Secrets and Surprises (pt 2)

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3rd POV
(4 months later)
(October 14th)
(8:30 am)

Sam and Gabriel ended up telling everyone as soon as they got back from the hunt, they all were so excited, Dean was pissed Sam got Gabriel out of all people pregnant but was secretly gald it was Gabriel and not anyone else. He seen how happy the two made each other and even though he would never admit it he was happy about becoming a family with Gabriel.

The past 4 months have been total hell, every time Sam went on a hunt Gabriel's body would go into intense pain, it was so bad Sam eventually stopped going on cases with Dean and their mother took Sam's place while Sam stayed at the bunker and helped Gabriel. That was 2 month's ago when Sam stopped going on cases and every supernatural being has been wondering where Sam Winchester disappear too.

Angels were trying to find some information on why he suddenly disappeared and Demons had gone into hiding, fearing he might just pop up out of nowhere and kill them all when there guards were down. Every other supernatural being were going on killing spears, they were take the opportunity of one Whichester not being there to stop them.

Anyways, back to the main reason you're all here, Gabriel was due in a week, they did the math and since it only takes 6 months for an angel's child to develop. But it seems as though Gabriel's kid wants to come a week early. They were all in the kitchen talking and have normal conversations. "Btw Gabriel, when's the baby due?" Castiel asked and Gabriel smiled, "The 21st next week" he said.

"We can't wait for her to come, Gabriel was very picky about the nursery, he wanted it right by our room so me and Dean had to renovate the room" Sam chimed in as he wrapped his arms around Gabriel's fully sized belly. "The baby needs to be close! That way if something happens we can quickly get her and all of that" Ganriel said and they all laughed. Gabriel also started laughed but stopped immediately as he felt his water break.

"Gabe?" Sam said and Gabriel slowly looked down, everyone followed his gaze to see a puddle of water forming below him and water running down his legs. "Omg" Dean whispered and Sam's eyes widened, "My water broke" Gabriel said and Sam started to freak out, they lights started to flicker. Sam and Dean held their hands over their ears when an ear piercing screech rang threw out the bunker.

Mary and Jack were currently out getting food so they weren't there, when the screeching stopped everyone started panicking. Just then Mary and Jack came running in the kitchen, "What happened!? We were unloading the food when Jack fell to the ground and kept talking about how an Archangels Nephilim was being born!?" Mary quickly said. "Gabriel's water broke!" Sam freaked and the two froze.

"What are you all doing running around!? Get him to the delivery room!" Mary yelled and Sam immediately picked Gabriel up bridal style. Gabriel quickly wrapped his arms around Sam's neck and let his lover carry him to the delivery room that Mary and Jack built back when Gabriel told them he was pregnant. Sam laid Gabriel down on the bed and quickly grabbed a chair so he could stay by Gabriel's side.

"Ah!" Gabriel cried out in pain and Sam quickly grabbed his hand, he gave Gabriel a gentle squeeze and Gabriel smiled. Soon after Mary and the others came running in with everything they need, "So, like, is the kid gonna come out full grown like Jack?" Dean asked, "No, the child is going to be like any other baby, Jack was born full grown because his mother told him too be" Gabriel said.

"Well then, we won't need these" Dean said as he grabbed some of Mary's clothes and left to go put them back in her room. Gabriel let out another cry and the lights started to flicker again, it stopped again and Gabriel let out a frustrated huff. Sam continued to squeeze Gabriel's hand every once in awhile to help calm him down a bit. It always worked but not for long.

(10:40 pm)

It's been a whole 14 hours since Gabriel went into labor, every hour the pain started to get worse and more things would happen. The last time Gabriel was hit with a huge wave of pain was 20 minutes ago and the whole town they were in shook like an earthquake was happening and every light is town blew up.

"It hurts!" Gabriel cried as bigger wave of pain hit him, then it was waves of pain after that, over and over, that's when they realized the baby was coming. "GET AWAY!" Gabriel screamed and they all yelled as they hurried out the door, Gabriel let out one huge scream before the whole place was filled with white light. Everywhere that was within 100 miles of the bunker shook and lights blew up.

The ground formed small cracks and small trees under 8 feet came tumbling down. The whole bunker filled with white light and they all had to close their eyes. After a few minutes the shaking stopped and Gabriel's screams died down, the white light slowly faded and the next thing they heard was a baby crying. They all got up off the floor and looked towards the delivery room door.

Sam felt his breathing pick up as he slowly made his way in, he waked in and seen the baby laying at the end of the bed, slight covered in blood. Sam's eyes flickered over to Gabriel and he felt his heart stop, he let out a scream as he ran to Gabriel's side, he was barely breathing and blood was slicked all over his thighs. The others came rushing in and stared at the scene in front of them, Mary quickly ran over and grabbed the baby blanket she brought in.

She quickly picked the baby up and left the room to clean her, "Gabe, Gabe answer me, your gonna be okay, you said you'd be okay" Sam cried. Jack, Dean, and Castiel all stood their helplessly, but soon after Jack approached them, Sam just watched helplessly as Gabriel's breathing started to die away. Jack reached his hand out once he was by Gabriel's side and rested his hand on Gabriel's head.

Sam looked up and stared at Jack, tears spilling down his cheeks, Jacks hand started to glow as he tried to help heal Gabriel. Castiel immediately hurried over to Sam's side and put his hand on Gabriel's chest, his hand glowed as he started to help it took a good 10 minutes before Gabriel's breathing started coming back. When Jack and Castiel helped him as much as they could they pulled away.

A few seconds later Gabriel's eyes fluttered open, Sam let out a cry of joy and pulled Gabriel into a hug. "Sam?" Gabriel said, his voice was weak and soar. "You almost died on us," Sam got out in between his cries, Gabriel felt horrible as he quickly hugged back, the other 3 stood back and smiled as they watched the scene in front of them only moment's later Mary came back in with the baby in her new diaper, all dressed and wrapped up.

The two pulled away and watched as Mary came up to them, she handed the baby to Gabriel and Gabriel felt tears well up in his eyes as he stared down at his beautiful daughter. "She has your eyes Gabe" Sam said as tears continued to fall down his cheeks, this time they were tears of joy. "She has your hair" Gabriel said as he brushed the bundle of hair that laid on top of their baby's head.

"What's her name?" Dean asked as they all got closer to see her, "Her names Ellea, Ellea Winchester" Gabriel said and they all smiled, "A cute name for a cute girl" Mary said as she looked down at her grandchild. A child she never thought she would ever be alive to see be born.

"Btw, there are at least 15 demons and 10 angels outside trying to break in"

Word Count - 1393

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