I'm Fucking Done (Midam)

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*Human AU*

*Michael is 18 and still lives with his family, he does whatever his father says no matter what it is, he's betrayed his siblings and people he's loved for his father, no one had any idea but Michael hated his father with everything he has and it grew over the years. He finally snaps when his father requests he dumps and gets rid of the one he calls his soulmate*

Michael - 18
Lucifer - 17
Gabriel - 16
Castiel - 15
Balthazar - 13
Adam - 18
Chuck - 40


3rd POV
(The Novak household)
(In the kitchen)
(6:21 pm)

Michael was sitting at the kitchen table texting his lover, Adam Winchester. Adam wanted him and Michael to run away and Michael was so close to excepting but he didn't want to abandon his father and brothers. He was sitting at the table with all 4 of his younger siblings when his father walked in.

"Michael" Chuck said and Michael looked up from his phone, his brothers all looked up from what they were doing and looked back and forth at the two. Lucifer getting ready to see what his older brother would do for their precious father now. "I caught word your dating Adam Winchester, is that true" Chuck said and his siblings all snapped their necks in his direction.

"Yes father, I am" Michael said. Gabriel's mouth fell open, Castiel slapped a hand over his mouth, Balthazar held in a gasp, and Lucifer sat there in awe. "Well, I want you to break up with him now and never talk to him again" Chuck said, thinking Michael would do as he said. Michael went silent and stared at his father for a few minutes before responding, "I will not" Michael said and everyone gasped.

"Excuse me?" Chuck said and Michael stood up, "I will not leave him, I never will, no matter what" Michael said and Lucifer grinned. That was the first time he ever told their father no ever since any of them were born, Balthazar and Castiel let out squeaks and both huddled into a corner so they weren't in the middle of that. "Michael, you do as I say, now" Chuck said, his eyes glaring into Michael's soul.

"No I will not, I'm not leaving him, so you can go fuck yourself" Michael said and Lucifer's eyes widened, Gabriel jumped up, Gabriel backed away from the table and watched the two go at it with a grin on his face. "WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU!?" Chuck screamed but Michael just kept a straight face, "Nothing really, always felt this way, but I never really said anything" Michael responded and everyone eyes widened.

"GET OUT! I WANT YOU OUT YOU FUCKING MISTAKE!" Chuck said and Michael smiled. "Gladly" he said, he made his way up to his room and started packing a suitcase, he sent Adam a text saying he was in with leaving this fucking hell hole of a town with him and to meet him at the bus stop by town hall. Michael stuffed some things he needed into the suitcase before it got full.

Then he grabbed a backpack and shoved the other things he needed in it, he ripped his floorboard by his window open and grabbed the 10,000 dollar's he had stashed in there over the years. He shoved it into his backpack before grabbing his charger, his father was yelling curses at him from down the stairs. After he was done packing he put his backpack on and grabbed his suitcase.

He came down the stairs and walked towards the door, he opened it and before he left he looked back to see all his brothers looking at him while his father stood in the middle, his face red from anger. He lifted his hand and flipped his father off, "Fuck you and die in hell bitch" Michael said before turning around and walking out the door.

"I'LL VISIT YOU GUYS SOMETIME!" Michael yelled back to his siblings before stepping off their yard and walking down the street. He walked and walked till it got dark and he made it to the town hall, he walked over to the bus stop to see Adam already waiting for him. "You showed, for me" Adam said and Michael smiled, "Of course I did, I'd do anything for you" Michael said and Adam grinned.

Adam pulled Michael into a sweet and loving kiss, they pulled away when the bus pulled up, the both got on board and paid for themselves. They sat in the back of the bus and Michael rested his head on Adam's shoulder, he started replaying the memories of what had happened not to long ago over and over in his mind. He should have taken his brother's, now they had to deal with their horrible father.

"What's wrong Love?" Adam asked and he took one of Michael's hands in his. "I talked back to my father before I left, he told me to leave so I did, but I should have brought my brothers with me, now they have to deal with him" Michael mumbled and Adam's eyes widened. Michael, getting into a fight with his father? That was something for the history books.

"It's okay Michael, we can still visit them, Lucifer turns 18 in 3 months, you turn 19 in 2, we can come back for his birthday then" Adam said and Michael smiled, tears filling his eyes, "That sounds good" Michael mumbled and Adam smiled, he placed a kiss on top of Michael's forehead and the bus began moving.

Taking them to a small town in Kansas where his father's side of the family lived, there Michael would meet Adam's half brothers and his half mother or whatever. And there they could start over a new life. A new beginning. A new start. A new life where Michael could finally be free and happy for once in his life.

It was a dream come true.

Word Count - 1000

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