The end.

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With an explosion, Tommy jumped and forced Foolish to go down with him. But, the boy wasn't scared, he was looking like he expecting something. Just like that, Enderman catched them, so did Doomsday joined them.
"TUBBOOOO! HELLOOOOO!" Tommy said as he held him.
"Bossman, you've been drugged. But don't worry. I've got a solution. Ran, escort, this new villian? I dunno," Tubbo pointed straight at Foolish. Enderman gave the potion, and Tommy's dizziness started to settle. Foolish made sure that it happened quick.
"Right, I think I'm ok. Now, we gotta get out of here!" Enderman shouted as he held Tubbo hand. "I'm not coming."
"Why not?" Tommy asked. "Its a battle!"
"I've been fired, and I'm gonna go insane. The heros need me as a spy. Plus, they don't know about Enderman and I," Tubbo held his hand tightly. Ranboo then transported them back.
Tommy looked straight at the edge again, but this time with a plan. "Right, Big Q, help Karl."
Siren looked at the people, and he had GNF hipnostised. He ordered him to make a giant light, so Philza could transport them to the area.
"Hey, I'm Siren. Quackity...I'm gonna help out, feeling a bit, weird," Siren replied.
"Jealousy," Big Q smirked as he fought more of the police. There wasn't enough to hold them down, and the duo was victorious. Siren calmly, hugged Quackity [ship if u like-]. Karl then awkwardly, walked away, "I'm third wheeling, sh!t."
Meanwhile, Tecno and Dream were battling it out fully, with just a bit of scars. Dream tossed a bit of a window at the man, and Tecno was unaffected except the only sharp cut on him. The power wasn't immunity, it was the power to not feel pain. He grabbed a sword, Dream had his with enchantments. He looked at Punz who was fighting with him. Punz grew the air, pushing Tecno off the edge. But Tecno, was too strong and got up.
"Ah, good. Now, time to finsh you off!" He threw his diamond sword straight at Punz who fell, but catched himself.
"Dont bring sword to a gun fight," Tecno pulled out a revolver and started to shoot. Dream resisted, and made the gun, with his telekinesis, fly. The gun hut Tecno straight, but did nothing.
"Dont bring a gun to a sword fight," Dream mocked. Tecno started fighting with his fists, then it happened. The stab.
"Sorry, it had to be done, you were immune," Dream smiled as he looked at building on fire, with all villians scared. Not scared, angry. Tecno with just a kick, knocked him off guard, and everything. He said, "I will fight till my final breaths," but he was smirking. The villian was smiling. He had something in his offhand, which gave him confidence. Niki slowly raised herself towards Tecno, on her water board.
"You," she said with bitterness in her heart.
Tecno sighed, "Now, Wheres GNF? Do you think Dutchess of Water may have him?"
"Not me, Blaze," she laughed as she hit him with a giant wave.
"Sharkboy and lavagirl, but reversed," Dream joked as he deflected the wave.
Punz, meanwhile was in a pickle. Philza whole attention turned to him, as his favourite son almost died. He grabbed and threw him, falling from a height. GNF hit everyone with a light as he caught Punz.
"Darling, get off me!" GNF claimed.
Punz was safe, but the dream team are in a giant pickle. Sapnap, was gone for some reason, GNF, captured and Dream...
The Blade then loss, blood, but Niki still fought by his side. He looked peaceful.
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" Niki cried. But then, A golden light emitted from The Blade came. His eyes were white, then back to his Blood red.
It was a todem. Foolish smirked as he watched everything. Siren then grabbed Big Q and Karl to see that Enderman was caught by the police.
"FUXK!" Big Q said what everyone was thinking. Timestopper stopped time. He grabbed hold of Enderman but then, something stopped him. He looked behind to see just Callahan.
"Damn, completely forgot you existed," he muttered to himself. Callahan smiled. The mute man punched him.
"Reindeer you aren't even in your suit!" TimeStopper reminded as he knocked a punch. Callahan kicked him away and he was to the floor. Karl, didn't do anything. Callahan looked around. He pointed to the building, which was growing in flames. And he unpaused everything. He grew a unloaded broken gun at Callahan, who dodged. There were many of the heros, more of the villains. Some vigiliants, like Ponk, were at home. But Callahan? He was here. Fighting with no noise at all. Not a click, nor a whimper.
"Well, Callahan, FIGHT ME!" Karl tossed more than just a gun, he was crying, and tired.
Meanwhile, The Blade got Niki to cover him  with a water wall. Dream was falling of the side. Tommy, meanwhile, was getting stronger from the chaos. Then he was at the ground, and another explosion. Tubbo flicked his fingers/snapped them. He then returned to the shadows. Tommy was at the floor, Foolish protected him. This, took a lot of his energy, but since it was so chaotic, he could feed off it. He touched the ground, and focused off the police alarms, and the air started coming to life. Punz, tried calming it down, but it was very strong. Punz, was able to avoid it, but, The others weren't. The air swirled in circles continously, and Dream, was captured. But so were so others. The tornado held Dutchess of Water and The Blade. Siren flew inside it, and then air grabbed even more. "Gotta stop now."
"Wait, Dutchess is transforming it into a water tornado. I gotta make it spin in a way it doesn't hurt anyone."
After is, everyone was pushed to the side, But Blaze, TimeStopper, Callahan, were off the range. So was GNF, so he made another bright light. It blinded everyone, and he escaped. The other fleed away but, Karl didn't know where to go. Big Q and Siren grabbed TimeStopper, and Siren hipnostised Callahan to go away. Right now, they were tired.
Foolish grabbed on tp his hoodie, as the air calmed down. Calm before a storm, and villians went into hiding. But thankfully, Purpled, Slime and Awesam were already working on it.
"Well Tommy, welcome. And Karl," Phil said as he flew them there.
"Uhm, my power, is building," Foolish mentioned when they got there.
"Here, we worked on it. I know, we all feel bad for not participating in the fight but Purpled of Las Nevadas first priority was to keep us safe. So we made sure that during the fight, we planted a tracker on Monarch. It was kicked off though.
"Oh, damn...." Quackity acted like he didn't do it. "Anyways, this is a chill spot."
"Yes, I could work there. But I think someone has some explaining to do."
Everyone stared at Tommy and Noah.
"Great, explanations," Noah then explained the whole God thing. Tommy described the sibling thing and identities.
"Wilbur is Siren, Big Q is Alex, The Blade is Tecno, Eret is Monarch, Phil is Minecraft, Purpled is Grayson, Slime is Charlie, TimeStopper is Karl, Sapnap is Nick, Captain is my therapist, Tubbo is Doomsday and Ranboo is Enderman."
"So we did the best keeping ours a secret?" Blaze smiled. Hannah, the sleeping beauty, snored louder.
"Oh yeah, there's Roses who is Hannah and Skeppy is Zak," Tommy added.
"Dang, you knew? I guess now, who cares!" Siren hugged his brother. Now they were family. Karl and Noah awkwardly stood, as they hugged. But then, Noah joined in with Karl.

Authors note:
Welcome to the last chapter! Of course, there's a lot of chapters, which I wasn't really expecting, so yeah! This chapter is a end of an era, maybe ill make an another part 2! Unsure though, school is staring next month. There's Tommyinnit side stories, that I will still continuing, which gives more intel on all the situations.

Im also making it in gacha club, if u don't like gacha club, fine, I just want the scenes to be shown like you can imagine them.
Heres the first one, I've made officially more, [3 videos] so yeah! Its genderlightsclub signing out!

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