Chapter 32

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Third POV

"Sonic.. I-"

Shadow was cut off, Sonic holding his palm in front of Shadow to stop him in his tracks.

"Just don't Shadow, I'm not in the mood."

Sonic grumbled, grabbing his crutches and hastily moving away. Shadow kept his head to the side as Sonic passed him, flinching a bit as their shoulders brushed against each other. Running his hand through his quills, Shadow leaned against the kitchen counter, his ear flicking upon hearing his bedroom door loudly shut.

"Looks like I'm sleeping on the couch tonight.."

Shadow mumbled under his breath, pushing himself away from the counter and walking back into the living room.

~Time Skip~

It had been a few hours of tossing and turning for both hedgehogs, the uncomfortable decorative pillows Shadow was forced to sleep with making his goal of falling asleep significantly harder whilst Sonic stared at the completely empty walls in Shadows room although it was mainly his mind that kept him awake.

Sonics POV

"Maybe I was too hard on him, he is juggling a part time job and me at the same time. Gosh I'm such an idiot.."

Negative thoughts clouded my mind as I stared up at the ceiling, small bits of moonlight seeping through the gaps in the blinds. I turned my head to the digital alarm clock sitting on the nightstand beside me, it read 1:34 and I groaned upon reading it. At this rate I'll never fall asleep. I peered over at the door, staring at it as I contemplated what to do. On one side I have nothing to apologize for considering everything I said was true and he should have know off the bat that he was in the wrong, but on the other end I did yell at him a bit too hard.

Shadows POV

I'm not even going to try to fall asleep in this rock called a pillow. I threw it to the opposite end of the couch and plopped my head onto the couch cushion which was somehow more comfortable than the pillow. I started back at my slightly visible reflection in the TV, watching my ear flick every once in a while. I guess it's fair that I have to sleep on the couch but I could have at least gotten a pillow. I sighed, turning my body for the ten millionth time in the past hour to stare at the ever so boring ceiling.

"Now I get how he feels."

I muttered to myself, sitting myself up to look down the hall to the bedroom door. I stared at it for a moment, weighing my options. There's about a 92% chance that he's asleep or is just still mad and won't let me in, but there's still a 8% chance that I'll actually get to sleep tonight.

Third POV

Both hedgehogs stood up from where they laid, slowly walking to the bedroom door whilst going unnoticed by the latter. Simultaneously, Shadow knocked on the door as Sonic turned the door handle. Shadow pulled his hand away from the door, Sonic opening it slowly and facing down.

"What are you doing awake?"

Sonic mumbled, both hedgehogs avoiding eye contact.

"I couldn't sleep."

Shadow muttered back, glancing up at Sonic before returning his back to the ground. A small sigh broke the air, Shadows arms wrapping themselves around Sonics waist  and pulling him close to him.

"I'm sorry.."

Shadow mumbled into Sonics shoulder, a small smile creeping onto Sonics face as he returned the hug.

"It's alright Shadow."

Sonic sighed, enjoying the newfound comfort between the two.

"I'm still kinda mad though."

Sonic teased, both hedgehogs softly snickering from the comment.

"Ill make it up to you tomorrow, okay?"

Shadow hummed, kissing the side of Sonics face before turning both of them around and shuffling back over to the bed. With a content hum, Sonic followed Shadow, plopping down on the cushiony mattress and scooting to the headboard.

"Goodnight Sonic."

Shadow hummed, resting his back on the mattress whilst turning his head to face him.

"Goodnight Shadow."

Sonic cooed, a small yawn finishing his sentence before letting his eyes flutter shut.

Authors Note

I'm alive 😀
I just want to APOLOGIZE, I did NOT want or expect to be gone this long but during my brake period I ended up getting in a car crash that landed me in the hospital for a few days and when I finally got out the last thing on my mind was this so I'm really sorry for taking so long but I'll try to get back to my normal routine 😊 Also tyms for 20K reads holy shit I did not expect this book to do so well and I'm so grateful for all the support and kind comments people leave ^^

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