I Love You (Micifer)

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*Human AU*

*Michael Novak and Lucifer Shurly live across from each other, their best friends and they both love each other but will never confess. That is until they both get high and Michael has a sudden bost of confidence to confess to Lucifer and it goes from there*

Michael - 18
Lucifer - 18
Gabriel - 17
Castiel - 16


3rd POV
(At the Novak household)
(In Michael's room)
(6:30 pm)

Michael and Lucifer were both sitting in Michael's room, playing minecraft on their phones together. They were in Lucifer's world because they both agreed Lucifer's world was better. "Hey, did that Meg girl ask you out yet?" Michael asked and Lucifer snorted as he killed some zombies that were chasing after him.

"Yeah" Lucifer said and Michael frowned when he seen his base get invaded by skeletons and baby zombies. "So are you guys dating?" Michael asked as he started killing them all, "Nope" Lucifed said popping the P as he seen he died from a baby Zombie. "Fucking baby zombies" Lucifer growled under his breath and Michael let out a chuckle. "Why not?" Michael asked, he was secretly glad Lucifer and her weren't dating.

"She's a slut, and I'm gay, remember?" Lucifer said and Michael made an oh face as he killed the last skeleton. "I forgot, my bad" he said and Lucifer let out a laugh as he spawned back at his base. Just then Lucifer and Michael's younger brothers came barging in, "Luci, Mom what's to know if your staying the night" Lucifer's younger brother Gabriel asked.

"Yeah, I am" he said and Gabriel nodded before running put the door again. "Michael, were all gonna be out of town for the weekend, so you got the house to yourself till Monday" Castiel said and Michael looked up from his phone as he paused his game. "Cool, have fun" he said and Castiel nodded, he quickly left making sure to shut the door behind him.

Michael left the minecraft world and Lucifer did aswell soon after. "So, wanna watch some weird chick-flik movies and eat popcorn but end up not watching it and get high and laugh at stupid jokes we tell each other?" Michael asked and Lucifer snorted. "Hell yeah" he said and Michael grinned, the two raced downstairs and seen Michael's parents and younger brothers walk out the door.

"Stay safe baby!" His mother called out and Michael grinned, "I will Ma! Have fun!" He called out after he before he and Lucifer hurried into the kitchen, Luicfer grabbed the popcorn and a bowl, he open the package and threw it into the microwave. He pressed the buttons and watched the pop corn move in circles till he got bored and walked over to Michael to see him putting a shit tone of candy in a big ass bowl.

"Awesome" Lucifer said and Michael chuckled, Michael then pushed the bowl to the side and raced upstairs to get blankets, pillows, and his secret stash of weed. Lucifer looked threw the fridge and grabbed two cans of soda, a Pepsi for Michael and a Black Cherry for himself. When he set them on the coffee table in the living room he heard the microwave go off.

He hurried back into the kitchen and Michael zoomed past him into the living room, "Woah" Lucifer said as he almost fell over. "My bad" Michael said as he set up the couch, "No worries broski" Lucifer said and Michael laughed, Lucifer finger gunned him while winking before going I the kitchen and getting the popcorn out of the microwave.

Lucifer got the bag out of the microwave and put it into a medium sized bowl, on his way out of the kitchen he grabbed the bowl of candy and hurried into the living room. "Mm, Bruce Almighty?" Lucifer asked as Michael clicked play, "Hell yeah" he said and Lucifer chuckled. The movie started to play and the two watched around 20 minutes of it before beginning to smoke.

Lucifer had grabbed his bong from his backpack and they went wild, around 50 minutes into the movie Michael and Lucifer were stoned, "Heh,do you think our parents know we smoke?" Michael asked and Lucifer hummed. "I wouldn't be surprised, we're high everyday we go to school bro, I think they notice" Lucifer muttered and Michael blinked a few times.

"Good point" Michael mumbled and Lucifer grinned, "Ah, he can't get the love of his life, how sad" Lucifer said and Michael bit his lip. He glanced over at Lucifer, his eyes felt heavy, he felt like sleeping, he wanted to eat, he really wanted to makeout with Lucifer. He really wanted to know what Lucifer's lips tasted like, he knew Lucifer always had on cherry chapstick, he wonder if he tasted like cherry though.

Michael blinked a few times before leaning closer to Lucifer, Lucifer turned to his best friend to see him getting closer to his face, he didn't move or say anything till his and Michael's noses were touching. "Hey" he said and Michael let out a small laugh, "Heyy" he said back and Lucifer grinned. "Do you want anything?" Lucifer asked and Michael's eyes flickered down to Lucifer's lips.

"A kiss" he said and Lucifer hummed, "Okay then" he mumbled before moving his hands up to Michael's cheeks and pulling him in for a kiss, their lips collided and both immediately started moving their mouths in sync with each other's. Michael let out a soft moan into the kiss as he made his way onto Lucifer's lap. The two both felt each other slowly get hard as the seconds pass.

They pulled away and Michael looked Lucifer in his eyes "I love you" he mumbled and Lucifer grinned. "I love you too" He said and they went back to making out, there makeout session started to get heated and soon enough they were taking each other's clothes off. Lucifer had Michael pinned to the couch as they started grinding against each other.

Michael moved his hands to Lucifer's bare back and scratched, his moans were muffled by Lucifer's tounge down his throat. Neither pulled away and soon after they started going at it.

Word Count - 1040

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