The 4th of July (Samifer)

82 2 0

*Human AU*

Sam - 19
Lucifer - 22
Dean - 23
Castiel - 20
Gabriel - 17
Charlie - 18


3rd POV
(July 4th, 2022)
(8 pm)

"Come on Sammy!! Hurry up you slow Bitch!" Sam's older brother Dean yelled. Dean's lover Castiel clung onto his arm as they walked up a hill. "Fuck off Jerk!" Sam yelled. He, Lucifer, Charlie, and Gabriel were all stuck in the back because non of them had enough energy to run up the hill.

"I'm so tired, we've been walking all day" Gabriel cried and Lucifer rolled his eyes. "Hey, it's better than being stuck at home with Micheal and Adam" Lucifer said and Sam laughed, Lucifer looked over at him, a smile spread acrossed his face. "First time I've heard you laugh this whole day Sammy" Lucifer said and Sam glanced over ta him. "You haven't been funny till now" he said and Lucifer gasped as he held a hand over his 'breaking' heart.

"I'm hurt Sammy" Lucifer said and Sam rolled his eyes but his smile never left his face. "Your so over dramatic Lucifer" Castiel said and Lucifer rolled his eyes. "Your so mean Sammy" Lucifer said and Sam's smile grew into a grin, "Ik, and don't call me Sammy" Sam said but Lucifer ignored the last part. After a bit of walking, they started to near the top, Gabriel and Charlie started running to the top so they could finally rest.

Leaving Sam and Lucifer by themselves, "So, did you tell Dean?" Lucifer asked as he watched the sun start to set. "Yeah, I did, he got pissed, really pissed." Sam said, he let out a sigh and Lucifer took ahold of his hand, Sam smiled and squeezed it to feel Lucifer squeeze back. "He'll learn to except it some day, after all, I have a surprise" Lucifer said.

"What?" Sam asked but they were interrupted when Dean marched over to them. "Hands off Satan!" Dean said before pulling their hands apart and pulling Sam away, Sam looked back and seen Lucifer following them. "Sorry" He mouthed and Lucifer grinned before winking at him, Sam smiled before his brother threw him onto the grass next to Charlie. "Hey Bitch" Charlie said and Sam smiled.

"Hey" he said back and seconds later Lucifer sat down next to him, "Keep your hands off him Lucifer" Dean warned him but as soon as he turned away Lucifer pulled Sam into a pick kiss which made Charlie scream. "What! Is something wrong!?" Castiel jumped up and asked, "Sam and Lucifer kissed!" Charlie explained and Castiel held Dean back while he exploded. "Nice one bro" Gabriel said as he held his hand up for Lucifer to high five him.

Lucifer high fived Gabriel and grinned while staring Dean dead in the eyes before sticking his tounge out. Lucifer and Sam had been dating since Sam was 15 and Lucifer was 18. Their relationship had been kept secret every since, well, till Lucifer and Sam told their families the week before. Dean had a blow out. Saying how Lucifer was a horrible guy and Sam deserved better.

Lucifer's family was very excited, Castiel was kinda weirded out they were both dating a Winchester but than again their older brother Micheal was fucking Sam and Dean's younger brother Adam. Overall they were all very happy, all but Dean of course but who cares. "Guys! There getting the fireworks ready!" Sam shouted, they all jumped up and Lucifer grabbed Sam's hand. Sam held his hand back and smiled at him, Lucifer smiled back before dragging him in front of them all.

"I have something to say before the fireworks start" Lucifer said, they all stared at him and he stared Sam in his eyes. He took a deep breath in and started, "I love you Sam Winchester, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, you make me happy in ways I can't describe, I've never been so happy since I got with you. You light up my world and I really domt deserve you, Your amazing, smart, and very well built" Lucifer started.

Sam's heart started pounding in his chest as he realized what Lucifer was gonna do, the others on the other hand were confused and Dean was pissed. Lucifer got down on one knee and pulled out a black box, he opened it and held it out to Sam, "So will you marry me Sam Winchester?" Lucifer asked, just then the fireworks went off and everyone was in shock.

"Omg yes!" Sam shouted before tackling Lucifer to the ground, they both started laughing and Sam started to cry. Lucifer slipped the ring onto Sam's ring finger and everyone cheered. Even Dean cheered, When Lucifer and Sam got up they were both pulled into hugs, Castiel and Gabriel held onto their older brother as if their lived depended on it while screaming.

Charlie and Dean were both squishing Sam into a tight hug, Sam hugged them both back while still crying. When they all pulled away Sam looked over again his older brother, "I hate him so much Sam, but seeing how happy he makes you now, I can't get in th way of that, I've never seen you that happy, so congrats Sam" Dean said and Sam began to cry harder. Dean pulled him into another hug and Sam held onto him with his life.

After a while of hugging they both let go and they all stared up at the fireworks that were going off. Sam switched places with Castiel that way Dean and Castiel could hold onto each other while Sam and Lucifer could hold on to oach other. "I love you Sam" Lucifer whispered in Sam's ear and Sam smiled, Sam kissed Lucifer's cheek before responding, "I love you too Lucifer" he said.

Lucifer wrapped both his arm's around Sam's waist and held him close, Sam rested his head on Lucifer's shoulder and nuzzled his head into the crock of Lucifer's neck. He smiled against Lucifer's cold skin and played with the ring on his finger.

This was the best day of his life.

Word Count - 1024

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