Come With Me (Sabriel)

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3rd POV

"Gabriel!" Sam's screams echoed threw the hotel as he watched his lover get stabbed by the one and only Lucifer. Dean grabbed ahold of his younger brother and dragged him out of there, lets just say Dean had a very hard time getting his brother into the Impala.

Sam sat in the passenger side and silently cried, Dean didn't dare utter a word the whole car ride. It was 2 hours before they pulled into a different motel, Sam still refused to speak so Dean bought two different rooms so Sam could have tome to himself. After he handed his little brother his key he went to his own room and locked himself in, and prayed to Castiel.

Sam did the same except he didn't pray to Castiel he prayed to Gabriel, he prayed that Gabriel wasn't actually dead and it was all fake to screw with Lucifer. No one knew but Gabriel and Sam were dating, and they were serious, they had been dating since mystery spot when Gabriel killed Dean over 100 times. They ended up talking it out and wanted to give it a try. Both fell in love and had been crazy for each other since.

After Sam prayed he laid his head on the bed and started to silently cry, he then heard wings flutter and blinked a few times, he turned around and gasped as he seen Gabriel, standing there, looking at him with a saddened look. "Gabe.?" Sam asked and Gabriel nodded, "Hey Sammy" he said and Sam felt more tears well up in his eyes, he leaped to his feet and pulled Gabriel into a bone crushing hug.

Gabriel immediately hugged back, holding onto Sam like he would die if he didn't, "You died, I seen you die" Sam chocked out and Gabriel felt guilt flow threw him. "It was fake, I'm sorry Sam" she said and Sam clenched onto Gabriel tighter, "You scared me, you scared me so bad, I thought I lost you" Sam whispered and Gabriel let out a sigh, holding back tears so Sam didn't see him fall apart.

"I'm sorry Sam, I'm so sorry, but I'm here now and I need to ask you something" Gabriel said and Sam pulled away from the hug, he stared into Gabriel's eyes and Gabriel stared back. "I'm leaving to a different world for a while. Come with me, please" Gabriel said and Sam's eyes widened, "What..?" He said and Gabriel gave him a look that said he was truly sorry.

"Please, come with me, leave with me, we could live a new life, just for a few years! We can visit Dean and Castiel whenever you want! Please Sam" Gabriel asked, tears started forming in his eyes, he couldn't keep it in any longer. "Gabe" Sam said, his voice breaking "Please Sam" Gabriel begged, Sam bit his lip and looked to the side.

He couldn't do that to Dean, but he needed this, he really needed a break, and he wouldn't be gone forever, it would only be for a few years and Ganruel promised they'd visit when he'd want to. But how would Dean react? The only other person Dean has is Castiel, Sam knows they got something going on but he hasn't said anything.

Castiel could help him right? Fill in his place while he was away for a bit, right? "Gabe, we need a plan, I cant just leave Dean out of no where" Sam said and Gabriel smiled. "I already thought of that, I had been working on something for a long while now, It's a human, but it's you" Gabriel said. He snapped his fingers and an exact replica of Sam appeared.

"He has all of your memories, does everything you do, has all of your emotions, not even Lucifer could tell the difference" Gabriel said and Sam walked up to....himself? "Will it work?" Sam asked and Gabriel nodded, "All you need to do is say yes and I'll set everything into motion" Gabriel said and Sam was quite for a bit. He didn't know what to say.

He had been desperately trying to be happy for years and now he had the chance at it, again. But maybe this time it will last longer then 4 years, "Then Yes, I'll go with you" he said and Gabriel's eye's widened, "Really?" He asked and Sam nodded. Sam turned to face the archangel and smiled, "Just promise me that Dean won't die, he won't, not while I'm gone" Sam asked.

"Of course, I can see everything the replica of you can see so if I see Dean in danger I can help immediately" Gabriel said and Sam smiled. "You are the best Gabe" Sam said before pulling Gabriel into a sweet and loving kiss, Gabriel kissed back and they both stayed like that for a while till they finally pulled apart.

"Well, should we get going? We don't have much time" Gabriel said and Sam smiled, "We should definitely get going" he said and Gabriel smiled. With the snap of the angel's fingers they both were gone and the replica of Sam came to life, the two were in front of a glowing rip in time. "What's this?" Sam asked and Gabriel smiled, "A portal to a different world, one where there are no monster's" Gabriel said.

"No angel's, no demons, nothing, just regular people" Gabriel said and Sam smiled, "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go" Sam said and Gabriel smiled. The two linked hands and walked threw the portal together, maybe life in this new world would be so bad after all.

Word Count - 945

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