Chapter 28

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Third POV

Sonic groaned, squinting and rubbing his eyes. A loud and obnoxious beeping filled the bedroom. As a result, Sonic grabbed his pillow and mushing it over his ears in attempts to muffle the sound.


Sonic groaned, turning his head to the side to face Shadow who was somehow still peacefully sleeping.

"Shadow, turn it off.."

Sonic murmured, reaching over Shadows body to turn off his alarm clock. After a few moments of randomly slamming down buttons on the device, Sonic simply ripped the cord out of the wall.

"What are you doing..?"

Shadow groaned, squinting his eyes at Sonic who was sprawled over him with his alarm clock in hand.

"Tuning off your alarm clock."

Sonic yawned, setting down the device and yanking his head back onto his pillow.

"Why do you even have one set anyway?"

Sonic asked, scooting closer to Shadow who flipped on his side to look at Sonic.

"It's called having a orderly sleep schedule."

Shadow sneered, Sonic rolling his eyes at Shadows tease.

"What time is it anyway?"

Sonic yawned, smoothing out a few quills on the top of his head that were in disarray.

"4 am."

Shadow spoke, rubbing his eyes. Sonic stopped his movements and glared at Shadow who looked at him confused.

"You wake up every day at 4 am willingly?"

Sonic grumbled, a small smirk following his sentence before shadow whacked him with a pillow.

"I have a job yknow."

Shadow scoffed, stretching his arms before pulling himself up to get out of bed. Before he could get a foot out of the bed, Sonic quickly pulled him back, wrapping his arms around his torso to keep him in place.

"Yeah but you aren't working for a while so stay.."

Sonic grumbled, squeezing Shadows torso in attempts to convince him.

"I have the new job remember? And I'm not going to be late on the first da-"

Shadow was cut off from Sonic lazily pressing his lips against Shadows in attempts to shut him up, which worked.

"Shhhh let me sleep."

Sonic mumbled, nuzzling his muzzle underneath Shadows chin.

"I need to get up."

Shadow retorted, quickly slipping away from Sonics arms once his grip was loosened. Sonic grumbled, grabbing Shadows pillow and stuffing it in his face.

"I don't wanna be left alone again. It's so boooring."

Sonic complained, watching Shadow pull the pillow away and get off the bed.

"Why don't you come with me? You can sit at one of the tables while I work."

Shadow offered, Sonics ears perking up at his words.

"I suppose that could work."

Sonic bemoaned, a small smile following after as Shadow threw his pillow into his face.

~Time Skip~

"Are you ready to go?"

Shadow asked, tying the thin strings of the apron behind his back.


Sonic hummed, sitting up from the bed and grabbing his crutches.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay here? It's probably going to be just as boring as it is here."

Shadow questioned, quickly fixing the bed they were previously laying on.

"I'm sure I'll find some kind of entertainment in the wild, plus it beats sitting here all by myself."

Sonic exclaimed, tugging on one end of the comforter to straighten it out.

"Alright, it you say so."

Shadow hummed, tossing the pillows in their correct placement. He quickly scurried over to Sonic, grabbing his chaos emerald out of his quills before chaos controlling to his workplace.

"Hey new guy!"

One of the baristas chirped, energetically waving at Shadow who greeted them with a small nod. He quickly found a seat closest to the counter, helping Sonic sit comfortably before hopping over the counter to the other end.

"So, what am I doing?"

Shadow asked, slicking back a quill that was sticking out.

"First, you need to tie up your quills."

The barista said, rummaging through a small drawer to her side and handing Shadow a small black hair tie. Shadow grabbed the hair tie, bunching his back quills up together before wrapping the hair tie around them twice.

"You'll take the cash register, taking orders, writing down name that sort of thing."

The barista hummed, walking over to the cash register and Shadow following once he had his quills tied up.

"This button opens it and this one rings up the total, the rest is pretty much useless."

The barista pointed out, pointing at each button she was referring to. Shadow hummed in response, watching the barista go back to her station as he leaned against the counter.

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