Chapter 15

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Third POV

It had been a uncomfortable amount of time since the two hedgehogs had normally spoke to one another. They would only occasionally share absent minded mumbled and murmurs to one another, immediately trailing back to their own world moments after. Today was no different, Shadow placing down a plate of food for Sonic as he quietly muttered thank you, only to receive a small nod from the ebony hedgehog as he returned back into the kitchen, the sound of running water following moments after. Sonic merely picked at the food, releasing a large sigh and placing the plate back onto the coffee table and flopping his head back onto his pillow. Just when the blue speedster had believed it would have been another day of doing nothing but stare at the ceiling, a loud ding emitted from the door, Shadows head poising out from the doorframe leading to the kitchen moments after.

"I swear to chaos if it's that pink hedgehog again.."

Shadow grumbled, a small snicker coming from Sonic which made Shadow smile ever so slightly. He ran one of his hands through his quills, bracing himself for the unwanted social interactions as he opened the door with his other hand.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me."

Shadow grumbled, his back hunching as he stared at the unwanted guest.

"It's lovely to see you too hun! Now let me in."

Rouge cooed, immediately shoving Shadow out the way as she waltzed into his home.

"Blue, sweetie! How are you? Has mr grumpy pants over here been giving you a hard time?"

Rouge teased, placing her hands on her hips as he playfully glared back at Shadow who had a scowl plastered on his face.

"Oh no, quite the opposite actually, but I've been good!"

Sonic chirped, his tail wagging ever so slightly now that he's getting some much wanted attention.

"Speaking of mr grump pants, I'm actually here to talk to you."

Rouge spoke in a much more serious tone, catching Shadows attention more while Sonics ears flattened reliving he wouldn't be getting the attention he desired.

"Is it about.. you know what?"

Shadow asked sternly, receiving a barley noticeable nod from Rouge and a confused look from Sonic. Shadow taking note of Sonic disappointment, he slipped his inhibitor ring off his wrist again, tossing it over to Sonic who wasted to time to get it in his grasp once again, his tail wagging more than it had in days.

"There, now that you have that I want you to keep your nose out of my conversations. Remember what happened last time?"

Shadow warned Sonic who paid no real mind to his words and instead was fidgeting with the ring once again, a small smile tugging at his lips as he messed with the shiny object. Shadow gently patted the hedgehogs head, pulling his hand back and non verbally signaling Rouge to move to the other room to speak.

Authors Note

Yeah I know it's short but I wanted to at least get something out so I could focus on my other story without feeling bad for not uploading anything on this until next week 💀

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