Castiel... (Destiel)

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3rd POV
(1 am)

It been hours since Dean laid in his bed and stared at the ceiling. It been hours since he tried to go to sleep. He couldn't sleep, he couldn't sleep knowing he kicked Castiel out even though he knew Castiel had no where to stay. But he was doing it for Sam, he was saving Sam, but it didn't feel right, it didn't feel okay.

It was slowly killing Dean, it was eating him alive, he finally sat up and got dressed, after that he quietly grabbed his car keys and went to the car. Dean started his car and left, as he was driving he pulled out his phone and started tracking Castiel's phone he gave him before he left. Dean tracked Castiel's phone to an alley behind a liquor store thst was around 20-30 minutes away.

Dean pressed of the peddle and started driving faster, he needed to get to his angel, his beautiful and amazing angel that he broke. Dean arrived at the liquor and as soon as he parked the car he jumped out and ran around back. His heart shattered when he seen Castiel curled up in a corner sleeping, Dean could see Castiel had cried from the twar stains on his cheeks. Dean walked over and kneeled down in front of Castiel.

"Cass" Dean said as he put one of his hands on Castiel's shoulder, Castiel jolted awake, as he did so his hands shot up and gripped Dean's shirt. "Dean..?" Castiel said, his voice was quiet and Dean felt tears well up in his eyes, "I'm so sorry Cass" Dean said before pulling Castiel into a hug. Castiel hugged back and he began crying aswell, "I'm so sorry" Dean kept saying, Castiel could hear his voice break.

"It's okay Dean, I forgive you" Castiel whispered and Dean just held onto him tighter, it wasn't okay, Castiel was too nice for his own good, Dean should have came up with a plan before just kicking Castiel out like that. He just gave him a phone, some clothes, and a backpack but that was it. He left him yo fend for himself after, all alone, when thousands of angels are out to kill him.

Dean grabbed Castiel's legs and wrapped them around his waist. He set one hand under Castiel's ass and lifted him up, Castiel just wrapped his arms around Dean and held on. Dean grabbed Castiel's backpack that he had given him with all the other things he gave him. He walked to the car and opened the passenger door, Castiel tried to leave Dean's arms but Dean had a tight grip on him.

He threw Castiel's backpack in the passenger seat and shut it, he walked over to the driver side and got in, Castiel was still sitting on Dean's lap as Dean started the car. Non of them said a word as Dean drove down the empty highway, Castiel ended up falling asleep again but Dean didnt seem to notice. Well, he didn't notice till he parked the car in the parking lot of a motel, his arm's wrapped around Castiel in a protective manner.

Dean rented out a room for the next 2 months, the man at the counter stared at him and Castiel in his arms like he was grossed out of something. "Enjoy" the guy muttered as he handed Dean 2 keys, Dean nodded his head and took the keys, he made his way up the stairs to the second floor where Castiel would be staying. He opened the motel room's door and walked in.

He carefully set Castiel down on one of the beds and reached into his pocket, he pulled out a peice of crumbled up paper, he looked around and grabbed a pen that was laying on the table. He wrote a small note and pulled out 300$ from his pocket. He set the note down, next to Castiel, before walking to the door, he looked back at Castiel and bit the inside of his cheek.

He walked back over to Castiel's side and gently moved his hair out of his face, he placed a soft kiss on Castiel's forehead and turned away. He then left without turning back, because he knew that if he looked back at Castiel again he wouldn't leave his side again. Because Sam also needed him by his side, they both did but Dean always pit his brother first. Always.

Dean got back into his baby and drove away. Tears fell from his eyes as he drove back to the bunker. By the time he got back it was 3:30, his tears were dried, and he was exhausted. He walked into his room and kicked his boots off, threw his keys onto his desk, and flopped onto his bed. He closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

A sweet dream of him and Castiel played in his mind and a smile tugged on his lips.

Word Count - 836

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