Just beat up a woman, Feeling good

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"You both are superheros. Its very clear."
Ranboo is at a loss of words. He doesn't know what he can say to change Tommy observation. Gas-lighting isn't his thing.
"How...Long did you know?"
"From the start. Took me a few days to realises, Tubbo/Doomsday's technique is quite similar don't you think? You were easy to guess too. There's not a lot of people with your height. Am I the only one with common sense or self-awareness?"
Ranboo stutters, "Well...Sorry. We should have told you.."
"And get me involved with all that hero shit? No thanks, you lot did the right thing. I'm sorry myself, making friends with the enemy."
"Is he...a nice person ignoring all that?"
"Yes. Quite like me actually. And a certain person I know."
"That's a secret, I can't trust you with all the details. You are his enemy, after all."
"You know his identity!?"
"You are asking for too much information, Ranboo. Don't want to be the reason the guy goes to jail do I?"
Ranboo looks up in realisation. This could literally end all fighting, all wars. But he. He is his friends. He doesn't want to speak. Ranboo is at a loss of words. He doesn't want Tom to change his mind because of him. He needs to be comfortable with it. Ranboo is wayyyy too respectful for it. Tommy notes that down. He snuffles closer, "Now, why don't you go back to your boyfriend. He may think we are doing 'it' you know?"
Ranboo punches Tommy. That hurt. Ranboo opens the door and Tom blows a kiss. Ran says before leaving, "Now, you know, keep it a secret will you? And I don't think he thinks we would do 'it' at all. Just look at yourself in the mirror. Don't think anybody like you could pull anybody."
Tom felt that. It hurt more than the punch. He felt alone more in the world. Looking around, nobody was awake or in the hallway. The only noises was the clock. He decides to take in the details of the hallway of the apartment. Red dirty carpet, A old antique clock, walls lightest blue in the world and its a really long hallway. He gets up with little- no motivation. He calls Wilbur phone (NOT SIRENS) and is shocked to see him up this late. He answers straight away. "Tom? Whats up?"
"The roof. The sky. An umbrella. Oh, the fan favourite, Your mum."
"She is dead."
"Yeah same uh-"
Tommy felt the awkwardness from Wilbur. He didn't understand introverted people.
"Well, Why did you call me in the middle of the night?"
"I wanted to check up on you. Are you home?"
"Oh? Really? Siren told m-"
"I AM ACTUALLY!" Wilbur exclaimed trying to hide it. "I was only kidding. What? Can't tell sarcasm? Also can you give more details on why you called me?"
"Yeah I can't. Your voice is convincing. And I called to check up on you. I told you before. Someone may it seem you may have been hurt. You left really quickly without warning,"
Tommy sighed. He should probably get him some lying lessons. Funny that, his power is gaslighting of some sort.
Wilbur takes a moment to think. "Well, I had to rush off, my job you know. I was supposed to meet up with my singing friends. Lovejoy. Its a gig. Have you heard of-"
"Soot Singer. I know. Your name literally suggested it. As a matter of fact, you writing songs, having the last name as him and looking like him suggested it already," Tommy responds like its something obvious. This scares Wilbur, he knows. What if he did the same process as finding out he is actually a villain in disguse. However, his voice doesn't suggest anything like that. The silence does.
"Good calculations. But why did you take so long to call me if you were really worried?" Even Tommy was practically convinced this time that he doesn't know. Nevermind the lying lessons.
"I had things to do. Places to be. Anyways, is it a burden to want to call your friend?"
"When it's like...12:00 yeah. I think so," Wilbur says while he hears faint elevator music in the background of the call. Tommy lifts the phone closer to his ear. He can't hear him for some odd reason. The elevator is a bit too loud. "Hey, is everything okay?" He says as Tommy's heart races in track with the lift.
"The...Machine...Woah. Im okay phew!" Tommy exclaims, poking Wilbur curiosity.
"Are you okay?!" Wilbur asks, even more worried.
"Yeah, No. I'm stuck in the lift again," Tommy answered like its a normal thing, "My friends are EXTREMELY cheap. Bought the cheapest apartment so this is how I suffer."
Wilbur voice stutters, "Again? This happens to you everyday? Do you need mi- Do you need someone help? Call someone if you do."
