Chapter 11

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Third POV

Sonic laid on the couch perusal, holding Shadows inhibitor ring close to him as he watched himself slowly spin it around his wrist. It's now been 4 days since he last saw Shadow and the lack of proper attention was getting to him, not to mention his hunger from pretending to eat Amy's desserts. Sonic heard the door open, not really seeming to care who entered the house since he only assumed it was Amy.

"Hey Ames, how's it going."

Sonic said in the most unenthusiastic tone he's ever spoken in. He didn't even bother to lift his head up or look at the person who walked in, only mentally preparing himself to listen to Amy talk for another 2 hours.

"Hello to you to Sonikku~"

The person who had just entered teased, looming over Sonic from behind the couch. There voice was much deeper and somewhat sluggish, making Sonic immediately realize who it was. He looked up from the ring in his hands, his eyes widening when met with Shadows tired ones. Sonic immediately jumped up from the couch, dragging his broken leg with him as if nothing were wrong with it. He swiftly wrapped his arms around Shadows neck, pulling him in tightly and burying his head in his shoulder. Shadow who was taken aback by this was dragged forward, now on his tippy toes while Sonic was still on the couch pulling at him.

"Fak- Fa- Sonic, I can't bre- breath!!"

Shadow wheezed, feeling his torso being compressed by the couch and Sonic pulling him into it. Sonic quickly pulled away, his eyes now slightly puffy while his cheeks and nose had a red tint to them. Small tears were built up in the corners of his eyes as he rubbed Shadows face while staring into his eyes.

"You moron where we're you it's been 4 days?!"

Sonic wailed, small sobs braking his sentence. Shadow quickly made his way around the couch so Sonic could (some what) safely hold onto him.

"Long story short I got tangled up with you know who and lost my emerald so I had to get another one to chaos control home."

Shadow explained, nonchalantly running his hand through his quills. The small tears built up in Sonics eyes spilled down his cheeks, falling off his face and onto the couch with many more before. Sonic stared at Shadow blankly for a few seconds before his face lit even redder, his eyes weld up in tears again as he pulled Shadow towards him, hugging his upper torso while his face was buried in Shadows shoulder.

"You idiot how long dose it take to find a emerald, I thought something bad had happened and it did BECAUSE LOOK AT YOU!"

Sonic wailed, pulling Shadow back from him a bit so point out all the cuts and burns on his body.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that. Well I'm only like this because I gave you my ring."

Shadow pointed out, leaning against Sonics arms due to him not being able to actually rest from his fight with Eggman. Sonic looked in the direction Shadow was referring to, his eyes trailing to his wrist where his inhibitor ring was.

"You still haven't taken it off? It's been days, I can only imagine it's heavier for you."

Shadow mentioned, his eyes half lidded from exhaustion as he leaned against Sonics push.

"I can't remember the last time I felt this tired, searching for that emerald really worn me out."

Shadow complained, his eyes every so slowly fluttering closed. Sonic held Shadows soon to be limp body in his arms, letting him rest his head on the couch.

"I'm sorry."

Sonic whimpered, rubbing the pack of Shadows ear while rubbing his thumb against his cheek.

"Bless you.."

Shadow stuttered, his eyes finally closing as his back laid limp against the couch. Sonic softly snickered to himself from Shadows odd response.

"Goodnight cutie."

Sonic whispered to himself, planting a small kiss on top of Shadows forehead and laying down with him, Shadows tail wagging violently afterwards.

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