Chapter 13

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Third POV

Amy stammered as she tried to find a excuse for how she knew where Shadows home was. Shadow blankly stared at her, already having a pretty clear idea of how she knew where he lived. Sonic attempted to peer over Shadows figure, trying to see how Amy was reacting to the situation she dropped herself in.

"You know what, all I wanted was to drop off a cake and spend some time with Sonic! But since you just LOVE being so rude to EVERYONE I'll be on my way, goodBYE Shadow!"

Amy bitterly spat, letting out a deep huff before she glared at Shadow once more, wiping her head around and speed walking away. Shadow had shown no expression to her words, though he did feel a small lump in his throat form as she insulted his behaviors towards other people.

"Goodbye Ms. Rose."

Shadow spoke bitterly, slightly slamming the door as he stepped out of the door frame. Sonic shone a weak smile as he pressed his back against the arm rest of the couch.

"You good?"

Sonic asked, his eyes slanting in the process. Shadow let a small smile creep onto his face, his expression falling moments later as he took a deep breath in.

"I'm fine, just tired."

Shadow spoke softly, rubbing his face and sitting beside Sonic on the couch.

"So, what do you want to do?"

Shadow asked, scratching the back of his ear softly. Sonic sat and pondered for a bit, his eyes slightly widening when a idea popped into his head.

"Can we go outside?! It's been to long since I last felt grass!"

Sonic energetically spoke, practically bouncing in his seat.  Shadow contemplated the idea for a bit, trying to figure out how he could manage to safely get Sonic outside. He shrugged his shoulders, a small smirk barely being visible as he stood up. Shadow stood closer to Sonic, scooting his arms underneath him and scooping him off the couch. A small yelp emitted from Sonic, causing Shadow to stare at him with concern.

"Sorry, just caught me by surprise!"

Sonic spoke, his cheeks flushing a light rose as he clung onto one of Shadows arms. Shadow let out a small breath, making sure to keep his grip onto Sonic.

"Im gonna chaos control us, is that alright?"

Shadow asked, making sure Sonic was aware of his next actions. Sonic energetically nodded, a large smile spread across his face. A smaller version of Sonics smile made its was to Shadows, a bright white light consuming both of them momentarily after.

Sonics POV

I blinked a few times after Shadow chaos controlled us to who knows where. That bright light messed with my vision making everything blurry. It took a few seconds of blinking before things started clearing up, revealing the beautiful scenery around me. The trees covers a majority of the sky, but a few rays of sunlight managed to sneak through the leaves and shine down on the crystal clear lake in front of us. There were Lilly pads scattered around the lake, small pink flowers rested on top of them. The area seemed completely untouched, except for a large tree posted besides us. A small patch of grass in front of the trunk of the free was flattened, showing someone had sat there. I could only really assume it was Shadow, considering he obviously knew about the place. I clung on harder to his arm as he began to walk again, setting me down just on the edge of where the lake met the grass. I took the liberty of taking of my shoes and socks so I couldn't let my legs into the water without getting my shoes and socks wet. Beside me shadow was doing the same, but instead of sitting beside me he actually went in the water. It wasn't really deep, I could see the sandy bottom from where I was sat so it only really covered  shadows lowers legs.

"Watch ya doin?"

I asked in a teasing manner, kicking the leg that wasn't in the cast so a small bit of water would splash onto shadow.

"Cooling off, I can't understand how your able to sit comfortably in this heat."

Shadow complained, scooping up a handful of water and splashing it in his face.

"It's only 78 degrees."

I taunted, rolling my eyes in the process. Shadow dramatically huffed as he smoothed his quills out, having his eyes closed so the water dripping down his face wouldn't get in them.

"That's hot enough."

Shadow spoke bitterly, a hint of sarcasm laced his words.

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