Chapter 29

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Third POV

A few hours had passed and Shadow was already exhausted. The amount of random people who had nothing better to do but harass coffee shop workers was horrendous.

"I swear to chaos if I have to deal with one more ass hole complaining about their order I'm going to quit."

Shadow snarled, pulling out the chair beside Sonic and placing down two coffee cups on the table.

"Isn't today your first day though?"

Sonic snickered, picking up the warm cup and taking a small slip.

"I could always accompany Rouge on her weekly robbery."

Shadow smirked, reviving a small smack on the side of the arm by Sonic making him laugh a bit.

"Although the rude customers are bad for you they are quite the entrainment for me."

Sonic hummed, taking another sip of the warm drink. Shadow rolled his eyes, pressing the edge of the cup against his bottom lip.

"Well I'm glad your enjoying yourself."

Shadow remarked, taking a sip of his drink as well.

"New guy, breaks over. Get back over here!"

One of the baristas hollered, Shadow groaning in response.

"That's my cue."

Shadow groaned, grabbing his cup and standing up from his chair.

"When is your shift over?"

Sonic asked, looking up at Shadow as he pushed in his seat.

"In about a hour, why do you ask?"

Shadow responded, looking down at Sonic.

"I was thinking.. maybe we could go out to eat somewhere tonight, like a date?"

Sonic mumbled, glanced over at the baristas who were in their own worlds. With a small sigh Shadow rested his hand on the side of Sonics face, using his back to shield what he was doing from the rest of his coworkers.

"The medias already on my tail from the whole parking lot incident, I don't think it would be good for either one of us if we were to get caught in public on a date."

Shadow whispered, watching Sonics ears fall a bit and his expression changing from hopeful to disappointed in a matter of seconds.

"I'm so-"

Shadow was cut off from Sonic painfully smiling.

"It's okay, really. Go back to work, I don't wanna distract you."

Sonic hummed, looking up at Shadow. After hesitating for a bit, Shadow reluctantly pulled his hand away, hopping over the counter once again and stationing himself at the cash register.

The coffee shop had been empty for the past 30 minutes, not like any of the employees were complaining. Sonic had went to the restroom which left Shadow to watch the clock tick as time passed. He was zoning out until the familiar door chime sounded, all the employees attentions getting caught to the figure who had entered. Shadows eyes met the costumers, his lower eyelid immediately twitching at the sight.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me."

Shadow snarled, lifting his head up from his hands while scowling at the figure in front of him.


Scourge raved, his eyes widened when meeting with the ebony figure. His displeased scowl quickly merged into a sinister grin, slowly walking up to the counter while glaring at Shadow.

"Well, isn't this a sight!"

Scourge mocked, leaning his torso over the counter to get into Shadows face.

"The so called "ultimate life from" is out here slaving in a coffee shop."

Shadow snarled as Scourge leaned closer, the temptation to wrap his hands around his throat and strangle him only growing as he spoke. Shadow glanced at the restroom door, the small reminder that Sonic was nearby and wouldn't appreciate him beating up someone while he was gone gave him the strength to suppress his anger.

"What can I get you today.. sir."

Shadow croaked, using every muscle in his body to refer to Scourge as anything other than a rodent. Scourges grin only intensified, leaning away from Shadow with his hands in his jacket pockets.

"Oh this will be fun."

Scourge mumbled to himself, just loud enough for Shadow to hear. Shadows eye twitched again just from hearing such words, taking a deep breath as mental preparation for whatever in hell Scourge was about to say.

Authors Note

He's baaaaaaaack 😀✨ I think someone in the comments a couple chapters ago called it that he was going to be in the Starbucks but I forget. I'm excited to write the next chapter so to all of my peeps out there who are just as sleep deprived as me and are reading this at 2 in the morning, you'll get the treat of seeing the next chapter in like 40 minutes to a hour, give or take. 😛✌🏼

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