Gabriel's Memories

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This is just a sad one-shot that came to my mind while I made fake sceneries of Lucifer and Gabriel in my head. So here it goes.

Asmodeus didn't just steal Gabriel's grace, he stool his dignity, his gay virginity (or whatever you call it), and Gabriel had a horrible, horrible, secret.

3rd POV
(After Gabe killed Asmodeus)

"Please Gabriel, don't leave!" Sam shouted at Gabriel but the archangel had already disappeared. He landed in the middle of an empty motel room, he fell to the floor, coughing and gasping for air. His mind was still in shambles, memories of his time with Asmodeus came flooding back. Horrible memories of his time with Asmodeus started coming back.

He fell onto his side as he began crying, tears fall down his face and onto the floor, he continued to gasp for air, the crying didn't help but he couldn't help it. He wished he just never remembered what had happened with Asmodeus, all those disgusting things he did to Gabriel, everything he put him threw, everything he had done to him. It was eating Gabriel from the inside out, what he had done that one time.

That awful thing he had done.


Asmodeus pulled up his pants and looked back at the naked and crying archangel, or what was left of one, he didn't have that much grace left, Asmodeus had stolen most of it so far. Asmodeus grinned and looked away, "Hope you learned your lesson boy, I'll be back later so dont get too excited" Asmodeus said before leaving.

Gabriel started shaking as his sobbing grew louder, he reached over and grabbed the torn up peices of clothes he had left, he carefully put them on and curled up in a corner. He held his stomach tight as he felt a sharp pain shot threw him, he gasped and his eyes widened, his cries grew louder and he let out a scream that shook the whole place he was currently in.

"No, please dad no, I beg you" Gabriel prayed, Gabriel's cries started to grow quiet as he took off his ripped up cloth of a shirt again. He looked down and put his hand on his stomach, he gathered up the rest of his grace he still had and his hand glowed a bit, he let out another gasp as it got harder for him to breathe. He fell to his knees and started crying again, Asmodeus had gotten him pregnant.

"No no no no no no no" he kept whispering to himself, "No, I cant" he cried before looking around, he found a big and sharp peice of glass on the other side of the cell and crawled over. He grabbed it and his hands started to shake he pointed the sharp end of the glass to his stomach as tears fell down his cheeks. He looked up and closed his eyes, "I'm so sorry baby, I can't, you must understand, I love you but I can't let you be born while I'm in here, with that horrible man" Gabriel whispered to his child.

He bit his bottom lip before plunging the glass threw his stomach, he let out a scream before putting a hand over his mouth to stop himself from screaming or crying. Pain like no other shot threw his body and he gasped, he could hear his child cry in agony before suddenly stopping. Gabriel slowly opened his eyes and more tears came out, he did it, he killed his child, he killed the child he had been wanting for so long, but he couldn't have it now.

Not while he was stuck in this prison with that man, that horrible and digusting man. Gabriel pulled the glass out of his stomach and silently cried, he killed his child, and his child let him as his child understood why it couldn't be born. "I'm so sorry baby" Gabriel whispered as he looked at the now bloody peice of glass. Gabriel dropped the glass and held his hand over to cut that was now gushing blood out.

"Forgive me, I'm so sorry my baby" Gabriel whispered to himself before falling onto his side and crying.


Gabriel walked out of the motel room, he had calmed down and passed out, he was thankful no one had been renting out the room seeing as he had been out for the rest of the day and night. Gabriel heard the door shut behind him and looked around, he then looked down at his clothes and frowned, he left the motel and walked into a store.

Everyone stared at him as he walked past them all, he bumped into a man and careful took his wallet out of his back pocket. "Sorry sir" he mumbled before walking away, he opened the wallet and pulled out around 260$. He threw the wallet and grabbed 2 20$ bill's out of the stack, he put the rest in his pant pocket before going down the clothes aisle. He grabbed his size clothes and waked up to the register.

He set the clothes down and the lady gave him an odd look as she scanned the clothes, "Your total will be 37.21$" she mumbled and Gabriel handed her the two 20's. He grabbed his clothes and just left, he didn't even care about getting his change, he just cared about getting the clothes and putting them on. He walked back to that hotel room he appeared in and opened it. He was glad he broke the lock before he left.

He shut the door behind him and hurried into the bathroom. He needed a shower, he set his clothes down on the sink and turned the water on to blazing hot. He stripped and jumped into the shower. Letting out a relaxing sigh as he felt the water hit his back. His mind wondered back to his memories.


"YOU BASTARD!" Asmodeus screams echoed threw the whole place, Gabriel awoke from his nap and jumped up, his wound had healed but it took all day for it to heal. Asmodeus slammed his cell door open and charged in, Gabriel let out a cry as he started walking back till his back hit a corner. Asmodeus grabbed a fistful on Gabriel's hair making him yell in pain before slamming his head onto the wall.

He did it over and over before he stopped, Gabriel cried as Asmodeus finally let him go, he fell to the floor and held his bleeding head. "You Bitch! I had to find out from 2 angels talking that an archangel got pregnant! Then I found out the archangel kill it! You fucking Bitch I know it was you!" Asmodeus yelled before kicking Gabriel in the gut. Gabriel let out another scream before wrapping his arms around his stomach.

"You killed my kid! So now you gotta pay the price" Asmodeus said in a dark voice, Gabriel's eyes widened and he looked up but was met up with knife slashing his face and right eye. He let out a cry as he held a hand over his eye. "Dont you dare hide or it will be worse" Asmodeus warned but Gabriel didn't listen to him this time, Asmodeus was furious and started stabbing the knife into Gabriel and cutting him with it.

All Gabriel could do was sit and cry while the pain spread threw his body, it hurt so bad but he couldn't do anything about it, he was powerless, weak, pathetic, and useless.


Gabriel put the new clothes on after drying off with a towel, when he was done getting dressed he left the motel, he walked into the main office and grabbed a new paper. He read it and grinned, he was in the same place as Loki and his son's. It was perfect. He put down the news paper and left. While walking down the street he felt a tracking spell suddenly go off on him.

Sam and Dean were tracking him down, great, just fucking great. Whatever.

Word Count - 1346

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