A Horny Archangel (Sabriel)

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Gabriel's POV
(In the bunker)
(In Sam's room)
(6:20 am)

Sam and Dean were currently on a mission, Castiel is somewhere and I am stuck here, in the bunker, all by myself! Sam wouldn't let me go with them cause 'I'm low on power and I already almost died in the apocalypse world'. Ugh! It was so boring here! There was absolutely nothing to do! I dont even have enough grace to fly me out of here.

I let out a groan as I flopped onto the couch in Dean's awesome fucking man cave. I'll never tell him it's awesome though, I picked up the controller and turned the T.V on, I scrolled threw Netflix before finding a show I wanted to watch. When I turned it on I sat and watched, just waiting for my dear Moose to come back. My beautiful and hot fucking Moose. God he was so damn fine.

And his hair, ong his hair is amazing, he won't even tell me how he gets it like that, it's like he's using magic to perfect his beautiful hair. It's so soft, I love running my fingers threw his hair just to feel how soft it is, dear dad if I could do that forever I would. I love him, oh I love him so much, I want my Moose back now. :<

3rd POV
(Later that night)
(2 am)

Gabriel had passed out after the 2nd session of Shameless, he made sure to turn the T.V off just before he blacked out but that was it. He couldn't even make it back to his and Sam's room. Since he was almost human thanks to Asmodeus and other things he now sleeps, and eats, and showers, and other things humans do.

Not that he cared, all he cared about was being with Sam as much as he could, that was about it. He cared about hai candy too, when someone looked at him he had some type of candy in his mouth, he was never seen without candy. People, aka other world Charlie, called him a candy monster and candy king. Gabriel loved the names, he always had a proud face on when Charlie called him those names.

A bit too proud for everyone's opinions, Sam keeps telling him to eat healthy food or he will get diabetes but Gabriel doesn't give two fucks. Anyways, as Gabriel was in a deep sleep Dean and arrive back from their hunt, Dean rushed to the shower first and Sam flipped his off, they were both covered in vampire blood. "Gabriel! We're back!" Sam yelled but he got no response.

Sam started to worry and hurried into his room, Gabriel wasn't there, he hurried into Gabriel's room, Gabriel wasn't there, he started to freak till he ran past Dean's 'man cave' and froze. There Gabriel was, sleeping like a baby on the couch, Sam let out a sigh and walked over to him. "Gabe, Gabe wake up" Sam said but Gabriel didn't budge, Sam sighed and carefully picked Gabriel up.

Gabriel stirred in Sam's arms before going limp again, Sam smiled down at him before leaving Dean's man cave and going to his own room. He carefully laid Gabriel down and gave his a quick peck on the cheek before leaving to go shower.

1 hour later

Gabriel's eyes fluttered open and he looked around, he wasn't in the man vane anymore he was in Sam's room, he let out a yawn and Sam walked in with only a towel wrapped around his waist. Gabriel sat up and wolf whistled, Sam rolled his eyes and went threw his dresser. "When did you get back hot stuff?" Gabriel asked and Sam snorted, "An hour ago" Sam said and Gabriel smiled.

"Sorry I wasn't awake when you came back" Gabriel said and Sam shrugged, "It doesn't really matter, you were okay when I got back so thats good" Sam said and Gabriel rolled his eyes. "Your like a mama bear when your not having sex Sam" Gabriel said and Sam looked back at him, "Oh really? Since we're on the subject of sex you know you'd make a great pornstar if you were human" Sam said.

Sam dropped his boxers back in his drawer and turned to face Gabriel, his towel hanging on his waist by a thread. "I would wouldn't I? Is it cause I'm amazing at screwing you when you let me?" Gabriel asked and Sam hummed, "No, when I fuck you you sound and look like one" Sam said and Gabriel let out a slightly offended gasp before replying.

"I am good at that, you know what, I think I forgot how I sound, will you remind me?" Gabriel asked and Sam felt himself get hard, Gabriel watched as lust filled Sam's eyes, he himself was staring to get a boner, his dick throbbing in his boxers to be let out. Sam walked towards his lover and pulled him in for a heated, Gabriel immediately kissed back and flung his arms around Sam's neck.

Sam broke the kiss and stared at Gabriel, he pulled away and that made Gabriel whine, "Strip" Sam said and Gabriel immediately did as told, he took off the oversized shirt he had one and then he took of his boxers. After that he stood in front of Sam naked and exposed, Sam stared Gabriel and started looking him up and down, after a bit of staring Sam walked over to Gabriel and motioned for him to lay down.

Gabriel did as told, he laid down on his back and spread his legs apart for Sam, he watched Sam grab a bottle of lube and drop his towel. Gabriel will never get over how huge Sam's dick is, how thick and long it was. He swore he could cum from the sight alone. He watched Sam get on the bed and position himself in between his legs, he watched Sam rub lube over 2 of his fingers before he shived both of them in his asshole.

Gabriel let out a gasp and threw his head back, "Oh god~" Gabriel moaned and Sam grinned, Sam started to scissor Gabriel open and push his fingers in and out. Gabriel gripped onto the blankets under him as he let out lewd moans. "No matter how many times we fuck, you will always be so tight" Sam said, and Gabriel let out another moan at the compliment.

When Sam thought Gabriel was spread open enough he pulled his fingers out which made Gabriel whine from the loss, "Don't worry baby, I got something bigger for you" Sam said as he slicked lube all over his dick. Sam pressed against Gabriel's hole and just sat there, Gabriel let out a whine as he tried to push Sam's dick into him. Sam let out a hum and slammed into Gabriel without warning.

"Omg!" Gabriel screamed, his head flying back and his eyes rolling to the back of his head. Sam just continued to pound into Gabriel, going balls deep with every thrust. Gabriel's mind started to turn into mush as he only focused on the pleasure that kept shooting threw his body everytime Sam thrusted into him. Sam grabbed Gabriel's leg and threw it over his shoulder to get a better angle.

When Sam thruated into Gabriel again Gabriel let out a loud moan and gripped onto the closest thing next to him. Sam grinned and continued to pound into the Sam spot. "Omg, Sam- Sam!" Gabriel kept moaning, trying to warn Sam he was close to his orgasm. Sam just continued to pound into his with zero mercy.

Sam felt his orgasm approach as well, Sam thrusted into Gabriel a few more times before Gabriel came all over his and Sam's chest. Sam came to a stop and was going to pull out but Gabriel wrapped his legs around Sam's waist and looked him in the eyes. His eyes were clouded with lust, "Come inside me Sam, please" Gabriel asked and Sam let out a gasp.

Before Gabriel had time to register what he said Sam was pounding into him again, after a few more thrusts Sam came deep in Gabriel, filling him up with his hot seed. Sam let out a grunt and Gabriel let out another moan, Sam came to a stop as they both started to calm down their breathing. Sam pulled out and Gabriel let out a whine from the loss, Sam watched as some of his cum dripped our of Gabriel's ass.

Sam landed on his face next to Gabriel "That was, amazing" Gabriel breathed our and Sam let out a small laugh, "It was" he said. The two faced each other and stared into each other's eyes, Sam smiled and pecked Gabriel on the lips, Gabriel hummed and cuddled up to Sam's side. Sam smiled and they both soon fell into a deep sleep.

Word Count - 1493

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