Kidnapped (Part 1)

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He opened his eyes. He was in some sort of basement? Cobwebs surrounded the corners and piled the boxes were scattered everywhere. Tommy's mouth was closed shut by a cloth. He realised, someone was behind him holding the cloth. Something about its shadow made him relax more and calm a bit. He was still aware of his situation so he didn't fully put his guard down. A person, about 6'6 With a deep, British  voice said,"You're awake. Finally, I don't need have to deal with your annoying snores."
Tommy knew who he was. His voice was just proof. "What do you want from me, Siren?"
Siren laughed, he stepped into view, "You little boy, saw my face. Kinda ruins the secret identity part don't it?"
"I'm.not.a.little.boy. And no I didn't? What you on about?"
"In the alleyway, I had a wound. I took off my mask and boom, you came."
Tommy was practically about to jump up and slap him, "BITCH SO YOU KIDNAP ME!? I didn't even see it! It was dark and creepy...I bet I would have died if I saw your face from ugliness. Unless you look like me of course!"
Siren crossed his arms, "I'm glad I don't look like you but I am very young looking. Plus, that dying part, Technically it was about to happen..."
Tommy blinks multiple times, "What the fuck."
"I'm a villian blondie, What did you expect?"
Tommy thinks to himself, he's got a point tho-
Silence. It was deafening and loud. It felt like time and the world slowed down. Siren broke the peace and quiet by saying, "Why are you treating me so...Friendly? You're acting like we know eachother."
Tommy smiles, "Well, if we were friends, I'd be hyper but your power calms me down. But otherwise...You seem kinda...Nice? Take that as a BIG compliment because you literally kidnapped me."
The Siren tries to look around the room and not make eye contact. Its clear he's never been complimented before. Tommy can't help but smile at the man, "Embrassed huh? I honestly think villians are cool and sick! Dream well..he's biased."
Siren finally lifts his head, "Agreed but how come you've grown to hate the number one hero?"
Tommy feels like its a conversation with Tubbo. Questioning everything, being friendly & kinda jokingly going to fight him too sometimes. The Siren feels more like a friends than a foe.
"Dream never helps; He's always focused on Pogtopia."
"FINALLY! Someone knows his shit!" Siren announced. It was at that moment where The notorious Blade walks in. "HEH!?"

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