Secrets and Surprises (Sabriel)

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3rd POV
(In the bunker)
(7:40 am)

Gabriel was currently cuddled up to Sam's side as they both laid in the bed together, they had awoken from their slumber over 10 minutes before and decided not to do anything and just lay there, wrapped in each other's arms. "Mm, this is nice" Gabriel mumbled as he was slowly starting to fall back asleep.

Sam chuckled and pulled Gabriel closer, seconds after a knock came at the door before it opened, "Hey Sam I-" Dean started but paused when he seen Sam and Gabriel wrapped around each other in Sam's bed cuddling under a few blankets. "Uhh, anyways, I found us a case, get dressed, we leave in 10, I'll tell you all about it on the way" Dean quickly said before leaving. Sam let out a groan and Gabriel whined.

Sam got out of the bed and walked over to his dresser, Gabriel watching his every move as he did so. Sam switched out of his sweats and got dressed in his daily clothes blue jeans, and 30 layers of flannel shirts. Sam turned back to Gabriel and walked up to him, "Remember, if you need anything just call, I'll leave some money for food on the table before I leave" Sam said before giving Gabriel a kiss on the lips.

"Mm, I know" Gabriel said after they pulled away from the kiss, Sam smiled and soon left, Gabriel grabbed a bunch of blankets and cuddled up to them. It's been a few months since they went to the apocalypse world, Gabriel was very glad he survived, even if he's so low on grace he can't fly away but that doesn't matter. He's been living with Sam, Dean, Jack, Mary, and Castiel since then so it doesn't matter anyways.

After a while Gabriel heard the front door to the bunker slam shut, he stayed cuddled up to the blankets for a little while longer till he finally got up. He left Sam's room and entered the bathroom, he stood in front of the body mirror and took of Sam's shirt he had on, it was very big on him it was just above his knees. He let the shirt drop to the floor and looked at himself in the mirror.

He stared for a while till he looked down, he moved his hand to his stomach and set it on the bump that was slowly getting bigger. Gabriel had a secret, a huge one, he was pregnant with Sam Winchesters child, he was currently 2 month's along and only had 4 more months to go. He didn't know how to tell Sam, he feared Sam would call him a freak and throw him out them try to kill the kid, like how he first did with Jack.

He looked up at the ceiling as he held back tears just at the thought of Sam hating him for carrying his offspring. No one knows he's pregnant, just him, he guessed that since he was extra low on grace when he got pregnant it didn't alert the angels he was pregnant. Not that he minded, he was partly glad, he turned around and looked at his stomach once more, the tears now falling from his eyes.

He froze and his head shot up when he heard the bathroom door open, his face went pale when he seen Sam walk in, "Oh, hey Gabe-" Sam started but he cut himself off when he seen the bump on Gabriel's stomach and the tears falling down his cheeks. "S-sam! I thought you left!" Gabriel quickly said, he grabbed the shirt and threw it back on, more tears falling down his face, it was dead silent for so long "Gabriel" Sam finally said.

Gabriel looked away as more tears fell down his face. "Gabriel look at me" Sam said and Gabriel let out a soft sob as he finally turned his head towards Sam, he couldn't look Sam in the eyes, he looked everywhere but Sam's eyes. He stayed still when Sam walked up to him, fear swelling up in his stomach which started hurting him cause he started to get stressed out and that wasn't good for his baby.

Sam softly took Gabriel's cheeks in his hand and made Gabriel make eye contact with him, Gabriel looked into Sam's eyes and all he saw was love. "Gabriel, why didn't you tell me?" Sam asked and Gabriel busted out crying, "I'm sorry Sam! I got scared you'd leave me and then try to hurt the baby and I know you would never do that but I kept overthinking and I let my thoughts get the best of me" Gabriel quickly said as he cried.

Sam frowned and pulled Gabriel into a soft kiss, Gabriel was quite shocked at first but soon kissed back after, tears still falling down his face like a water fall. When they pulled away Sam whipped the tears away and smiled at his small lover, "Gabriel, I love you, I will always love you, especially if your carrying my child in you, and stressing isn't good for you or the child" Sam said and Gabriel sniffed.

Gabriel closed his eyes and let Sam pamper him in kisses and quiet compliments, after awhile Sam lifted Gabriel up and Gabriel wrapped his legs around Sam's waist. Sam walked into his shared room with Gabriel and laid down, Gabriel was still cuddled up to Sam and they both just stayed silent, neither knowing what to say till Gabriel finally spoke up. "I thought you were going on a case with Dean," he mumbled.

"My mom took my place, Jack went with them and so did Castiel, so I got to stay here with you" Sam mumbled and Gabriel hummed, after that it went back to silence, "How far along" Sam suddenly said, "What?" Gabriel asked and Sam sighed. "How far along are you?" He asked and Gabriel bit the inside of his cheeks. "2 months" he mumbled and Sam sighed again.

"Do you know the gender?" Sam asked and Gabriel smiled, "It's a girl" he said and Sam smiled, he stared up at the ceiling as tears started to form into his eyes. "My baby girl" Sam mumbled to himself but Gabriel still heard and he smiled, his own tears coming back. "I'm sorry Sam" Gabriel said and Sam looked down at him, "It's okay Gabe, I see why you didn't tell me, I mean, we tried to kill Jack at first so that makes it scarier" Sam said.

Gabriel sat up and Sam sat up immediately after, "Ah!" Gabriel cried out as he held his stomach, Sam leaned over and set his hand on Gabriel's stomach. "Gabe? Gabe are you okay?" Sam asked and Gabriel nodded, "The baby's just kicking is all" Gabriel mumbled before grabbed Sam's hand and replacing his, just on a different spot, they stayed still for a moment till Sam felt the baby kick.

The tears in his eyes finally fell down his cheeks as he started to laugh, Gabriel smiled as he set a hand on top of Sam's own. "She likes you, she says your her favorite person so far" Gabriel said and Sam looked up at her, a smile still danced on his face and more tears fell from his eyes. He let out a strangled laugh before kissing Gabriel, Gabriel quickly kissed back as they both held onto each other.

When they pulled away Sam rested his forehead against Gabriel's, both of their eye's were closed as they took a moment to calm down. "Do you wanna tell the others when they get back?" Sam asked and Gabriel let out a shaky breath, "Can we tell them together please?" Gabriel asked and Sam smiled, "Of course, anything for you" Sam mumbled before pecking Gabriel on the lips on more time.

They both fell back onto the bed and cuddled, both held onto each other and laughed at each other's jokes for the rest of the morning. Not getting out of the bed till 2pm when Gabriel got hunger.

Overall they were very happy in the end.

Word Count - 1365

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