His Sweet Blue Eyes (Destiel)

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*High School AU*

Dean - 17
Sam - 15
Castiel - 16
Gabriel - 17
Charlie - 16


3rd POV
(August 22nd)
(First day of school)

Dean and his family moved to a small town in Kansas over the summer since his father got a well paying job there. His younger brother Sam wasn't very happy about it cause he had to break up with his girlfriend Jess who he dated for 2 years. It didn't really hurt him since he found out 2 weeks before he broke up with her she was cheating and he was gay.

So there's that, Dean was very happy cause he hated his old high school, it fucking sucked ass, all the popular kids were horrible. He even said it to their faces but no one dared to fuck with him though, or his little brother. He almost killed a kid for putting their hands on his brother. So yeah, they both had different options but overall they were happy to go to a new school. And today was their first day at their new school.

"Have fun boys!" Mary called out as she watched her two sons hurry into Dean's Impala that his after gave him of his 16th birthday. It was Dean's first day of 12th grade and Sam's first day of 10th grade. Dean sped off in the Impala the music was turned up to full volume and the two were screaming the lyrics on the top of their lungs. After a song Dean turned down the radio, "How do you feel about your first day Sammy?" He asked.

Sam rolled his eyes and huffed, "Don't call me Sammy, It sounds like an 8 year olds nickname" Sam said and Dean just laughed. "Whatever you say Sammy" Dean said and Sam let out a groan, just then they pulled up to their new high school. Dean parked his baby and they both got out, over the past year Sam has been growing like fucking crazy, he was currently 5'11 but everyone knew he wasn't done growing.

Dean has stopped growing at 6'1 back in the 10th grade, he had very pleased at how tall he was. "Let's go Sammy" Dean said and Sam just bitch faced him, they both entered the school and all eyes turned to them, both guys and girls stared at them had they walked by, girls were holding each other's hands and screaming while guy's were filling up with jealousy. Every girl wanted them in their panties and every guy wanted to be them.

To bad they were both gay. "Dean, I dont want to be here" Sam mumbled to his brother and Dean snorted, "You are a total geek Sammy and you don't want to he at school? The one place geeks live to be?" Dean asked and Sam let out a groan, "I hate you" Sam said and Dean chuckled. "Love you too Sammy" Dean said, just then the bell rang and they both went their separate ways,

It took Dean a while but he found his class just before the last bell rang, when he got seated the teacher came in, she had long red curly hair, grayish-green eyes, jewelry on, and a short black dress on. "Okay, my name is Rowena, call me Mrs. Rowena, I don't like any of you so you can all fuck off, I'm your new teacher so you better all get over it" she said in her strong British accent.

And just like that class began.

Lunch time

Dean and Sam had the same lunch and they were very grateful for that. Right now they were in line getting lunch together. "Ugh, the girls here as so annoying, and horrible looking" Sam said as he looked over at a group of girls that were pointing at him and whispering. "Their sluts too" Sam said and Dean laughed.

"Everyone is gonna go after you Sammy, you hit you growth spurt, get use to it" Dean said as he sent his brother a wink. Sam rolled his eyes, they both walked outside and sat at an empty table, "Think we can just skip school?" Sam asked and Dean rolled his eyes, "Wait at least a week Sammy, we can't be caught skipping on the first day, mom and dad would kill us" Dean said and Sam let out a huff.

Sam stuffed his face with a garlic knot and chewed on it, "Were any of your classes half decent?" Dean asked and Sam rolled his eyes again. "Keep rolling them eyes and their gonna get stuck" Dean said and Sam huffed, "No, they all sucked ass" Sam said and Dean chuckled "That must suck" he said and Sam glared at him. "You are so annoying" Sam said and Dean shrugged, "That's what older siblings are for Sammy".

They both ate and talked about what they were gonna do when they got home, Sam already wanted to be home so there was that, Dean just wanted to walk around the neighborhood and see who he was living next to and all that. "Dean, we had all summer to find out who we live next to and you still don't know?" Sam asked and Dean shrugged, "I had things to do" he said, "Yeah right, was jacking off to cute guys having things to do?" Sam asked.

Dean glared at his brother and before he could respond the bell rang, they both stood up and gave each other fist bumps before going their separate ways again. Dean's next class was his elective, art. He was late so when he walked in all heads turned to him, "Hi" was all he said and his teacher smiled at him, "Have a seat! Class is about to begin!" His teacher said and Dean nodded.

As he was walking to an empty seat he made eye contact with a beautiful boy, he had messy black hair and beautiful diamond-blue eyes, they kept eye contact till Dean sat down. Dean stared at the back of the boy's head, he was cute, really cute, and he really wanted his number. So after class Dean tried to make his way over to the boy, the boy doing the same thing, they almost got to each other when some random dude took the boys arm.

And some random girls crowded around Dean, Dean watched the boy walk off, both of them holding eye contact till he left the room.

After school

Dean was waiting at the Impala for Sam, his last period teacher let them all out earlier so Dean was sitting on the good of his car, very bored. The bell rang and everyone came flooding out of the school doors. Dean hopped off the hood of the Impala as he searched for his brother, as he was looking he spotted the boy from his art class. The boy spotted him aswell and they both walked towards each other.

When they both stopped in front of each other they smiled, "Hi" Dean said, "Hi" the boy said back and Dean's heart sped up, oh dear Chuck he sounded so hot. "I'm Dean" Dean said and the boy smiled more, "Castiel" he said and Dean grinned.

"Nice to meet you Castiel"

Word Count - 1212

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