NO! (Sabriel)

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*When Ketch brought Gabriel to Sam and Dean as a trade so they could protect him*

3rd POV

"I-I come in peace!" Ketch quickly said as he slowly rose his hands up in defense while Sam and Dean had their guns raised at him. "And why should be believe you?" Dean asked and Ketch looked over to the side making Sam and Dean curious at what he was looking at. "I have something or someone you might need and want" Ketch said.

"Bullshit, what would you have that we need?" Dean asked and Ketch reached over, Sam lowered his gun but Dean didnt, he just took it off safety mode and was very prepared to shoot Ketch if he was planning anything. One second Ketch was standing alone in the middle fo the bunker and the next thing they knew Ketch had pulled Gabriel out from behind the wall.

Dean froze and Sam gasped, Sam stared at his past lover who he thought was dead. He took in what he looked like, tears formed in his eyes as he seen his lips were sewed shut and he looked like he had been beaten and whipped. Sam's gun fell to the floor and Dean looked over at him, he knew about his brother's relationship with the Archangel so he lowered his gun and looked back up at Ketch.

"NO!" Sam screamed as he raced to Gabriel's side, Ketch let out a screech and let go of Gabriel's arm. Gabriel let out a muffled yell as Sam wrapped his arms around him before they both tumbled to the floor. Sam was crying as he was holding onto Gabriel tight, Ketch looked over at Dean who let out a sigh and set his gun back down on the table. "I also have this" Ketch mumbled as he walked up to Dean and he handed him a gold blade.

"What's this?" Dean asked as he took it, "An Archangel blade, the only thing that can kill an Archangel but it has to be another Archangel that kills another Archangel with it." Ketch said and Dean grunted. "What do you want in return?" Dean asked and Ketch fiddled with his fingers, "I need you to protect me from Asmodeus, he's not too happy at me for betraying him and taking his little pet that he feeds off of" Ketch said.

The two looked over at the other two and Dean's eyes widened when he realized what Ketch had ment. Sam on the other hadn't heard a thing any of the two said, he was too busy crying and cradling Gabriel like a baby. When he pulled away he and Gabriel stared into each other's eyes. Sam reached his hands up and set them on Gabriel's cheek as his cries turned into sobs.

Gabriel slowly lifted his hands and set them on Sam's cheeks aswell. Sam pressed their foreheads together and closed his eyes, after a while Sam finally pulled away from Gabriel and they both stared at each other. Gabriel then noticed Dean and Ketch walking up to them, his eyes landed on Ketch and he started to shake. Gabriel wrapped his arms around Sam and let out muffled screams.

Sam quickly wrapped his own arms around Gabriel and looked back at Ketch, his eyesight turning red by the second. "What did you do to him" Sam asked, his voice filled with venom making Ketch yelp and hide behind Dean, "It wasn't me! I stole him from Asmodeus! That's why I need your protection!" Ketch quickly said and Sam calmed down just a bit.

Sam lifted Gabriel up and Gabriel stuck to him like how a baby Koala would to its mother. "I'll go clean him up" Sam mumbled before leaving to the bathroom, he shut the door behind him and set Gabriel on the counter of the sink. Gabriel was hesitant but he eventually let go of Sam and let Sam get the material's he needed to help Gabriel's wonds.

Sam grabbed some small scissors and carefully started cutting the thread's that had sewed Gabriel's mouth shut. When he was done he grabbed a pair of tweezers and slowly picked the loose threads out of Gabriel's lips. Gabriel let out a few whimpers as Sam did so but when Sam was done he threw them all away and grabbed the first aid kit. "What did he do to you?" Sam asked but Gabriel didn't reply.

Instead he looked away and Sam's eyes filled with tears again, "Gabe, please" Sam begged, his voice cracking. Gabriel grabbed Sam's hands and intertwined them together, still refusing to speak or even look at Sam. "Gabe, please tell me, I know we didn't get off on the best terms back then but please, I love you" Sam said and Gabriel looked up at him. Tears spilling from his eyes, Gabriel removed his hands from Sam's and cupped the Moses cheeks.

"I love you too" Gabriel mumbled and Sam let out a chocked laugh, Gabriel pulled Sam into a loving kiss, Sam cupped one of Gabriel's cheeks and moved the other to the back of the dirty-blonde's head. The two soon pulled away from the kiss, both smiling happily, "He took my grace and ate it, he also hit me and whipped me when I talked back, that's why my lips were sewed together" Gabriel started.

Sam's eyes widened and he swore he started to see red again. "But that's not all he did, he....he assaulted me when he wanted to and...and" Gabriel continued but he couldn't as the memories started flowing threw his mind, scaring him. "Omg" Sam mumbled, Gabriel grabbed ahold on Sam and held onto him whine he cried, Sam held Gabriel back, he held him tight, not wanting to let go of his dear Archangel. He feared if he did he let he'd disappear again.

He couldn't have Gabriel disappearing on him again, not with what he was going threw, not with what Sam just found out happened to him.

Word Count - 1011

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