Their Code's (Samifer)

52 3 1

*Human/Highschool AU*

Sam - 17
Lucifer - 18
Dean - 20
Cass - 19
Gabriel - 16
Michael - 20
Adam - 19


3rd POV
(November 7th)
(11:03 am)

Sam was sitting in his 5th period, he was tired and wanted to go home. He was in his 4th year of highschool and he couldn't wait to graduate. Yes he liked school because he got to see and talk to his friends but that was it. But the main reason he mostly went to school was because of his lover. Lucifer Shurly. He was tall, 6'3, 2 inches taller than him.

He had perfect dirty blond hair and stunning blue eyes, and he was the devil of the school. The teacher's hated him, the students feared him, and the principal was so done with him. The teachers started calling him Satan and the Devil at the start of his 2nd year. He's currently in his 4th and final year at the highschool, Lucifer was never expelled from the school because his father was deadly rich and owned half of town.

"Sam Winchester, you're needed in office, the guy up there said to tell you it was a code blue" his teacher suddenly said and Sam looked up. Ever looked and stared at him as he got all of his shit and left the classroom. He knew what code blue ment, it was something him and Lucifer came up with. They curently had 6 diffraction codes. Code Red, code Pink, code Green, code Blue, code Brown, and code Black. Here's what they mean.

Code Red - One of them is in serious danger and needs help.
Code Pink - One of them was horny and needed help with it.
Code Blue - One of them wants to skip school.
Code Green - One of their brother's had disappeared again.
Code Brown - One of their parent's were gone for the weekend and wanted them over.
Code Black - One of them is dieing.

Sam found some of them ridiculous but he didn't care, he teased Lucifer for a week though for calling code Pink but Sam did end up helping him. Sam looked around before walking into the cafeteria and out the back doors. There he seen Lucifer waiting for him with his younger brother Gabriel who was in the grade below him and Lucifer. "Finally, I missed you" Lucifer said as he wrapped his arms around Sam's waist.

"You just seen me last night" Sam said and Lucifer let out a huff as he pulled Sam in for a short kiss. "Too long ago" Lucifer mumbled before Gabriel cleared his throat. The two looked at him and he motioned to his left side, they both looked over to see a security guard heading their way. "Oh shit, run" Lucifer said and the three took off in the other direction, "Hey! Get back here!" The guard yelled at them.

They all ran and Lucifer was laughing as they did so. Once they made it far away from the school they all stopped and sat down. "Michael should be here any second" Lucifer said as he wrapped his arm around Sam's waist and pulled him closer. Sam leaned his head on Lucifer's shoulder and let out a yawn, then Gabriel yawned and then Lucifer yawned. "Yawning is contagious bro" Gabriel said and the two agreed.

Lucifer had just turned 18 two weeks prior to this moment, Sam has surprised him his birthday night and they both had much fun. Sadly Sam's 18th birthday wast until the last month of school so that sucked. Not that he cared though, he liked how his birthday was in the summer time. It was always so nice, as they waited Lucifer showed Gabriel and Sam videos off his phone that he found on tiktok.

After a while Muchael and Adam pulled up in Lucifer's van he bought not to long ago. "I still can't believe you actually got this fucking van" Michael said as he motioned to the huge picture of Satan on the side of it. Other than that picture it was all black, "What are you talking about? It's badass" Lucifer said as the threw of them piled into the back of the van.

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