Chapter 5

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Third POV

Sonic shut his eyes, burying his face into the pillow Shadow had given him, letting out a big huff as he closed his eyes. His ear flicked, showing the people around him that he was still listening to the sound around him.

"I'll pick up his prescription in a few hours and come back to check on him. Can you get him something to eat in the meantime, he hasn't eaten since before the fight and it's been almost 15 hours."

Tails requested, looking at the doctors prescription note in confusion and walking out the door.

"Oh and thanks for this Shadow, it means a lot."

Tails spoke his final words before he quickly shut the door behind him, spinning his tails and flying off to where ever his desired location was. Shadow rubbed his head a bit, quietly groaning in the process.

'How do I get myself in these kinds of situations.'

He thought, making his way to his kitchen to prepare food as the fox has requested.

~Time Skip~

"Faker.. FAKER!"

Shadow yelled, shaking the azure hedgehog that laid on the couch causing him to snap his eyes open and immediately lift his torso in a panic.


Sonic blurted, frantically looking around him. Shadow pulled his arm away from Sonics shoulder, flicking his forehead with the same hand.

"I made food, eat."

Shadow spoke, holding a bowl a soup out in front of Sonic. Sonic took the bowl, smiling at Shadow and thanking him. Shadow walked over to the other side of the couch, grabbing a book on his coffee table and sitting down to read it. Sonic looked up from his bowl, staring at Shadow as he somewhat peacefully read his book.

"What are you gonna do while I'm here?"

Sonic asked, trying to make conversation.

"Well I'm just going to be babysitting you really, I don't usually spend much time here."

Shadow spoke, glancing up from his book and looking back now. Sonic felt a small sting of guilt, his foot being to tap excessively under the blanket he was given. 

"Why is your foot moving."

Shadow questioned in a more demanding manner, glaring up at the azure hedgehog. Sonic swallowed thickly, looking up at Shadow with a weak attempt of a smile.

"Sorry, I'm just not use to staying so still, gotta go fast you know!"

Sonic weakly laughed, scratching the back of his head and stopping his foot from tapping. He finished the bowl of soup, stretching over to the coffee table beside him and placing the bowl down.

Sonics POV

I'm loosing my sanity slowly. I don't know how Shadows able to stay this still. It's so quiet and still. I don't want to bother him considering I'm clearly invading his space by tapping my foot but it's the only thing that was keeping me occupied. I was fidgeting like crazy. Picking at my gloves, running my hand through my quills, biting my lip. My ear even started to flick for no reason. Suddenly I heard Shadow sigh, folding the corner of the page in his book, and standing up. I watched as he walked over to my empty bowl, picking it up and taking it over to the kitchen. He walked behind the couch and I lost sight of him, now tapping my foot like crazy since he won't feel it.

"Here, keep yourself occupied. You look like you're trapped in a psych ward."

Shadow complained, looming over behind me and giving me one of his Inhibitor rings and dangling it front of my face.

"I'm not doing anything at the moment so I'll be fine without one."

He spoke, walking back to the kitchen with the sound of running water following moments after his leave. I looked in my reflection in the shiny ring, running my fingers along the smooth sides of it and gently slipping it onto my wrist. It was slightly bigger than my wrist, making it easier for it to slip on and off. It was actually heavier than I expected and pulled my wrists down as I put it on. I silently laughed at myself, wondering how I'm able to be so entertained by a big ring. My head jerked up when I heard a knock at the door, slipping the ring off my wrist and holding it with both hands moments after. It felt like I was protecting it, even though all it took was someone with enough grip strength to yank it out my hands. Shadow sped walked over to the door, looking through the peep hole before opening the door to reveal tails with a white grocery bag in his hands.


I shouted from the couch, spinning the ring in my hands now that I 'knew it was safe'.

"Hey Sonic, hey Shadow. I got your medicine and a couple other things right here!"

Tails chirped, pulling the bag closer to his head as Shadow moved out the way of the door frame for him to walk in.

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