Art School (Sabriel)

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*Sam is a Figure Model (a nude model) and Gabriel is an art student, this one day in particular Gabriel is very nervous to go to art school because the teacher had a few Figure Models coming in for his class to learn about a human Model, when Gabriel sees Sam and how fucking big he is he can't help but freak out and ask him for his number after class*

Sam - 22
Gabriel - 21
Charlie - 21


3rd POV
(May 13th)
(10:00 am)

"Hello class, today were going to be observing human models so we will have some guy and girl Figure Models come in to show us what a naked body looks like" Gabriel's teacher announced and Ganriel felt his jaw drop, he looked over at his beat friend Charlie to see her in complete shock as well.

"Omg, I can't do this" She said and Gabriel also started to freak while everyone else in their class was cheering. "What if I end up in love with one of them?" She asked herself again before looking at Gabriel who looked worse then her. She couldn't help but let out a small laugh, "It's not funny, I'm gonna die!" Gabriel said and she continued to giggle.

"I felt bad for myself for a minute but now looking at you, I'm so sorry my dear friend" she said and Gabriel swore he could pass out right there. "I've never seen a naked body in real life! I'm gonna make a fool of myself" Gabriel stated and Charlie started to laugh louder which caught some of their classmates attention.

"Relax, not even I'm that worried" she said before pausing, "You've never seen a person naked before?" She asked and Gabriel nodded his head in shame. "So you're a Virgin?" She asked and Gabriel let out a whine, "Yes! I am!" He complained and she stared at him in awe. He always thought her best friend was a man whore but apparently he wasn't, which was surprising as she knew he had sex toys in his dorm room.

"Woah" she said and Gabriel frowned before slamming his head onto the dest making students around them look at him weird before doing back to their conversations. "I feel like crying" he mumbled and Charlie gave him a pat on the back, "It will be okay bestie, we will only need to survive 2 hours" Charlie said and Gabriel slowly sunk deeper into his chair.

"That's even worse"

An hour an a half later
(11:30 pm)

Gabriel and been doing good so far, the teacher brought in a guy at first then the next two were girls and the final person was going to be a guy. He was hiding behind his canvas as the guy walked in, he was too scared to look as when the first guy walked in he almost embarrassed himself. He had chosen a seat in the way back so he could use the excuse of he couldn't see good when they had to turn in their paintings.

Cause he only got the two girls and somehow got a blurry painting for the first guy. Dont ask how it's Gabriel bro, anyways, "Welcome! You can just stand right there young man" Gabriel's teacher said and Gabriel blinked. Young? The first guy was in his mid 30's so this guy had to be around his age! "Okay, who long do I stand for?" He asked and Gabriel felt his breathing catch jn his throat at his voice.

"30 minutes" he heard his teacher say. He waited a bit till he heard the robe fall to the floor, he looked over to see the girl next to him starring in awe as she started to scribble on her canvas. He blinked a few times before peaking over the canvas, he gasped as stood up at lightning speed, "HOKY FUCKING MOTHER OF-" He screamed before feeling light headed an falling to the floor sfter blacking out.

The Figure Model, Sam Winchester, felt his cheeks grow red as he fiddled with his fingers, "GOD DAMNIT GABRIEL!" A girl screamed before he heard another girl laugh. "Omg someone get him to the nurse please" the teacher said and Sam watched as two boys lifted the unconscious Gabriel up and out of the room. Sam didn't get a good look at the boy so he didn't know what he looked like.

"Alright class, continue! These are due by tomorrow morning!" The teacher said and Sam quickly went back to the pose he was in before the small interruption.

An hour later
(12:30 pm)

Sam was done a good 30 minutes ago but he couldn't help but find himself looking around the school campus, before he knew it the bell had rung and kids started pouring out of their classroom. Everyone walking by him stared in awe as he tried to make his way out of the school.

"Wait! Wait you moose!" He heard a voice say, he didn't think it was about his at first thought but then it clicked, Moose, that was him, cause everyone called him Moose. He turned around to see the guy from earlier running up to him, his cheeks heated up at the guy got closer. "I- I'm sorry-! For earlier!" Gabriel gasped out as he tried to catch his breath.

He stopped in front of Sam and held onto his knees for a few moments before looking up at Sam, both if them froze as they got lost in each other's eyes. Sam took in Gabriel's looks and Gabriel took in Sam's. "It was no big deal" Sam mumbled and Gabriel stood all the way up, he started to fiddle with the end of his shirt as he tried to get his words together.

"I came to ask if you wanted to go out for food sometime, to a restaurant or fast food place" Gabriel finally said and Sam smiled. "That's sounds nice" he said and Gabriel smiled, "Let me see your hand" Sam said as he reached into his pocket, Gabriel handed Sam his hand and watched Samwrite on his palm. After he was done Sam sent Gabriel a wink before leaving ing the building.

Gabriel's froze before looking down at his hand that had a number on it. He squealed and blacked out again, everyone stopped and stared at his unconscious body before continuing going to their next class.

Word Count - 1079

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