The Truth (Samifer)

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3rd POV
(In the mental hospital)

Sam laid wide awake starring at the ceiling above him, Lucifer was still screaming threw the microphone at Sam to show him some attention. Sam was lost in thought and even closed his eyes, suddenly, Lucifer's screaming stopped and he couldn't move his body. It was frozen in place, he was breathing slowly and he was actually relaxing for once.

The next thing he knew, he felt lips softly press against his own, but not matter how much he begged his body to move it wouldn't, then he was wrapped in strong arms and he felt safe, he felt really safe. After a bit the lips finally pulled away and the arms unwrapped around him, his eyes finally fluttered open. All he was met with was his doctor.

"Hello sleepy head, seems like you finally got some sleep, you've been out for days kid," he said and Sam blinked a few times before groaning. He sat up and looked around, "I fell asleep..?" He asked and the doctor smiled. "Yup, good to see your getting better kid, now, let's get you back to your room" the doc said and Sam nodded, Sam stood up and rubbed his head.

He looked back up and was startled to see his hallucination of Lucifer standing in front of him with his arms crossed, the hallucination didn't say anything except for turn away and walk after the doc. Sam soon followed and stood behind the doc and besides Lucifer, who still wasn't talking or annoying him surprisingly. They made it back to Sam's room and the doctor left him alone after giving him his daily pills.

Sam just stared at the pills in his hand before looking up at Lucifer who was reading a book, in a chair, by the window. "You seem....quiet today" Sam mentioned as he threw the pills into the trash, they wouldn't be of any help anyways, "Don't feel like it today I guess" Lucifer replied and Sam let out a breath of relief. He could finally be left alone for once, Sam plopped down on the bed and didn't seem to notice when Lucifer stood up.

He only noticed when Lucifer was right in front of him, "What do you remember from hell?" Lucifer asked and Sam looked up at him, "I remember being cut by chains while you laughed, I remember you torturing me" Sam said ans Lucifer let out a sigh. He sat down next to Sam and held his hands in his lap, "Did you see me hurting you? Actually hurting you?" Lucifer asked and Sam froze, "No but-" he was cut off.

"Then why assume it was me?" Lucifer asked and Sam scoffed. "Because you were laughing while I was getting hurt" Sam said and Lucifer looked over at him, "Did you hear me laughing? Or do you want to think it was me laughing because you dont want to believe the truth" Lucifer said and Sam's eyes widened, "I know the truth, I can see it!" Sam quickly said as he stood up immediately after.

Lucifer then stood up aswell, "No, your seeing what you want to see! What you believe happened! All because I'm Lucifer! See what really happened Sammy! Look! LOOK!" Luicfer screamed and Sam stepped back, he tripped over something and fell, his head hitting the floor and he blacked out.


It was dark, Sam's eyes fluttered open and he looked around, he was back in the cage, only this time Lucifer was cradling him like a child, it looked as though he was screaming at something or someone. Sam turned his head to see who he was yelling at and was met with Michael, Michael who was holding sharp ass chains in his hands that were covered in blood.

Sam's hearing came back and he could hear what they were arguing about, "You hurt him! Even if your in here because of him doesn't give you no right to hurt him! He was just trying to save people you asshole" Lucifer yelled and Sam felt his heart speed up. Lucifer was defending him, Lucifer was helping him, but why? "Just because you finally love a human more than yourself Lucifer doesn't mean I won't mess with him" Michael said.

Sam's eyes widened and he watched Michael walk away and over to Adam, Sam looked back up at Lucifer to see him looking back with a loving and caring look. "Are you okay?" He asked, his voice was soft and full of kindness, Sam just nodded, not being able to talk at the moment. Lucifer brushed his hand over Sam's bloody cheek and smiled, he leaned down and gave him a soft kiss on his forehead.

Sam watched as Lucifer moved his hand down to his stomach, he watched as it glowed and his wounds started to heal. Sam reached his hands up and gripped on Lucifer's shirt, he rested his head against Lucifer's chest and closed his eyes as tears started to fall down his cheeks. "It's okay, I'll always protect you Sammy, I love you" Lucifer said, whispering the last part but Sam heard him clearly.


Sam shot up off the floor and looked around, it was dark out, his door was still closed and Lucifer was now gone. Sam felt tears fall down his cheeks as the true memories from his time in the cage came flooding back. Sam got up and dusted off his white clothes, he walked to his door and slowly opened it. He heard yelling and screaming outside and then he heard Dean and Castiel.

Sam quickly ran down the hall and past the front doors to see Castiel standing in the middle fo a bunch of dead bodies, which he could only assume were demons. He looked to see Dean and Meg a few feet away from Castiel, both starring at him. "What did I miss?" Sam asked and everyone's head turned in his direction, "Omg. Your okay!" Dean said as he ran up to Sam and pulled him into a deadly tight hug.

"Of course I'm okay, I'm Sam Whichester you jerk" Sam said as he hugged back, "Bitch" Dean mumbled and Sam smiled. He looked up to see Castiel giving him a look that clearly said sorry, 'I forgive you Cas' Sam mouth and Castiel smiled as tears started to well up in his eyes. They pulled away and Dean dragged him over to the Impala, "We need to go, we got some big problems" Dean said and Sam nodded.

Sam got into the passenger side, Dean driver, while Meg and Castiel got into the back. All four of them ready to go kick some ass.

Word Count - 1126

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