"Yeah let me just call Dream, I have is number"
"You do?"
Wilbur awkwardly shut up. He didn't know what to say. "Do you need help, Tom?"
Tommy looked around the elevator. He didn't know what if he was wanted right now. He just wanted his therapist, Puffy.
"Well, I can take care of myself. Would you mind staying on call with me?" Tommy said, placing his phone on the railing. He lifted his hands making the electrical sparks move down at the speed of light. He stopped the electrical current with a wink. The lift opened and he continued on his night.
"All is well," Tommy reassures him.
"I find it hard to believe you," Wilbur answered.
He leaves the building looking up at the sky. The dark deep sky holds its own secrets. The stars shined making everything lit up and happy. The sparkles of the sky, Tommy though, are like people secrets. They have so many of them however, some have already collapsed into gas. Some secrets have been revealed. He wondered what could have happened if Wilbur wasn't so obvious? He didn't see his face or anything so it was clear.
What could have happened? Would he still be friends? Would he be his friend still?
All this silence is broken up by a startling noise, making Tom realises Wilbur is still on a call with him. "YOU THERE!?!??!?!"
"Yeah! Jeez man! Quiet your shit!" Tommy snapped. Old people were staring at him. Tommy loved the sky, thats his power after all.
"Well, Do you want me to pick you up? I can come to your area. Tell me where you are."
You know godamn well where I am. You dropped me off after all, Tommy thinks but ends up muttering. Thank god, Wilbur didn't hear. It could've been the end for Thomas Simons.
"Yeah, I'll discord message you where," Tommyinnit said. You could hear the rapid clicking from the call.
"Right. Be there in a bit."
"In a bit."
He sends the location to Wilbur and walks in a circle for the for the rest of the time it took for him to get here.He was getting unpatient so he decided to sit at the bus stop. The streets were fairly busy since its the "Dream's birthday sale!" So everyone was rushing to the streets. Wilbur arrives with a coat. Its brown and "fairly" similar to the Sirens. So lazy. "Took you long enough!" Tommy said, jumping from his seat.
"Ain't my fault. Traffic ruins everything," Wilbur said, pointing towards the crowds.
"Get a better excuse," Tommy responds.
Wilbur looks annoyed and offended. His mouth is open wide. "AN EXCUSE?! IM JUST STATING WHAT HAPPENED!"
"Yeah, No. I'm a bit TOOOO tired to fight. But I guess, SINCE YOU ARE WRONG!"
"THIS ONE." Tommy says pointing at everything. Looking around, they are staring to gather a lot of eyes. Tommy looks behind him. There's a Bob cut woman behind him. She is blonde, with blue eyes. She also wears a pink cardigan with full sleves and a white shirt. She looked like covid had just started and she is in some sort of protection suit. Tommy looks at the woman, unpleased. He encountered Karen before, this one was like no other. He mastered Karenness, now he remembered when he was younger and roleplayed about a Karen complaint about the pizza being "nutty". Continuing on, the Karen stated, "Would you mind not being so loud?!"
The irony. She shouted this, louder than Tom. Wilbur wanted to step in, but Tom looks like he is coming from experience. Which is he is.
"Look lady, not get involved with this. Its none of business," Tommy manged to barely say calmly. He was about to punch the woman.
"I will not let this disgusting behavior on MY STREETS. Let me talk to you parents or guardian!" She declared. Tommy is surprised that she didn't ask for the manger. Oh yeah. We're on the streets. He thought to himself.
"I don't have any of those old woman. Now, scarm. Its not going to end well."
"Let me speak to someone in charge of you! Like that fine gentleman over their! Hello, maintain your brother!" Karen shouted, getting more frustrated.
"Brother?" Wilbur answered.
"Now, I gave you chances. Don't say I didn't."
"I Know how to fight, young man. Dont underestimate me."
"Dont underestimate me, Karen."
Wilbur looks towards both people. He stutters,
"Tommy, I want you to be safe. Lets not."
Tommy smiles at Wilbur and then engaged in fight. He punches the woman, making her fall to the ground. He looks around. He gathered a whole crowd, cheering for him. He punches the woman again and she is knocked out. He stepped on unconscious body, softly, "Just beat up a woman. Feeling good."

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