Chapter 14

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Third POV

Buckle up bitches it's about to get depressing up in here 💀

Shadow carefully smoothed out his quills, small droplets of water running down his hands and towards his elbows. Sonic stared in awe at the ebony hedgehog, seemingly hypnotized by his sheer beauty. As Sonic watched the hedgehog in front of him carefully, Shadows ruby eyes snapped open, staring directly into Sonics emerald eyes. Sonic quickly averted his eyes, seemingly looking around in every other direction besides Shadows. Shadow let out a low chuckle, clearly catching Sonic
looking at him moments ago.

"What's the matter blue?"

Shadow started, slowing stepping towards Sonic. Sonic swallowed thickly, a bright shadow of pink dusted his face as his eyes snapped back to Shadows.

"Is there something you wanna tell me?"

Shadow teasingly asked, taking another small step closer to Sonic and resting his hand on the ledge Sonic sat on. Sonic plastered on a playful smirk, resting his hands behind him and leaning on them.

"I dunno, is there something you want to hear?"

Sonic replied, narrowing his eyes at Shadow. Shadow took another step closer, both his hands at Sonics sides, caging him to the ledge he sat on.

"Well as a matter of fact, there is something I'd like to know."

Shadow spoke, leaning in closer to Sonic.

"And what might that be, hm?"

Sonic grinned, also leaning in forward towards Shadow.

"What we're you doing staring at me?"

Shadow teasing asked, lifting his hand up to Sonics chin. Sonics eyes widened a bit, his face heating up more than before.

"Uh- well, you know I-"

Sonic stuttered, his eyes averting from Shadows again. Shadow teasingly chuckled, his voice low and raspy.

"What's the matter faker, cat got your tongue?"

Shadow teased, his nose just barely grazing Sonics. Sonic started down at Shadows lips, watching them move as he spoke. They were just centimeters apart, Sonic trailing his hands up to Shadows neck while a small smirk tugged at Shadows lips. Just before the gap between them closed, a loud beeping sound emitted from Shadow, causing both the hedgehogs to ever so slightly pull back from each others grasp.

"Hold on, I have to take this.."

Shadow spoke, pulling away from Sonic and reaching in his quills for his communicator.

"Oh, yeah, right.."

Sonic mumbled, pulling his hands away from Shadow, and resting them on his lap.


Shadow muttered under his breath, turning his back to Sonic and answering the call. Sonic gave Shadow a small weak smile before he fully turned his back to him, his expression quickly dropping the second his back was turned Sonic dropped his head down, his ears slightly pinning to his head as his hands began fidgeting with one another.

Sonics POV

I'm such a idiot, of course this doesn't matter to him. I don't even remember when or how I even developed any kind of interest in Shadow, but being that close to him, holding him, it meant the world to me. My ears perked up a bit once I heard him finally speak. I was curious what was so important that he had to drop everything that was going on just to answer the phone.

"Sir, I mean this in the most respectful way possible, but I'm not going. Yes I understan- NO No no, I don't mean to- Sir would you please- it's a personal matter, I can't leave right now! My apologies but- sir it's really not up to me."

Shadow argued with who I could only assume is his boss. I couldn't see him calling anyone else "sir" unless it was his boss.

"Im perfectly content with that punishment if it means I am excused, yes, yes sir, goodbye."

Shadow ended the call, a deep breath following after his words. I blankly glared back up at him as he somewhat worriedly looked at me.

"Now, where we're we?

Shadow tried to bring back the mood we were in but for me it was long gone. I see how I am to him, so there's no point in hurting myself by playing along with his game.

"Sorry, I'm just not in the mood. Can we go back.. now."

I spoke sternly, turning my head to face the ground beside me. Shadow took a small step back, pulling his hands back to his sides and facing the water below us.

"Yeah, yeah your.. right, let's go back."

Shadow spoke, his voice was soft with a hint of sadness? Disappointment? I couldn't tell, but it was enough for me to actually look up at him. He still had his usual expression, blank face, but his ears were slightly lowered than before. I brushed it off, grabbing the shoes that were next to me so they would chaos control with us. Shadow did the same, swapping out his communicator with his chaos emerald. He wrapped his arm around me, looking to his side as he chaos controlled us back.

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