Im Sorry (Sabriel)

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3rd POV
(Night time)

Sam and Gabriel have been having a rough relationship these past few weeks. Ever since they got back from the apocalypse world Sam has been distant towards Gabriel. Gabriel thought it was because he almost died or that he faked his death back in 2010 but they already had that conversation and Sam had forgiven him.

Other than those ideas Gabriel had no idea why Sam was avoiding him and barely speaking to him. Sam wouldn't even sleep in their shared bed anymore, Gabriel was starting to become heart broken from this. That's why when Dean, Jack, and Cass left for groceries Gabriel disited to finally talk to him. "Sam" Gabriel said as he stood a few feet away from Sam who was reading a book at the table near the far end.

"What?" Sam asked, not looking up from his book he was reading, "Why have you been avoiding me?" Gabriel asked and Sam finally looked up at him. "I haven't been avoiding you" Sam said and Gabriel felt anger boil up in him. How could he say that after all he's done to him! "Yes you have, you've been avoiding me, you barely talk to me, you won't even sleep in the same bed as me Sam!" Gabriel said.

Sam stood up and glared at Gabriel, "Maybe I won't sleep in the same bed as you because you cheated!" Sam said and Gabriel froze, cheated? He would never cheat, not on his Moose, his moose was everything to him. He was the best thing that had ever happened to Gabriel, and he's been alive for eons! "Cheat!? I would never cheat! Especially on you Sammy!" Gabriel said. "Yeah, well that's not what Rowena said" Sam said, his voice started to get louder.

"Rowena? The witch? I fucked her once before we even met!" Gabriel said and Sam stormed towards Gabriel. "Really? Who else have you fucked that I don't know about? Did you screw women after you faked your death? Or was all you said a made up damn story that you got Ketch and Asmodeus caught into!?" Sam asked, his voice getting louder. Gabriel froze and tears filled his eyes, what was going on with him?

"Did Asmodeus really take your grace or did you make a deal with him so it could seem like that!? Did you throw Ketch into the mix just to fuck with us!?" Sam shouted. Gabriel felt his body started to shake as he stared up at Sam, tears were already falling down his face. He didn't have an expression, he just cried, Sam stepped back and froze. What was he doing? Why was he saying this? What the fuck is wrong with him?

"Gabe" Sam said softly, he reached a hand out to touch Gabriel's cheek but Gabriel slapped his hand away and took a few steps back. "What is wrong with you?" Gabriel asked, his voice cracked as he did so, Sam felt his heart break and he tried to pull Gabriel into a hug but Gabriel just stepped back more. "Gabe, I-i didn't-" Sam tried but Gabriel just turned and walked away.

He walked up the stairs and Sam hurried after him, "No wait! Gabriel! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" Sam cried, Gabriel ignored him and opened the front door, he was met with Dean, Jack, and Cass but he pushed past them and left. "Woah, what's his problem?" Dean asked Cass and Jack as they all had noticed he was crying but seconds later Sam came rushing past them, crying. "Gabe please!" Sam begged as he followed Gabriel outside.

"Go away!" Gabriel yelled, he stared picking up his pace while more tears streamed down his face. "Gabriel please! I'm sorry!" Sam yelled, Gabriel started running and Sam was running after him. Gabriel toned out Sam's voice and everything else as well, Sam got tired after running for a while and started slowing down, calling out for Gabriel to listen and hear him out. But even he didn't know why he said all of that.

Sam finally came to a stop and fell to his knees, he looked up but Gabriel was no where in sight. He sat there and just cried, he cried and cried for hours till his brother, Jack, and Cass pulled up next to him in the Impala. Dean hurried out of the car and pulled Sam into a hug, "What's wrong Sammy?" Dean asked and he held onto his brother, Sam wrapped his arms around Dean and started sobbing.

"I fucked up Dean, I fucked up bad, I said things to Gabe I should have never said, I ruined everything" Sam said threw his cries and Dean looked up at Cass and Jack who were staring back at him. This was really bad.

Meanwhile Gabriel was still running, his legs started hurting a few hours back but he ignored the pain and continued to run. He ran toll his legs gave out on him and he fell flat on his face. He rolled onto his side and just cried, he curled into a ball and cried, he cried till he passed out. After he did his older brother Lucifer walked up to him and stared down at him.

"What have they done to you" Lucifer mumbled as he got onto his knees and pulled his brother's body onto his lap, he put one arm under Gabriel's legs and the other arm under his back. He stood up and held Gabriel close to him, "It's okay now, bit bro is here" Lucifer mumbled before disappearing with Gabriel.

A few weeks later
(With Sam)

Sam had locked himself away in his and Gabriel's shared room, he had refused to eat or get out of the bed, he had ruined one of the best things that had ever happened to him. He ruined it and there was no explanation as to why he did. He got off the bed and got down on his knees. He grabbed his knife that sat on his night stand, he leaned his head back and started to cry. He rose the knife to his chest before plunging himself with it.

"Im so sorry Gabriel, forgive me my beautiful angel"

Word Count - 1047

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