Two Broken Boys (Gabe×Cas)

53 2 0

*Human AU*

Gabriel - 20
Sam - 21
Ruby - 19
Castiel - 19
Dean - 24
Lucifer - 23


3rd POV

"Sammm" Gabriel called out, Gabriel was currently at his lover's apartment, Sam hadn't showed up to their café date and Gabriel got worried, Sam never missed any of their dates, he was always on time. When Gabriel didn't get an answer he made was way to Sam's room, as he approached he heard Sam's voice and he smiled.

He didn't think and barged into Sam's room, "Sam-" he said but quickly stood when he seen Sam and Ruby, both naked, with Sam's dick up her vagina. "Gabe!" Sam quickly said, he pulled out and threw a blanket on top of Ruby, he grabbed his boxers off the floor and quickly put them on. By the time Sam had got them on Gabriel had ran out the bedroom door crying, "GABRIEL WAIT!" Sam yelled as he tried to run after Gabriel.

"Cheater! Leave me alone! We're over!" Gabriel cried out as he ran out the apartment door and down the hall, Sam grabbed some sweats that were on the ground and threw them on as fast as possible. Sam raced after Gabriel as fast as he could, "Gabriel wait! Please!" Sam called out but Gabriel ignored him, Gabriel ran out to apartment complex. Gabriel ran and ran till he arrived at a park.

He walked over to the playground and sat under the slide, he hugged his knees to his chest and silently cried, he didn't notice the other guy walk up to the slide also crying till he was fully close. "Oh" he said and Gabriel looked up, "Sorry, I'll leave" he said and was going to walk away but Gabriel grabbed his jacket sleeve. "No, it's okay, I'd like the company if that's okay" Gabriel asked and the guy looked back at him.

He gave him a soft smile before sitting down next to him, "My names Castiel, Cas for short" the guy said and Gabriel smiled, "I'm Gabriel, Gabe for short" Gabriel said and Castiel smiled. "Why are you crying, if you don't mind me asking" Gabriel asked and Castiel looked down at the woodchips underneath him. "My now ex humiliated me at a party so we broke up and I came here, the one place that makes me happy" Caatiel said.

"Oh, sorry about that, what was his name?" Gabriel asked and Castiel started to mess with a few woodchips. "His name was Dean, Dean Winchester" Castiel said and Gabriel gasped, "Sam's brother?" Gabriel asked and Castiel looked up at him, "You know the Winchester brothers?" He asked and Gabriel nodded as he looked away with a sad look.

"Yeah, me and Sam were dating, but then I caught him cheating less then 30 minutes ago so that's ruined" Gabriel said and Castiel let out a small laugh that caught Gabriel's attention. "Guess we both went for the bad ones" Castiel said and Gabriel smiled a bit, "I guess we did" he said and the two smiled at each other. Both finally happy to find someone they can talk too.

6 months later

Gabriel and Castiel became best friends after that day, both growing closer to each other by the day. After a few months into their friendship they both started to develop feelings for one another. Right now they were both at their shared apartment, it was originally where Gabriel stayed alone but after Castiel's and Dean's break up Castiel had no where to go so Gabriel offered they be roommates.

They've been living together every since. They were both sitting on the couch, watching a horror move, cuddling under the blankets, while eating popcorn. "How can you not get scared?" Gabriel asked as he was slightly shaking in Castiel's arms. "I've already seen this 3 different times" Castiel answered and Gabriel let out another scream as a jump scare suddenly popped up.

Castiel laughed and Gabriel looked up at him, the two made eye contact and completely forgot about the movie as both of them got lost in each other's eyes. "Can I..." Castiel's words wondered off as he got scared Gabriel would look at him differently if he asked. Gabriel just nodded and the two slowly leaned closer till their lips met, it was a soft and sweet kiss, both enjoying the kiss very much.

When they broke apart they both started laughing, "What does this make us?" Castiel asked and Gabriel smiled, "Boyfriends. If you want" Gabriel said and Castiel smiled, "That sounds nice" he said before pulling Gabriel in for another kiss. The two continued to kiss each other till they heard a bunch of knocks at the door, "Wonder who it is" Castiel mumbled as he and Gabriel got up.

Gabriel pressed pause on the movie before making his way to the front door with Castiel, Castiel stood behind Gabriel, forgetting he didn't have a shirt of since he got out of the shower before they started watching movies. Meanwhile Gabriel was in short shorts and one of Castiel's shirts that was big on him. When Gabriel opened the door they were met with Sam and Dean.

"Gabe-" "Cas-" they both started but immediately cut themselves off. "Wtf" Sam said as he crumbled up the bouquet of flowers in his hand. "What do you guys want?" Castiel asked and Dean swore he was seeing red, "I've been looking for you for months Cas, then I come to find your staying with my brothers ex!?" Dean said angrily and Castiel rolled his eyes.

"What the hell Gabe!" Sam said and Gabriel rolled his eyes, "It's been 6 months, it took you both 6 months to finally apologize to us?" Gabriel asked ans Castiel let out a huff. "Your kinda 6 months too late" Castiel chimed in, "You guys missed your chances when you both fucked us over" Gabriel said. "Now you guys can't come to us because of what you both did" Castiel said. "Goodbye" they both said at the same time.

Gabriel shut the door and looked it, he turned around to Castiel and the two smiled at each other before laughing. Gabriel jumped into Castiel's arms and Castiel quickly caught him, Castiel hurried back into the living room and flopped down onthe couch with Gabriel cuddled up to him. Both were happy about how things turned out. It may have not been good for their exs but they were sure happy as hell.

Word Count - 1082

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