Long Live The King (Destiel)

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*Fantasy AU*

*Dean is a king and Castiel is a statue that is stuck in the middle of a forest, but he'snot really a statue, he was cursed and the only thing that can break it is if his true soulmate comes along and kisses him*

Dean - 30
Castiel - ??
Gabriel - ??
Sam - 26
Adam - 20
Charlie - 22
Bobby - 62


3rd POV
(1:20 pm)
(In the Kings/Dean's room)

Dean was pacing back and forth in his room, his two younger brother's watching him as he did so, "Dean, you need to calm down" Sam said, "Easy for you to say! I'm freaking out right now Sam! I can't calm down!" Dean said and Adam let out a sigh. "Why dont you go take a walk threw the forest? Get your mind off things for a bit?" Adam asked and Dean stopped in his tracks.

"Does it help?" Dean asked and Adam shrugged, "Helps me" Adam responded and Dean was hesitant for a but but he finally grabbed his cape and left after saying bye to his brothers. Dean left the castle grounds and wondered off into the forest, he had no idea where he was going, he was just walking, Adam was right, walking threw the forest calmed him down a lot.

Listening to the birds sing and the water flowe down hill calmed him down a lot. He was now more relaxed than ever, he closed his eyes and continued walking but he soon came to a stop when he bumped into something and fell flat on his ass. He groaned and looked up and was met with a statue, a statue of an angel. His eye's sparkled at the sight, angel statues were rare, because very few people who made statues believed in angels.

Dean stood up and looked at the statue we awe, he looked around to see a bunch of other broken statues, non were angels, then his eyes landed on another angel statue. This statue was different somehow, he walked up to it, he felt as if something was pulling him towards the statue, when he got close to the statue his eyes lit up.

It was beautiful, he never thought he would say that about a man, even if it was a statue but he couldn't help it. It truly was beautiful, more beautiful than anything he's ever seen, he set his hands on the statues shoulder and started to run his hands over the stone. It was soft and smooth, not rough and bumped like a normal statues were supposed to be like.

Dean looked into the statues stone eyes and felt as if he was out into a trance, he slowly leaned into kiss the beautiful statue but then he heard voices and yelling so he immediately pulled away from the statue and backed up, he then dashed away from the statues. He finally stopped when he was far enough away that he couldn't see them. "Dean" he looked up when he heard his name and seen his brother Sam along with his father figure Bobby.

"I tried to stop him, I told him you were unavailable but he said it was important" Sam said and Bobby rolled his eyes. "The king from the Westgate kingdom wants to speak with you, said it was very important" Bobby said ans Dean sighed. "Well then, let's go see what he wants" Dean said, he looked back at Sam to see his younger brothers starring in the direction he came from.

"You coming Sam?" Dean asked and Sam looked at him, "Nah, im gonna stay here, sit by the river for a bit, I'll he back soon though" Sam said and Dean nodded. He and Bobby than turned away and began walking back to the castle to talk to the king of the Westgate kingdom.

1 week later
(10:30 pm)

Ever since Dean seen that angel statue he's been thinking non stop about it, that statue has been on his mind 24/7. He couldn't even focus on work anymore, so he decided to go back tothe forest. On his way out of the castiel Dean bumped into his brither Sam and his new friend, Gabriel. "Hi Dean" Sam said and Dean smiled, "Hey Sam, Gabriel" Dean said ans Gabriel slightly bowed his head.

Dean noticed Gabriel looked like the first angel statue he seen but he paid no mind to it at all, Gabriel was cool, he made Sam laugh. He showed up a week ago with Sam, Sam said he had been friends with Gabriel and wanted Gabriel to live in the castiel with him, become his personal assistant. Dean shrugged and said Sam could do whatever he wanted as long as it didn't get involved with his work.

Dean passed then and hurried out the castle doors, as soon as he was out of them he raced into the forest. His body moving on its own as he dashed threw trees and past bushes. He didn't stop till he reached the place with the statue, he noticed the first angel statue was gone and had his suspicions but didn't pay any attention to it at all. He only cared about the other angel statue.

His eyes landed on the statue and he walked up to it, his eyes scanned the statue up and down till they finally landed on the statues own eyes. Dean let out a shaky breath and placed his hand on the statues waist, he slowly moved his hand up form the statues waist to its neck. He closed his eyes and felt his body lean forward till his lips pressed again the hard but smooth lips.

As the seconds went by Dean felt the statues lips slowly soften till it felt as if he was kissing an actual person. He didn't pay any mind til he felt arms wrap around his neck and a hand run threw his hair. He pulled away and slowly opened his eyes, he was startled to see the statue starring back at him, only this time it was real. Dean stared into the man eyes.

They were a beautiful blue, they were bluer then they sky's and shined more than a diamond. He had messy black hair and was wearing a white Egyptian outfit that had been worn long ago. What caught Dean's attention were the back wings the sprouted from the guy's back, this was really the statue he had just kissed seconds before. "How.." Dean said and the man smiled at him.

"You saved me, my dear" he said in a deep and beautiful voice. Dean felt his heart pound in his chest as he stared into the angel's eyes, "How did I save you?" Dean asked and the angel smiled. "I am an angel, the angel Castiel, I was cursed long ago by a witch, she swore I would stay as a statue till my one true liver came along and broke the curse with a kiss, it's you, your my lover, my soulmate" Castiel said.

Dean felt his heart pound in his chest, it's speed going faster by the minute. "Well then, I am one lucky guy to be soulmates with a beautiful celestial being" Dean said and Castiel smiled, he then looked at the wings on Castiel's back and Castiel quickly noticed. "Touch them, if you want" Castiel said, Dean wanst hesitant to reach his hand up and run it threw the angel's wings.

Dean stared in amazement and gasped softly at how soft they were, Dean's hand went further down the angel's wings and it made Castiel whimper. Dean froze and quickly retreated his hands away from his wings, Castiel moved his arms from around Dean's neck to around his chest. His wings folded into his back and disappeared, Dean wrapped his arms around Castiel and held him close.

"Guess you're coming home with me now Angel"

Word Count - 1324

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