Long Live The King (pt.2, Sabriel)

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*This starts off when Dean and Bobby go back to the castle and Sam stays in the forest*


3rd POV

Sam watched his older brother and father figure walk away, he looked back at where his brother ran from and frowned, why would his brother run? Did he see something? Someone? He just had to know. He started walking in that direction and didn't stop till he seen an angel statue.

His eyes widned at the sight, he noticed another one future away but paid no mind to that one, instead his eyes stayed fixed on the smaller one that was closest to him. The angel statue was in a pose that looked like he was reaching up to touch something. Or to grab and hold onto something, Sam stared in awe as he looked the stature up and down, the statue was beautiful.

He didn't care if the statue was a man or not, he always knew he'd prefer men over women, he just preferred men more than women. He smiled as he cupped the statues cheeks, he read lores on how angels used to be cursed and only their true lovers kiss would awake them. He chuckled to himself before leaning in and pressing a kiss against the statues lips.

It was a soft kiss, lasted a few seconds, when he pulled away he opened his eyes to be met with a person, more or less a man who had just been a statue moments before. "Hey hot stuff" the angel said and Sam went red in the face, he didn't think it would actually work, he just thought it was fake, all made up! But now he doesn't know what to believe, an actual angel in standing in front of him.

"Omg, woah, I didn't think it was true" Sam gasped as he pulled away and stumbled backwards. The angel put his hands on his hips, his whiskey colored eyes stared at him with such mischievous and playfulness. "It's true alright and your my soulmate pretty boy" the angel said and Sam gaped in awe.

"Wow, okay, soo what does that make us now..?" Sam asked as he fiddled with his fingers, the angel looked him up and down and grinned. "Well idk about you but I think I'll take you over a women any day hot stuff" the angel said and Sam wen red at the comment, "So are we dating or?" Sam asked and the angel chuckled before walking up to Sam, his hips swaying as he walked.

"Hell yeah, I'm not passing up someone as hot as you, you gotta be joking" the angel said and Sam let out an awkward chuckle as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Damn, your tall, hot, and ripped. I got so fucking lucky, thank you dad" the angel mumbled to himself as he started to mentally undress Sam with his eyes. Sam grinned and looked the angel up and down as well.

The angel sure was cute, he had pretty light brown hair and his whiskey eyes were beautiful, he was short, maybe around 5'6 to 5'8. His body was beautiful, the only thing covering the pretty angel was an cloth that covered the front of his angels lover half and the back. The cloth was slit on each side of the angel so his hips and legs were out for everyone to see.

Sam swore he got a boner just looking at the angel. "Name's Ganriel by the way" the angel said and Sam's eyes flickered back up to the angel's eyes. "Sam" Sam said and Gabriel bit his bottom lip, he was one horny angel, that's for sure, before they both knew it they were sucking each other's faces. Hands roaming each other's bodies, both looking and yearning for the love they hadn't had in a while.

For Gabriel it's been a long while, way to long in his opinion. Sam's big hands gripped Gabriel's thighs and lifted him up, the sudden movement startled Gabriel but he wasn't complaining. Gabriel's wings folded into his back and disappeared, Gabriel dug his nails into Sam's back as Sam started sucking on his neck and collar bone roughly while slipping his hand into the back of his cloth.

Gabriel let out a light gasp as he felt one of Sam's finger enter him, Gabriel let out a moan and Sam softly growled as he moved down to Gabriel's shoulders. Sam pushed Gabriel up against a random tree and the angel rested his head on the tree. Sam stretched the angel out before removing his fingers, he used one hand to remove the clothes on his lower half.

Sam moved away from Gabriel's shoulder and neck to come eye to eye with the beautiful angel. Sam grinned and Gabriel grinned back, Sam then pressed his hard cock against Gabriel's entrance and pushed in. Gabriel gasped and looked up, he had never experienced this kind of pleasure before because, well, Gabriel's never been a bottom till now.

Once Sam was all the way in he sat there for a good few minutes before slowly moving in and out of Gabriel. "Oh~ Sam~" Gabriel moaned and Sam grunted, Sam stared to pick up his pace ad Gabriel reached one hand up, he held onto the tree as he cried out in pleasure. Sam grunted and he thrusted into Gabriel, his cock slid in and out of Gabriel's tight hole.

"H-harder Sam~" Gabriel moaned out and Sam grinned, Sam put one of his hands on Gabriel's back and quickly laid him down on the grass of the forest floor. Sam then grabbed one of Gabriel's legs and flipped it over his shoulder to get a better angle, he thrusted into Gabriel with amazing force making the dear angel scream and cum all over his chest.

Sam grunted at how Gabriel's hole clenched around his cock, he grabbed a hold of Gabriel's waist and contiued to endlessly pound into him. Gabriel felt amazing, he started seeing white so he grabbed a hold of Sam's shoulders and held on for dear life. Gabriel's eyes rolled to the back of his head and Sam felt he was getting close to his own orgasm.

Sam let out a loud moan as he came deep inside Gabriel, Gabriel gasped as he felt Sam fill him up with his seed. Sam grunted and panted as he slowly road out his orgasm, Sam soon came to a complete stop and they both stayed like that for a while. Both breathing heavily, Sam pulled out of Gabriel with a grunt before fall onto his back besides Gabriel.

"That was amazing" Gabriel breathed out and Sam chuckled, "It was, we should probably get going though" Sam said and Gabriel looked over at him. "I don't have anywhere to go" he said and Sam looked back at him, "Come stay in the castle with me, my brother won't care" Sam said and Gabriel's eye's widned. "Your royalty?" He asked and Sam gave him a cheeky grin, "Yeah" he said and Gabriel's mouth gaped open.

"I am so fucking lucky"

Word Count - 1193

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