Should Have I Done That?

791 18 15

Siren does a confused face, "Hmm. I feel like I've heard that name before."
"Its a pretty common name Bitch boy. A lot of people have that name."
"Yeah well- You know what nevermind."
The Blade takes a few steps back, "What are we going to do with him?"
Siren opens his mouth but again Tom beats him to it. "Well, maybe you could uh..Leave me alone? I don't know why but it seems like a fair option. Its not like you wanted to kill me, you just had to."
The Blade smiled awkwardly and then walks away but says, "Blindfold him, you are talking him outside. I don't want to waste any more time on this kid. He's 14. Got a life ahead of him, you know. He ain't got to get into this."
Tommy stares at him, "I didn't wanna correct you, but stop with the assumptions. Im 16."
Siren puts the blindfold, "Jesus. I thought 18. I almost feel bad. Almost."
It wasn't a long journey, it was just a silenced journey. The quite started to irrate him and make him bored. He was sick and tired of it.
Tommy groaned, "Are we there yet?"
Siren laughed, "Yeah. What a little kid."
He takes off Tom's blindfold. Tommy looks around. He's at the edge of a building. He looks down and remembers something in the past.
A bad memory.
A really, really bad memory.

The Siren takes notes to his behaviour and pulls him further away from the edge,
"Now where do you live?"
"Uh. What?"
"Where do you live?"
"Uh. Why would I tell a villian where I live."
"I think right now, I'm more like a taxi driver."
"Like id ever get into a car with you."
"Ok, to be fair, I am a really bad driver. I'll just drop you off. Tell me, and or I'll leave you here right now."
Tommy sighs, "Ugh, fine. I live at Logstedshire. On the the other side."
Siren blinks multiple times, "Are you serious? You're lying aren't you? So I don't know where you live? Bro just trust me. I don't think I can say or do anything to make sure you do tho."
Tommy controls himself not to eye roll, "Ugh. Why would I lie now? I said where I live. It ain't my fault that im completely isolated from the world. So shut it."
Siren finally lifts Tommy up, "Heavy."
Tommy almost punches him in the face.
While in the way, Tommy's tummy roars and his embrassment gets the better of him.
Siren laughs then puts him down at a bricked red roof. The floor was slippery so Tommy sits down. He looks up to Siren and says, "Sit your ass down."
The Siren gives a quick laugh and then says, "You hungry? Wanna rob a shop or something?"
Tommy smiles, "Maybe. I've got an idea tho."

He returns to work in his clothes. His job is to take care of a cafe under a hotel and his boss is named Sam. But most people come for the coffee. Its like having a hotel above KFC.
Siren kicks the door open, "Hi."
Everyone puts his hand up and Tom rolls his eyes. He mutters to Siren while he walks towards the counter, "What's your order?"
Siren lifts his hand making everyone else in the cafe leaving. They left in such a rush, he didn't even had to hipnosis him. They both laugh.
Siren is almost about to die of laughter, "Nah did you see that dramatic entrance? HOW THEY WERE ALL PANICING WHEN ALL I SAID WAS HI?!"
Tommy realises that there's a camera watching him he looks up and Siren does too.
Tommy winks at the camera and it turns off. Sorry need to correct that, breaks off. It almost falls into the coffee machine.
"Cheese!" Tommy happily says.
Siren looks towards Tommy; proud. "Didnt know you had powers? What powers do you actually have?"
Tommy takes the camera and bins it, "You will find out."
"Anyways, I'll take a towering milkshake." says Siren pretending to be a normal customer.
"Yeah. Those are the funnest to make. It 4 favoured milkshake in top of eachother."
Tommy says with a happy voice.
Tommy makes himself one aswell and then gives it to Siren with a name on the front, saying...
"Bitch Boy. Very funny."
"I find myself hilarious."
They sip the drink and Siren is left with his mouth open. "This is actually pretty good."
"Pretty good? I can see it from your smile you love it." He continues to sip his drink.
Siren then drops Tommy home and sighs,
"Wait. Did I make friends with a criminals?"

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