pour it over the dry parts of Sonics body.


Sonic protested, shivering from the sudden contact.

"Oh hush up and let me finish this."

Shadow grinned, rubbing the water he poured over sonic in his quills. Once he was completely wet Shadow pour some Shampoo in his quills, gently rubbing his head to lather his quills. Sonic began to purr from the relaxing sensation, leaning his head against Shadows hands as he closed his eyes.

"See this isn't so bad."

Shadow remarked, Sonic humming as a response.

~Time Skip~


Sonic growled, snatching the towel from Shadow and drying his head himself.

"I told you not to growl at me."

Shadow growled, pinching Sonics ear before smirking and walking away.


Sonic yelled, lifting his body off the toilet seat and using the sink to support himself as he stood on one leg.

"I'll be back in a second, just finished drying yourself!"

Shadow yelled back, Sonic grumbling as he plopped back down on his seat.

Authors Note

There's another one done 💀 sorry for the slow updates my motivation has just decided to abandon me so I was really struggling to find a way to write this chapter. I think depending on whatever I decide on there's gonna be maybe 3 of 4 more chapters. Maybe 5 or 6 if I come up with some random senecio at 2 in the morning that I just HAVE to add but for the rest of the book I have a solid idea of what's going to happen. No spoilers tho 😉

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