A Heated Night (Casifer)

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*Human AU*

Castiel - 26
Lucifer - 30
Dean - 27


3rd POV
(At a bar)
(9:48 pm)

Castiel was sitting at a bar, asking himself what he had done wrong to make his, now, ex-boyfriend break up with him. He gave Dean everything he every wanted, he got shot for him, he went to jail for him, he helped him, hid him from police, gave him a place to stay, and all he asked in return was for Dean to shower him in love.

But no, that what to much for the fucking asshole! He wouldn't show Castiel loved but he would shower a whore named Lisa with love!? He did everything for that man and all he got in return was being treated like shit! He was so angry but also sad. He needed to get his mind off Dean, he really did, this was emotionally and physically hurting him.

He chugged down his glass of vodka and asked the bartender for another, "You seem sad, after all, you're chugging vodka that fast" a voice said and Castiel looked over. A hot ass dude with blonde hair and blue eyes was staring right at him, "Names Lucifer, Couldn't help but notice you were heavy on the vodka there" Lucifer said and Castiel let out a small laugh.

"It's been a long 3 weeks" Castiel said after thanking the bartender. "The names Castiel by the way" Castiel said ans Lucifer grinned. "You look like an angel" Lucifer said and Castiel smiled, this Lucifer guy was sure a flirt, Castiel was thanking God he was a hot flirt. "Thanks, you don't look to bad yourself" Castiel said and Lucifer grinned. "Hey, these next drinks will be on me beautiful" Lucifer said, sending Castiel a wink.

Castiel smiled, his cheeks tinting with a red blush. "Thanks, you know, you have been the nicest person to me these last few weeks" Castiel told him and Lucifer rose an eyebrow. "Seriously? How could no one be nice to an angel like you?" Lucifer asked and Castiel fiddled with his fingers. "Guess you could say my ex really made these last few weeks a living hell for me" Castiel said.

"Hey, how about I take you to dinner sometime, if that's okay" Lucifer asked and Castiel grinned before looking over. "Are you asking me on a date?" Castiel asked and Lucifer smiled sheepishly, "Yeah, I am" he said and Castiel smiled, "Alright then, I'll go on that date with you" Castiel said and Lucifer grinned, "Yes!" He cheered and Castiel laughed, Lucifer was nice. He made Castiel laugh. That was nice.

Castiel already liked Lucifer, he was very nice.

(11:20 pm)
(In a motel room)

Castiel and Lucifer were drunk but not too drunk. Right now they were currently making out on Lucifer's bed in the motel room he was staying at for the weekend. "Is this okay?" Lucifer asked after pulling away from their kissing session, Castiel laughed and switched positions with Lucifer. "This is so okay" Castiel said and Lucifer grinned, "Just wanted to make sure you wanted this" Lucifer said.

"Oh, I need this, I haven't been touched by another person in months, I feel like I'm slowly killing myself" Castiel said as he tugged his shirt off. Lucifer sat up and took his shirt off immediately after, "Than I'll make this a night you won't forget" Lucifer said as he let his hands explore Castiel's body. Castiel leaned into Lucifer's touch and kissed him again.

Castiel broke the kiss and pushed Lucifer back onto the bed, he quickly removed his and Lucifer's pants before crawling down and removing Lucifer's boxers. His dick sprung out and Castiel stared in awe, Dean's dick had been a good 9 inches, but Lucifer's was a solid fucking 11. And it was thick, holy shit Castiel swore he could have an orgasm at the sight.

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