Chapter 4

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Sonics POV

Shadows going to be watching me for more than 3 months. Woah. The guy who in almost every occasion fights me whenever we even glance at each other is going to be the one to care for me and help me for more than 3 months. I'm a little shocked to say the least. I mean, in a way this is okay because I've always wanted to get closer to him. The whole rival thing is fun and all but I still consider him a friend yet I barely know anything about him.

"Well Sonic, you okay with Shadow watching over you while you recover?"

Tails asked me, everyone's eyes shifted to me like I was announcing some big speech. I looked down at my lap, my ear flicking again as I thought about the situation for another second. I subconsciously smile a little, looking up at Shadow who had his arms crossed per usual.

"Yeah I'm okay with it!"

I chirped, trying to seem cheery through out all of this. I didn't want to make a big scene in front of everyone, but deep down I was panicking. I want to run, I NEED to run. It's who I am, what makes me, me. It's so lively, so free yet now that freedom is getting stripped away from me for months. When I spend almost all my time fighting Egg man, running seems to be the only thing that clears my mind, give me peace, joy. Sure I won't be fighting egg man while I recover, but I won't be able to feel that enjoyment, that thrill of running. But now isn't the time to think about that, I need to keep my cool in front of everyone. All eyes are on me after all.

"Alright then it's settled! I'm going to prescribe you with some Alendronic Acid to help with the bone."

The doctor spoke, handing Shadow a small piece of paper with an unreadable scribble on it. She gently moved Shadow closer to the corner he was standing in, shielding their faces with the clipboard in her hands. She whispered something to him, I tried to listen into what she was saying but I only heard soft whispers. When she lowered her clipboard again all I saw was Shadow sternly nodding, a small smirk on his lips.

'I'll have to ask him about it later..'

I thought, focusing on whatever it was Amy was saying, something about her visiting me so I don't get lonely.

~Time Skip~

We were all getting ready to leave the hospital. Tails made sure to get instructions on what Shadow should do when I'm in recovery and Shadow was looking up the nearest pharmacy to pick up the prescription. Knuckles had already left, something about 'being to far from the master emerald for too long' and Rouge just followed him. Amy and I were having some simple conversation until Tails came over to me with a warming smile.

"I got the paper, let's get you home now."

Tails beamed, waving a small folded piece of paper in his hands. Shadows ear flicked when he heard Tails speak. Shoving the device in his hands in his quills and walking over to us.

"We should go to my home to set up Sonics recovery area."

Shadow suggested, crossing his arms over his chest per usual. Tails simply nodded while Amy had a slightly annoyed expression but nodded as well. Next thing I knew, I was getting scooped up by Shadow, bridal stye. I didn't seem to notice the Chaos emerald in his hands before he grabbed me, but now it was slightly pricking my back.

"Grab my arm so I can chaos control you there as well."

Shadow spoke in a monotone voice, looking down at Tails with an unreadable expression. Tails complained, resting his hand on Shadows shoulder as he yelled Chaos Control. A white light consumed my vision, now seeing as we appeared in front of a rather small looking cabin surrounded by nothing but trees. I looked around me, noticing it was only Tails and Shadow.

"Where'd Amy go?"

I asked, looking up at Shadow as he opened the door revealing the interior of his home.

"I left her, I don't want the pink fur ball knowing where I live."

Shadow growled, placing me on a rather comfortable and plush black couch. He looked over at Tails who was carefully reading the previously folded piece of paper.

"We need to keep his leg elevated, grab some pillows and put it underneath it."

Tails spoke, keeping his face in the paper while Shadow grabbed the decorative pillows that were beside me and placed it underneath my injured leg. Shadow snatched the paper from Tails's hands, skimming over it and tossing it behind him while huffing. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms at his rude behavior, still curious to where he was going. A few moments later Shadow came back with his hands full of a large fluffy blanket and two normal sized pillows.

"Here, I don't sleep much anyways so you can use these."

He spoke, carelessly dropping the things in his arms on top of me. Something was off about him right now. Sure he still had a bit of an attitude but he seemed more at ease, calmer, relaxed. Maybe I've just gotten use to his aggressive demeanor that I don't know what his true personality is like.

"I'll need to get use to this."

I muttered under my breath, shoving the pillow behind my head and snuggling into it.

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