First Time Meeting (Jack×Clark)

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3rd POV
(When Jack was first born)
(At the police station)

"Dude, are you on something? If so what? I'd love to have some" Clark said as he watched Jack look at his clothes in confusion. Jack looked up and Clark felt his heart skip a beat, he was cute for a boy, "What do you mean by that?" Jack asked and Clark just started at him.

Jack looked around before Clark's mom, Mrs. Baker, walked in. "Why dont you sit" she said and Jack just looked at her confused. She gave him a weird look before grabbing a stool and setting it down in front of him. She patted the seat and looked at Jack, "Sit" she said and Jack carefully sat down onthe stool. "What's your name boy?" She asked and Jack looked up at her, "Jack, my names Jack" he said and she nodded.

"What are you doing out here Jack?" She asked and Jack looked down, "I'm trying to find my father, I dont know where he is" Jack said and she nodded. "Mind if I take your finger print?" She asked and Jack looked at her confused, she got something and grabbed Jack's hand, she took his finger and pressed it onto the wet, inky pad. Jack watched as she then pressed his finger onto a peice of paper.

"Now stay here and don't move you two" she said before leaving and going into her office. Jack looked at Clark who was still staring at him in awe, "What is your name?" Jack asked and Clark snapped out of it. "Clark, I'm Clark Baker" Clark said and Jack smiled, "Do you like candy?" Clark asked and Jack perked up at the question. "Candy?" He asked and Clark laughed, "Follow me" he said as he stood up.

"But she said not to move" Jack said and Clark waked up to him, "It's fine, its not like we're not leaving" Clark said as he held out his hand. Jack took it and let Clark lead him down a hallway, it was dark and Jack kept looking around, "You won't hurt me will you?" Jack asked and Clark laughed, "Hurt a pretty boy like you? No way" he said and Jack was slightly confusing.

Clark led Jack to a small room that had a table, some chairs, and 3 vending machines in it. "Let me show you a trick" Clark said before walking over and walking up to a vending machine that had candy in it. He pressed a few buttons before hitting the side, Jack watched as a few candy fell out of their places, Clark reached down and took them out, handing Jack a nougat.

"What's this?" Jack asked as he watched Clark take the wrapper off of his own nougat. "Candy, here, let me help you unwrap it" Clark's aid as he took the nougat back, he peeled it opened and handed the chocolate covered candy to Jack. "Eat it, it's really good" Clark said, Jack looked at it before taking a small bite. A smile formed on his lips as he took another bite, "It's good right?" Clark asked and Jack nodded.

"Come, let's sit and eat some more" Clark said as he motioned for Jack to sit next to him in front of the vending machine. Jack did as so and they both continued to eat nougat bars. "So, where are you from?" Clark asked and Jack looked at him, "I walked here from a house by the lake, I was born in it" Kack responded and Clark grinned. "Nice bro, every been outside before?" He asked and Kack looked at him.

"I have not, last night was my first time stepping out into the world, I was born last night too" Jack said and Clark laughed. "Nice joke dude" he said and Jack looked at him, "It is no joke, I was born last night, I am half human half angel" Jack said and Clark felt his jaw drop. "No way, can you prove it?" He asked and Jack nodded, Jack stood up and looked at the vending machine.

He lifted his hand and his eyes glowed yellow, seconds later the lights flickered and candy candy flying out of their places and down to the bottom of the machine. Clark stared in awe as his lips formed into a grin, "Holy shit, that's so cool dude!" Clark said and Jack smiled, Jack walked out and grabbed the candy out of the machine. He sat back down next to Clark and set the candy down in front of them both.

Clark took a bag of skittles and Jack took another nougat bar. "You really like nougat" Clark said and Jack smiled, "It is very good, "It is my favorite so far" Jack said and Clark grinned even more, "Here, try some of these" Clark said as he handed Jack some skittles, Jack gladly took them and popped a few into his mouth. He chewed on them for a but before swallowing and looked at Clark.

"They are very good, but I still like nougat better" Jack responded and Clark laughed."That's okay, everyone has a favorite, not everyone likes the same thing" Clark said and Jack nodded, they both went back to eating their candy and every once in a while Clark would glance over at Jack. Clark then finally got the courage to turn to him, "Hey, do you know what kissing is?" Clark asked and Jack looked at him.

"No, I do not, what is kissing?" Jack asked and Clark smiled, "Let me show you" Clark said, he leaned forward till his lips pressed against Jack's. Jack was caught off gaurd by this and when Clark pulled away Jack started turning a bright red. "That's kissing" Clark said and Jack smiled, "Can we do it again?" Jack asked and Clark nodded, this time they both leaned forward and pressed their lips against one another.

When they pulled away again they both started laughing, Clark picked up a different candy bar and started eating it, "Kissing is very nice" Jack said and Clark nodded, "But you only kiss the people you like" Clark said and Jack looked at him. "You like me?" Jack asked and Clark nodded, Jack smiled and both both laughed again. Just then Mrs. Baker walked in and looked at the two.They both looked at each other then back at her and smiled.

"Hey mom"

Word Count - 1079

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