The Ultimate Prank (Destiel)

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3rd POV
(In the bunker)

Dean and Sam have been doing pranks on each other for a long while now, they made sure not to drag Castiel or Gabriel into these pranks but Sam seems to have other ideas when Dean ruins his beautiful and glorious hair by putting glue in his shampoo.

"I am so gonna kick your ass Dean!" Sam screamed from the bathroom as Gabriel helped him get the glue out of his hair. Dean had put glue is Sam's shampoo, after Sam put spices in his boxers, and well, it ruined his hair. "He ruined my hair Gabe!" Sam cried to his archangel boyfriend who was currently half asleep but stayed awake to help his lover.

"Why not-" Gabriel's sentence was cut off by a yawn before he continued talking again. "Get him back with Castiel and some Myrrh?" Gabriel asked and Sam looked back at Gabriel, "Why? What does Myrrh do?" Sam asked and Gabriel smiled. "Myrrh attracts angels, it turns them on and they stick to whatever smells like Myrrh for hours, they even try to screw them if its a human that smells like Myrrh" Gabriel said.

Sam grinned and pulled him lover into a quick kiss, "I love you so much, how do you do it?" Sam asked and Gabriel had a silly grin on his face. "Just dribble a few drops on his clothes after he does laundry, once he puts on the clothes Castiel will be stuck like glue to him in minutes" Gabriel said. "Thank you" Sam said before pulling Gabriel in for another kiss making the archangel melt in his arms.

A week later

Dean has been getting suspicious of Sam, he hasn't tried to pull a prank on him since the whole glue in hair thing a week ago. It's been scary cause Dean has no idea when Sam will pull another prank. Right now he was putting on some clean clothes that he pulled out of the dryer. "Ah, clean clothes" Dean said as he smiled, looking down at the black shirt and gray sweats. He left his room and made his way into the kitchen to make himself a sandwich.

"HEY, ANYONE WANT A SANDWICH!?" Dean screamed out so they all could hear him. "I DO!" Gabriel screamed back, "I'll take one" Sam said as he passed by the kitchen. Dean hummed and began making some sandwiches when he realized Castiel didn't answer. After a second he felt arms wrap around him, "Holy-!" Dean yelped out when he felt a hand go up his shirt.

He turned his head back as best as he could to see Castiel. "Cas? What are you doing?" Dean asked and Castiel started to snif him. "You smell nice, so very nice, I want you Dean, I want you now" Castiel mumbled, Dean turned red and let out another yelp when Castiel moved his other hand down Dean's pants. Dean then realized why Castiel was actung like this, "SAM!" Dean screamed and he heard Sam and Gabriel laughing from the main room.

Seconds later he heard Gabriel and Sam leave, Dean let out a strangled moan as Castiel stroked his dick. "W-wait, Cas" Dean got out and Castiel let out a small hum as he placed kisses all over Dean's neck and back. Dean let out another moan and he dropped the ketchup bottle. "C-can we at least go to the bedrooOohh!!" Dean moaned again and Castiel nibbled on the back of Dean's neck.

The next thing Dean knew they were in his room, his back was pressed against the bed while he and Castiel had a heated makeout session. Dean's eyes flutter closed and he wrapped his arms around Castiel's neck. When they broke apart from the kiss Castiel ripped Dean's shirt off and started kissing down his neck. "Cas~" Dean moaned out, his boner getting harder by the second.

Castiel sat up and took his trench coat off along with the other two layers of clothes he had on. After he was done he was down to his boxers, he then went back to Dean and ripped his sweats off. Dean let out a yelp as he felt the cold air hit his warm skin, Castiel bent down and started to suck on Dean's jaw as one of his hands went down and slipped into his boxers.

"Ah! Cas!" Dean moaned as he felt Castiel stroke his dick a few times, Dean pushed Castiel by his chest and Castiel sat up, a confused look danced on his face as he stared down at Dean. "Don't be gentle, please" Dean asked and Castiel grinned.

"Wasn't planning on it"

The next day

When Sam and Gabriel returned from their night out they found Dean and Castiel in the kitchen. Castiel was still stuck to Dean like a baby Koala being stuck to its mom. "Morning Dean" Sam said and his older brother glared daggers into his soul but didn't say anything. Sam and Gabriel laughed when they seen Castiel start kissing his neck.

They both ran out of the kitchen laughing while Dean stood in the middle of the kitchen, a hot mess, he wasn't going to complain though. He liked this.

A lot.

Word Count - 879

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