The Promise (Midam)

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P.s Michael possessed a dude with black hair and blue eyes so yeah.


3rd POV
(After they were let
out of the cage)

"Why dont you go back to heaven Michael?" Adam asked as he stuffed his face with food. "There is nothing for me in heaven" Michael answered and Adam looked up at him, he swallowed his burger and frowned. "There's nothing here for you either" Adam said, Michael sat back and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I have you here though" Michael answered and Adam smiled, he and Michael had agreed they would only have each other while they were stuck in the cage. At some point Michael had swore to Adam that if they ever got out of the cage, he'd marry him, Adam doesn't think Micheal remembers but he does. Oh he does all right, in his pocket was a black box that held a silver ring with a diamond on it.

Michael had fallen in love with Adam while they were stuck in the cage together. He never thought he could live a human but here he is, ready to spend the rest of his eternity life with one. Not just any human, a Winchester, a bloodline that his after told him to never interact with unless they allowed him to possess them. Speaking of which, Micheal promised Adam that once he possessed him he'd let him see his mother.

"After your done eating we need to talk" Micheal said and Adam frowned, "Okay" he said soon after and went back to eating. Adam's mind raced with questions that he wanted answers to but knew he wouldn't get them. After Adam was done eating they left the small café, "So, what did you wanna talk about?" Adam asked and Michael took Adam's hands and put them in his own.

"I had promised you I'd let you see your mother again if you said yes to me possessing you, now it's time for me to fulfill my end of the deal" Michsel said. Adam didn't gave time to speak as they were in heaven a second later, Naomi was standing right in front of them and they startled her. "Oh my, Michael! Your back!" She said, Michael ignored her as he led Adam to his mother's door.

"Just opened the door and go talk to her, she might not remember at first but if you talk to her and remind her she'll eventually remember" Michael said and Adam was hesitant. After a while he finally reached his hand out and opened the door, he stepped one foot in and immediately turned to Michael. "Michael!" Naomi called out and Michael glanced her way before looking at Adam again.

"Come with me please, I want you to meet my mother" Adam said and Michael bit the inside of his cheek. Naomi walked up to him and tugged his sleeve. "Michael, we need you, heaven needs you" she said, Michael ignored her and watched Adam reach his hand out. Michael took Adam's hand and followed him threw the door, he made sure it shut behind him. They walked for a while till they came to a stop.

Adam's eyes filled with tears as he seen his mother stirring my a river with him as a child next to her, he watched her laugh and watched his younger self run around with a paper airplane while trying to make airplane sounds. Michael stared in awe at Adam as a child, since he had mostly focused on Dean since he was born he had never really took the time to look at his other family members such as his father and younger siblings.

"Mom" Adam called out but his mother didn't react, Adam's hand slipped out of Michael's and he walked over, Michael watched as he did so. Michael watched Adam walk up to his mother and tap her on the shoulder, he couldn't hear but he watched. He watched their lips move and then he watched Adam's mother pull him into a deadly tight hug, Michael felt gimself smile at the view.

He immediately stopped and put a hand up to his mouth, he smiled, he truly smiled, a real one too. Adam made him smile. A human made him smile. A Winchester made him smile. He felt another smile grow on his face as he walked over to the two of them, Adam seen him out of the corner of his eye and his heart started to pound in his chest, his face got hotter and his hands got sweaty.

"Adam, Adam what's wrong?" His mother said and Adam looked at her, she smiled and turned away from her, his mother's gaze followed his and she gasped. "Hello" Michael said and she grabbed onto Adam's arm, "Adam who is this!?" His mother asked, "Mom, this is Michael, the archangel Michael, he's been helping me" Adam said. His mother's eyes widened as he let go of Adam and approached Michael.

"You've been helping me son?" She asked and Michael nodded, "Yes Ms" Michael mumbled and she smiled, he reached her hand up and moved a peice of hair out of his face. "You are a handsome angel dear," she said and Michael froze, this felt nice, being cared for, it was really nice, he wished he had found someone to take care of him like this before. "Take good care of my son" she told him and Michael nodded.

"I will" he said and Adam's mother smiled, he moved away from Michael and turned back to Adam, "Oh, tell me everything Adam" she said, Adam smiled and took his mother's arm in his own. He reached his hand out for Michael and Michael took it, they all walked alongside the river as they all talked about what had happened the past 10 years since Adam's mother had been killed.

After a few hours of talking Adam and Michael left, Michael held Adam's hand in his own as they walked down the halls of heaven. "Why are we still here?" Adam asked as Michael led his past a few angels who forze in shock to see Michael and Adam. "I want to show you my father throne room before we leave" Michael said and Adam frowned, "Why? Thought you didn't respect him anymore after you found out we were all just apart of his story" Adam said.

"I know, but it's beautiful, you'll love it" Michael said as he opened a door that said No entrance. Adam closed his eyes as he was blinded by light, when he opened them he was met with a beautiful chair on the outskirts of a forest an in the middle of a flower field. "Woah" Adam said and Michael smiled, "Beautiful right?" Michael asked and Adam nodded.

"It's amazing, so amazing" Adam whispered and Michael looked over at him, Adam stared in awe before looking back at Michael. They both stared into each other's eyes before slowly inching closer to each other, finally Adam closed the gasp between the two of them and kissed Michael, Michael was caught off gaurd by this but soon melt into the kiss. His first ever kiss, he never understood why people kissed.

But now he knows, it feels amazing, it felt as if fireworks were going off in his stomach while his body grew hotter by the second. Michael's eyes fluttered shut and his arms wrapped around Adam's neck. They both pulled away from the kiss and stared into each other's eyes, neither saying a word. Adam's eyed fluttered closed as he began placing sft kisses on Michael's cheek and his jawbone.

Michael slid one arm down Adam's body and into the pocket of his jacket, he pulled out the box and opened it. When Adam heard a click he pulled away from Michael and looked at him, Michael just smiled and held up the box. "I swore that I'd we ever got out of the cage I'd marry you, for you have spent over 1,000 years with me in the awful place yet still put up with me" Michael said. Adam gasped as he stared at the ring.

"I thought you didn't remember" Adam said and Michael looked up at the blue eyes, "I never forget" Michael said, Adam stared at the ring before lifting one of his hands up and grabbing it. Michael looked back at Adam and watched him slide the ring onto his ring finger. "Why is it on my finger?" Michael asked and Adam smiled, "Cause you're the bottom" Adam said and Michael felt his body start to burn up.

"I was bored" Michael mumbled and Adam laughed, "That's what happens with your bored" Adam said and Michael pouted. Adam pulled Michael in for another kiss and they both enjoyed it. Both very happy with how things were going for this so far, they just hopes it would stay like that forever.

Word Count - 1494

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