One step closer to the truth

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Get the fuxk away from him! I'll take him thank you very much!" Tommy cried.
"I can understand how you are feeling, but just trust me. Im a friend!" Dream says. Big Q gets up, and then he runs. Runs as fast as he could, towards Dream and pushes him to the ground. Big Q transforms into Dream, to have his powers, and moves him away from them. Quackity looked at Wilbur and then runs after Dream. "Make sure he's fine."
"Wilbur, can you still hear me?" Tommy shakes Wilbur. No response. Tom feels his own heart. Its beating faster then light itself. Then he feels Wilburs. A slow paced feeling like a droplet water on a leaf. "Wilbur..?"
"I-Im here Tom. I just didn't want to give in to the tv thing. I'm here. Please don't cry."
"Oh..! You scared me!" Tommy laughed, still in the middle of crying. "Lets get you to a hospital ok? Can you stay awake for a bit for me? Please try to stay awake!"
"I-Its difficult. But ill try my b-best," he coughs, spitting more blood. "I have been in fights and conditions worse than this Tommy. Its alright. D-Dont cry!"
"Dont speak! You're coughing more blood. Now I'm going to take you over there? Alright? Don't say a word. Just stay awake for me!" Tommy blurted out, still panicking.
"Of course Tom."
Tommy lifts his hand. Thunder strikes everywhere, but enough to remove a cloud. He's got rage, depression and energy in his eyes. Touching Wilburs throat, The wound gets healed, but Wilburs still coughing. There's nothing Tommy could do to that. Tommy watches Quackity fall. Fall from above, when he was a bird. Slimecicle jumps in the fight, saving him. Tommy decided not to pay more attention. "Wilbur; its alright. You're alright."
A shadow steps up towards them. Its Drista.
"I-Is that your friend Tommy?" Wilbur questioned. Tommy nods as Drista leans down towards Wilbur. She gives a simple wave, and then crouches herself, to give Wilbur more support. Soon, Enderman is back in the fights. Its one of the biggest fights this year, and Tommy caused this. All because of the egg, everything. Drista looks towards Tommy, shaking her head. She knows what he is thinking. "Not your fault."
Enderman catches a glimpse of Tommy, and then telports away. Then, he comes back as Ranboo. "Tommy?! What happened to him?"
"I-I...He got hit by Dream. Please Ranboo, telport us to a hospital!" Tommy begged.

The commotion was loud in the hospital. A bunch of people got hurt, but Wilbur was still admitted and awake. They sat down, and Tom said, "What happend yesterday?"
"Jschlatt he..Got Tubbo off the team," Ranboo replied. Tommy gasped, "What?!"
"Come on, its not about Tubbo right now. Its about..Whats his name?"
"Wilbur Soot. But please. You scared me yesterday. Please tell me."
"Him yeah. Tubbo is very angry. He said he's going to blow up everything of they don't give his job title back. We are trying and so far, we got mine back. So now its only a matter of time."
"Oh...Ranboo I'm sorry. For everything."
"Its okay Tommy."
The doctor comes out with a board, "Hes alright. He needs a good rest. A week or so, and we need to get him medicine. Heres the prescription."
Ranboo stares at the note and then Tommy nods. Like that, Ranboo disappeared. He came back after a few minutes, to see Tommy and gone. The room number...Was 320! He telported there, and then sees Tommy sitting at a chair, having his fun. He didn't want the ruin them, it looked like they had fun. He instead, knocked. "Well. Im seeing Wilbur is alright."
"I've got a sore throat," He says just loud enough to hear. The noise sounded more like a mutter, or a morse code. Ran wouldn't be surprised if he heard a "ribbit."
"Oh Wilbur, this is my long-time friend Ranboo. You've met him, before. And Ran, this is Wilbur!" Introduced Tommy.
"Hi; heres your medicine!" Ranboo gave to Wilbur. Tommy filled a glass of water, and Wilbur swallowed it. "Ew," He coughed.
"Sorry you can't be on the field," whispered Tom. Ranboo nudged Tommy shoulder, "Come on! Who cares. It ruined my job so.."
Wilbur was in better conditions, but still need a rest because he was getting nauseous and headaches. The fight continued, and Wilbur obviously felt bad, as he kept looking thorough the window. Then fell asleep. To sighed, "Ranboo, I think we should leave Wil for a bit. And have a chat outside. I've got a bit of idea."
"Tommy whats up?" Ranboo ask.
"Well nothin' really. Im just a bit sad that you're are missin' fights," Tommy said with the most British accent ever. Ranboo clucked, "Yeah same. I hope nobody wins. Lets check." Ranboo telported them without warning,"That wasn't a question."
"Fair, hide though! And it seems like its a 3 vs 5. Villians are winning!" Tommy squeaked.
Ranboo sighed and turned away. Tommy took this moment to strike towards Dream. Stupid Dream! Fuxking Dixk-head! He thought.
"I'm assuming you're on villians side?" Ranboo raised a eyebrow. Tommy nodded. "I'm on your side, hottie. But theirs too."
They telported back, and the fighting had ended. Someone had triggered some sort of explosion, to clear it up, they hid it was Tubbo. Chaos filled the streets as the heros ran for their lives, and the villians ran too. Tommy smiled; being next to the window. The chaos recently, just manged to please Tommy. I guess that's why he's called the God of Chaos. Ranboo sighed, and another person stepped in, it was...
"XD?! WTH?!" Ranboo screamed. Tommy hesitated to walk near him; but did so. "Hi."
Ranboo put up his wrist, and shut himself, trying not to wake up sleeping beauty next to him. He snores louder. Kinda ruins the suspense. "I can't believe I'm gonna have to tell Tubbo that oh sorry I couldn't come yesterday! I was busy fighting GOD!"
"Fighting me? A big mistake," XD spoke.
"I'm very Holy."
"This is normal," Tommy mutters.
"Why you treating this normally?" Ranboo starts to aswell; but no questioning this.
"I'm a God too. Imagine. Im the God of Chaos."
"Oh. Ok."
"Jusf like that? You understand?" XD asked.
"Of course not! Explain!" He whispered, trying not to bother Wilbur. "EXPLAIN...!"
"Thats a lot to take in. So, Wilbur is a God and he doesn't know?" Ranboo asks.
"Yes, of course mortal. Tecno knows but he doesn't know about the rest," XD adds to the information. Tommy nodded.
"And their siblings? Well, it makes doesn't make sense."
"Karl removes their memories," Tommy answered. Wilbur yawned, and XD disappeared. "Good morning."
"Its only been 2 hours. Not a day yet," Tommy corrected him.

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