Chapter 20

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Third POV


Sonic whined, his ears perking up once he heard footsteps approaching the bathroom. His tail began to wag once Shadow entered, his eye's immediately focusing on the brush in his hands.

"When was the last time you brushed your quills?"

Shadow questioned with a smirk, Sonic averting his eyes answering his question.

"I don't wanna talk about it.."

Sonic whined with a smile, his ears drooping as his body sagged. Shadow hummed as he began to brush the tufts of quills on Sonic, the bristles immediately getting stuck in the tangled mess that were his quills.

"Sonic, this is atrocious."

Shadow grinned, Sonic grumbled under his breath as Shadow continued to try and brush Sonics quills. After a solid 30 minutes of Sonic hissing from the pain and Shadow getting the brush stuck in his quills, Shadow managed to untangle Sonics mess.

"Dose that feel any better?"

Shadow asked, scratching the back of Sonics ear causing him to purr a little.

"No, now my heads just throbbing."

Sonic complained, his ears flattening as he spoke. Shadow hummed as a response before scooping Sonic back up and carrying him back to the couch. Shadow gently kissed the top of Sonics head, gently placing him back down on the couch.

"I'm going to go to the supermarket to get some items for dinner, I'll call Tails so he can watch you while I'm gone."

Shadow spoke, Sonic hummed and slightly nodded as a response. Shadow reached into his quills and pulled out his communicator. A few button presses later and Tails picked up his call.

"Hi Shadow, is something wrong? Why'd you call?"

Tails spoke, Sonics ear flicking moments after.

"Hello Miles, I was wondering if you could watch Sonic while I go retrieve some groceries."

Shadow responded, subconsciously beginning to slowly walk around the area.

"Sure, I'll be over in 10!"

Tails chirped, his voice noticeably pitching higher. Shadow said his goodbye and hung up the call, stuffing the device back into his quills.

~Time Skip~

Both Shadow and Sonics heads turned to the door seconds after they heard the knock. Shadow hurriedly stood up and opened the door, revealing the smiling fox on the other side.

"Hello Miles, what's that you've got there?"

Shadow said, moving out the way of the door frame so Tails could come in.

"Hi Shadow, and I brought Sonic some crutches. I figured I could help him figure out how to use them while your out!"

Tails beamed, quickly scurrying I've to Sonic who was practically shaking from his tails wagging so hard.

"Hey lil bro! How have you been, it feels like ages since we last spoke!"

Sonic raved, tightly hugging Tails as he walked over to him.

"I've been good, Eggman has been keeping us all busy! Seems like Shadows been taking good care of you though!"

Tails remarked, examining the condition of Sonics leg.

"Well since your here I'll be on my way, don't burn the house down while I'm gone."

Shadow spoke up, his words fading away as he walked out and shut the door. Grabbing his chaos emerald out of his quills, Shadow chaos control away, a bright flash of white light consuming his before he teleported.

Shadows POV

I blinked a bit after chaos controlling, my vision slightly blurry from the change in lighting. I shoved my emerald back into my quills before grabbing a shopping basket and heading into the store. I walked around in a couple aisles, scanning over random things that caught my eye before finally finding my way to the ingredients I actually needed. A tossed the things I needed into the basket, shuffling out of the way of a old lady and her cart.

I hurriedly made my was over to the self check out, doing my best to ignore the security guard side eyeing me to make sure I don't steal. I quickly bag all my thing and place my basket back into the stack I had gotten in from. I was about to leave when a large cork board caught my attention. There were a few random flyers, advertised and a missing persons poster but the thing that had caught my attention was a advertisement for a Starbucks hiring. I skimmed over the paper before ripping it off the board and folding it up, stuffing it into my quills and walking out the door. I looked at both sides before crossing the road, making sure there were no cars about to run me over. Despite checking, as I was half way crossing the road, a race car came bolting in my direction. I quickly lunged myself forward, scraping my knees in the process but also dodging the vehicle.


I yelled at the car, picking myself up and dusting off my body. It wasn't until I standing when I realized the car had stopped and the driver was getting out.

Authors Note

Yeahhh so remember that time I said that the book was only gonna be like 2 or 3 more chapters? Welllll I maybe kinda sorta thought up of at least 2 extra chapters while making this sooo lucky you guys, you get more book 🧚🏼✨

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