Ellea Winchester

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P.s - I drew that :D

3rd POV

Ellea Winchester, daughter of the famous hubter Sam Winchester and the powerful Archangel Gabriel. She was beautiful, she had Sam's long and silky hair, it flowed in the wind and made her look gorgeous. She had Gabriel's whiskey brown eyes and his sweet tooth, she hated her dad's rabbit food and preferred her Ma's candy.

She always wore the most girliest clothes no matter what, if she went on a Vamp hunt she wore red heels, blood red skirts, and black shirts. And boy could she run in heels, she could do everything in heels. If she went out in public as a normal person she'd wear baggy blue pants with black heels and white shirts. If she went to a club she'd wear short dresses and the most expensive jewelry her Ma got her.

She's called Gabriel Ma ever since she was born, she thought it suited him better cause she came out of him after all. She was a book worm like Sam though, loved reading all of that stuff and she was deadly smart, her powers were like Jack's, just like his but he was more powerful then her because his father was a more powerful Archangel than her Ma.

She always referred to Dean and Castiel as Uncles, she got her love of pie from Dean and she got her stalking skills from Castiel. They refused to call it stalking though and would rather refer to it as admiring people from afar without telling or asking them. She loved hunting and killing monsters, she also loved helping and healing people with her powers.

On her free time she would go to the nearest hospital and help heal the sick kids and adults sometimes, then she would give them suckers after she was done. People loved her, but if you hurt her family she would go insane, when she found out what Asmodeus did to Gabriel she went crazy, almost wiping out the demons but her parents stopped her and helped her calm down.

When Jack was human she'd protect him with her life, she even helped him train to fight, wanting to know how to fight herself. She loved her beauty sleep so when she was asleep people knew not to wake her up out she would stab you. She also had a skincare routine, that's why her skin glowed and most women in public or everywhere envied her.

Ellea was half angel but she acted more human then she actually was. Sam and Ganriel tried to give her the most normal life as possible but she grew up fast, maybe not as fast as Jack but she grew up fast, she was already fully grown by her 1st birthday. Not that it mattered, she grew into a beautiful young women.

Ellea loved playing pranks on people, she'd hide in a bush with Gabriel and they'd watch as people would fall into their traps and get pranked. She never went as far as killing someone but she'd make an exception if there're not human. Jody, Claire, and Alex all adored Ellea, whenever she would come visit them they'd all take her out on a shopping trip and they'd all have a girls day with each other.

Ellea also like to sit in cabinets and eat candy that anyone give hers, no one knows why she does it but she's been doing it ever since she was able to walk. It makes her feel safe for some reason, sitting in a small space, eating her beloved candy, it just made her feel safe. And since she stopped growing at 5'5 she's able to basically fit in any small space.

Ellea Winchester was a total badass and everyone adored her.


"Ma!" Ellea called out as he roamed the halls of the bunker, she had justen woken up from her 3 hour nap and couldn't find anyone anywhere. They had all disappeared on her! She couldn't even find Jack and he was always around! She every prayed to him. "Where are they?" She asked herself as he peaked into the strage room, then she looked in the torture dungeon.

She let out a huff and started disappearing and reappearing at the places her family always goes too but they weren't there either, she flopped down on the couch that sat in her Uncle Dean's 'mancave'. It was like everyone disappeared on her, she frowned and slowly sunk into the couch, "Ellea!" Her dad's voice yelled and she jumped up, a smile pressed formed on her face as he raced out of the mancave and into the main area.

"Dad!" She said as she ran and jumped into his arms, she immediately grabbed onto her and held her up, "Hello my beautiful, how was your nap?" He asked and she smiled, "Good" she said but then she frowned and Sam got worried. "Everyone disappeared though, I have no idea where they went, I searched everywhere!" She said and Sam let out a chuckle.

"Don't worry, I'm sure there all fine" Sam said and Ellea smiled, "I guess your right, where did you go?" She asked as she noticed the bag in Sam's other hand. "Stopp by the store, got you a little something" Sam said as he set Ellea down and dug into the bag. He then pulled out a huge bag if candy and handed it to Ellea, her eyes went wide and they sparkled like a diamond.

"Ahhh!! Thank you dad!!" She said before dashing into the kitchen and shoving her small body into a cabinet. She ripped open the bag and started to chow down on the delicious candy, then Sam opened the cabinet and she looked over at him while chewing on a Starburst. "Gabe's here and wants to see you baby" he said and Ellea nodded.

She grabbed a few more candies before leaving the cabinet and putting the candy bag down and shutting the cabinet. She skipped into the main area but she didn't see anyone, "Ma?" She called out and seconds later everyone popped out of hiding spaces, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELLEA!!" They all yelled and she was caught off gaurd. "Wha.." she started and everyone walked up to her.

"Happy birthday Baby" Gabriel said and she felt tears for in her eyes, she grabbed a hold of him and held onto his for dear life, "Thank you Ma" she said and Gabriel laughed as he hugged her back. "Awww" everyone said and just then, Sam walked in with a cake, "I got the cake!" He said and everyone turned in his direction.

It was a 2 layer cake and on the top was the number 2, it was her seconds birthday, Jack's 3rd birthday was coming up, very soon. "Thank you" she said as she whipped away her tears, "Aww don't cry Love, it's your birthday!" Jody said and Ellea smiled, "Thanks" she mumbled and before they all knew it they were eating cake and having fun.

Then Dean started throwing cake at people and they all had a food war. Still fun though.

Word Count - 1191

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