Whoops, Wrong Dad (Destiel/Casifer)

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*Cas got pregnant one night and Dean thinks he's the father, too bad he's not*


3rd POV
(In the delivery room)

"It's okay Cas, I'm gonna be here with you the whole time" Dean said as he held Castiel's hand while placing a soft kiss on it. Castiel let out a cry of pain and the lights started to flicker at a crazy speed for a few minutes before it stopped. Gabriel ran in with a wet towel and a hot bucket of water.

"I need you all, except Jack, out" Gabriel said. Sam, Dean, Mary, and Jack all looked at him like he was crazy. "He needs me here with him!" Dean said and Gabriel glared up at him. "But when he gives birth and you are next to him you will die, only me and Jack could stand it because we aren't humans, well, he's not fully human" Gabriel said. Dean let out a tch and left, Sam and Mary following behind him soon after.

"Take off your shirt for me Cas" Gabriel asked and Castiel did as asked, he let out another cry and one of the lights shattered this time. Gabriel set the hot, wet towel on Castiel's exposed stomach and chest which helped the angel a little bit. Gabriel grabbed Jack's hand and took him to the side, making sure to keep an eye on Castiel as he did so. "Jack, I dont think Dean's the father" Gabriel whispered to him.

Jack's eyes widened and he looked over at Castiel, "Why do you think that!?" Jack whispered back and Gabriel finally tore his eyes off Castiel to look at Jack. "This, what is happening, the flights flickering and everything getting effected around us, that is way to powerful for an angel and human offspring" Gabriel said. Jack looked at his uncle with worry.

"Then what do we do? Dean will be so upset and furious the kid ain't his" Jack said and Gabriel let out a sigh. "Dean, fucking Dean has been cheating on and playing with Cassie since day one, I only found out a few weeks ago, couldn't say anything cause Cas-" Gabriel was cut off by Jack. "Was pregnant and it would have hurt him and the child, aw fuck" Jack groaned as he grabbed the sides of his head and Gabriel nodded in agreement.

Castiel let out a bloody scream and the two almost instantly ran to the angels side. "I got you Cass, its okay" Gabriel said as he grabbed the towel and drenched it in water again. He put it back on top of Castiel and Castiel let out a whimper, then he was hit with another wave of pain, and it kept happening. "Cas, Cas I know Dean isn't the father so who is!?" Gabriel quickly asked and Castiel let out a cry.

Jack grabbed and held onto Castiel's left hand while Gabriel grabbed and held onto Castiel's right hand. "L-" Castiel tried to get out but he let out another scream, tears streaming down his cheeks as he cried due to the pain. "It-It's Luc-" Castiel tried again but he was cut off once more by a big wave of pain. "Lucifer! It's Lucifers!" He cried, Jack's and Gabriel's eye's widned

"Ah Fuck" they both said before Castiel let out a loud scream, white light filled the room and suddenly everything went black for Jack and Gabriel. Meanwhile, Sam, Mary and Dean were all knocked out in the main part of the bunker from the wave of power that went past them. After a long while Jack and Gabriel were backed out. They didn't regain consciousness for 10 minuets, when they did they both sat up in a panic.

Their eyes widened when they seen Lucifer holding the crying and bloody baby Castiel had given birth to while Castiel was watching him with tired eyes. "Lucifer" Gabriel said as he jumped to his feet, Jack soon followed and his body tensed up at the sight of his father holding his half-brother. "He's so pretty, he has Castiel's eyes" Lucifer mumbled and he started to rock the baby back and forth.

Castiel smiled softly as he watched Lucifer cradle their child. Castiel felt his eyes get heavier by the second, giving birth wore him out bad. Lucifer walked over and sat down next to Castiel, "He's beautiful" Lucifer mumbled to Castiel as he carefully handed his secret lover their child. Castiel smiled softly as tears weld up in his eyes, he looked down at his son and set a small but sweet kiss on the top of his baby's head.

Jack maneuvered around the bed and over to Gabriel's side, both shocked at the scene in front of them. "He is beautiful" Castiel mumbled back as he moved a strand of hair out of his baby's face, "Uhh, sooo....what's his name..?" Gabriel tried to make small talk. "Asher, Asher Novak" Castiel mumbled, neither he or Lucifer took their eyes off their son. They all then heard yelling on the other side of the wall.

Moment's later Dean, Sam, and Mary came crashing in, Lucifer Immediately whipped his head around to the three of them and stood up. "Long time so see mama bear!" Lucifer said happily, a smile spread acrossed his face, "What are you doing here Lucifer" Sam asked and he pulled out an angel blade, Dean doing the same. "Why, I'm here to see my son" Lucifer said and they all looked at Jack who looked at the baby in Castiel's arms.

"Jack? Why do you wanna see Jack?" Mary asked and Lucifer let out an evil chuckle, "Not Jack silly, my new born, Asher" Lucifer said and he glanced back at Castiel and the child. Dean went still, Sam's mouth hung open, and Mary just stared at Castiel, 'Why would he do this to Dean!? Why!?' Mary asked herself, she couldn't believe it. Castiel had cheated and got pregnant with Lucifer's son! Lucifer, out of everyone he could have gotten pregnant by and it was Lucifer!

"Well, I think it's time for us to leave, we have important things to do, like raise our son, together" Lucifer said before reaching out and setting his hand on Castiel's shoulder. Dean finally snapped out of it and arm at the two, "No!" He shouted but by the time he reached them Lucifer had already disappeared with them.

Dean felt furious, he let out a scream before punching a hole in the wall. "FUCK!"

With Lucifer

After Lucifer disappeared with Castiel they both appeared in a fancy hotel room. "There, now you need some rest" Lucifer said as he carefully took his son from Castiel's arms, "You won't leave will you?" Castiel asked, fear running threw his veins, "I won't, I could never" Lucifer told him and Castiel gave him a small smiled before falling into a deep sleep.

Lucifer looked down at his newborn son, a small smile made it's way onto Lucifer's face, he may have ruined his chance with Jack but he had another chance with Asher, and he wasn't going to ruin it this time. He was going to be the best damn dad there ever was.

Hope you enjoyed

Word Count - 1212

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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